Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

PTS Patch Notes v2.1

    Awesome, but a lot of questions posed in this thread need answers!
    Anti-Matter | Nightblade | AR 40 | Flawless Conqueror | Former Emperor x 2
    Anti-Psychotic | Stamplar | AR 25 | Former Emperor
    Anti-Matter | Stam DK | AR 18 | Former Emperor
    Anti-Gravity | Stam Sorcerer | AR 10 | Flawless Conqueror
    Anti-Freeze | Magicka DK | Flawless Conqueror
    Anti-One | Magicka Sorc | Flawless Conqueror
    Anti-Matter | Magplar | Shehai Shatterer

    Officer of Haxus | NA
    Member of The Order of Mundus | NA
    Former Member of Havoc, IR, Learn 2 Play and Crown Store Heros
  • ShadowHvo
    • Vampire
    o Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.

    Why... Why nerf Vampirism again..?

    The difference between a vampire and a werewolf is that the vampire is PERMANTELY! in their monster form, they carry both weaknesses and strengths at the same time! Give us back our Supernatural Recovery passive, without the need to slot an ability! Its -core- to the vampire experience in ESO, do not take it away please =/

    This makes no sense, both in terms of game mechanics AND lore. Even your own lore-writers state that vampires of noxiphilic sanguivoria gain increased health regeneration, yet in the actual game its an outright decrease.

    Please, make vampires into a more true elder scrolls experience.. instead of this stuff where you're watering it down to nothing but another skill-line. As a vampire-lorewhore, this is outright depressing to see.

    Also please leave our weakness alone, there is no need to decrease it further =/
    Edited by ShadowHvo on 28 July 2015 18:36
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • Darlgon


    Cyrodiil Updates
    Cyrodiil Campaign Changes
    Campaigns are undergoing rule changes for encouraging different styles of gameplay within the campaigns, including non-veteran campaigns now lasting 7 days instead of 5 days.
    • Azura: Ownership of keeps, resources, Elder Scrolls, and outposts will generate one point each per scoring cycle, and lasts 30 days.
    • Blackwater Blade (non-Veteran only): Ownership of keeps, resources, Elder Scrolls, and outposts will generate one point each per scoring cycle, and lasts 5 days.
    • Chillrend: Keeps, outposts, and resources will generate zero points. Ownership of Elder Scrolls will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.
    • Haderus: Keeps, outposts, and Elder Scrolls will generate zero points. Ownership of resources will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.
    • Thornblade: Resources, outposts, and Elder Scrolls will generate zero points. Ownership of keeps will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.


    OK soo..

    All campaigns except Azuras are now 7 days?

    If you want to get campaign rewards for the solo player and small groups, you want to home on Haderus, as all that matters are resources, no point in taking Keeps or Elder Scrolls.

    Guild groups who want to get thier alliance better and get campaign rewards will want to gravitate tword Thornblade again, as the Keeps are the main things needed to raise their Alliance to get better campaign rewards.

    Still trying to think of who would want to do Chillrend, as keeping the Elder Scrolls will basically be zergs coming in, capping everything keep on the map, taking all the Scrolls, to be replaced by the next factions zerg flipping the map.
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • Dominoid
    I thought traits on dropped gear/sets was going to be random in 2.1. Is this still the case? I didn't see anything.
  • Ysne58
    I hope we get a veterinarian sever because a level 10 is now level 50. So what there saying is that you don't have to play the game because when you go to pts your a veterinarian so. All the people that worked to get to veterinarian good job but we don't care lets make your hard work for nothing.

    What I don't get is we can't play on severs 1-49 but they can play on the veteran server. Know with the new update make a new charter get him or her to level 10 then join the vet sever and your a level 50.

    A lot of my friends 346 of them do not like this update all we wont is to have vet servers. What we don't want is level 10 become level 50 when there going on the servers 1-14v severs. I know your trying to help low levels but making them level 50 that has mad a lot of people made.

    Don't you mean veteran?
  • Markaeus
    "Arrows are now easier to see while they’re traveling to your knee."
    I absolutely LOVE the little things put in these patch notes.
    Glad to see stam sorc buffs got reconsidered. Cant wait to rip down zergs with the new thundering presence morph. This will certainly clear up all the issues stam sorc had in the way of lack of skill utility / solely dependent upon weapon skill lines for *ALL* relevant damage.

    Also, great nerf to bow passives speed utility. We can finally file the bows use solely under sneak attack openers for stamblades.
  • dsalter
    vampire drain needs a slight bit extra range and a smoother animation, currently it's tricky as hell to use in a real combat situation.

    also has holding block on a staff while falling off of a hight (i do this in cyrodiil off keep walls often) no longer causing your legs to roll seperate? currently bottom half rolls. top half... doesnt. and it's rather creepy
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Saucy_Jack
    All other races to the Argonians:
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • JTorus
    Darlgon wrote: »


    Cyrodiil Updates
    Cyrodiil Campaign Changes
    Campaigns are undergoing rule changes for encouraging different styles of gameplay within the campaigns, including non-veteran campaigns now lasting 7 days instead of 5 days.
    • Azura: Ownership of keeps, resources, Elder Scrolls, and outposts will generate one point each per scoring cycle, and lasts 30 days.
    • Blackwater Blade (non-Veteran only): Ownership of keeps, resources, Elder Scrolls, and outposts will generate one point each per scoring cycle, and lasts 5 days.
    • Chillrend: Keeps, outposts, and resources will generate zero points. Ownership of Elder Scrolls will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.
    • Haderus: Keeps, outposts, and Elder Scrolls will generate zero points. Ownership of resources will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.
    • Thornblade: Resources, outposts, and Elder Scrolls will generate zero points. Ownership of keeps will generate one point per scoring cycle, and lasts 7 days.


    OK soo..

    All campaigns except Azuras are now 7 days?

    If you want to get campaign rewards for the solo player and small groups, you want to home on Haderus, as all that matters are resources, no point in taking Keeps or Elder Scrolls.

    Guild groups who want to get thier alliance better and get campaign rewards will want to gravitate tword Thornblade again, as the Keeps are the main things needed to raise their Alliance to get better campaign rewards.

    Still trying to think of who would want to do Chillrend, as keeping the Elder Scrolls will basically be zergs coming in, capping everything keep on the map, taking all the Scrolls, to be replaced by the next factions zerg flipping the map.

    I pointed this out a while back and was told that very few care about campaign score.
  • Draehl
    ads1 wrote: »
    So no fix for Breton 3% reduced cost passive(which is terrible compared to high elfs 12% regen) Regen>Reduced Cost

    Not necessarily. Reduced cost is effective in that it applies to resources gained from alternate, non-regen sources such as potions, Siphoning Attacks, Battle Roar, Energy Overload, etc. Not that I'd complain to see 3% reduced spell cost and 3% more spell damage added in. There are plenty of bonuses for elemental magic, but very few apply to "magic" damage.
    Edited by Draehl on 28 July 2015 18:44
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • ShadowHvo
    Siphoning Strikes:
    • This ability is no longer a toggle.
    • Removed the Power and Spell Power debuff; your attacks now do full damage.
    • This ability no longer restores a percentage of your Magicka or Stamina. Instead, it restores a fixed amount per hit.
    • You will no longer build up extra visual effects on your weapon when this ability is cast multiple times.

    Does this count for the health recieved too?

    Also please reconsider making this into a toggle again, it needed change (For the better) but this seems more like a nerf, than an actual buff.. Which especially Leeching Strikes desperately needed, and perhaps even still needs.
    Edited by ShadowHvo on 28 July 2015 18:45
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

    Want to roleplay in elder scrolls online? Check out
  • vortexman11
    So...this big buff to Nord racials is increasing the 3% health buff to 6%? Thanks I guess....
    Guild of Shadows ~Elite~
    Învictus ~Council~

    EP | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 50 | Former Emperor of Haderus & Chillrend |
    EP | Phobos | Altmer Nightblade | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Cheezus Sliced | Argonian Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 30 |
    EP | Eterno Tempesta | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 33 |
    DC | Vortexman | Dunmer DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 12 |
    DC | Divine Storm | Altmer Sorcerer | LvL 50 | Rank 04 |
    EP | Pocket Vortex | Bosmer Templar | LvL 50 | Rank 24 |
    EP | Vortexman | Redguard DragonKnight | LvL 50 | Rank 28 |
    EP | Fungal Growth | Argonian Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 26 |
    EP | Eternal Guardian | Bosmer Warden | LvL 50 | Rank 13 |
    and a few other random toons

    Teaching by example >
  • BuggeX
    [*] Adjusted the note next to Aldmeri bounty boards to allow easier interaction with the bounty board.

  • WebBull
    Few quick questions/comments.....

    - No change to detect pots?
    - No change to Nirn?
    - Without the stam regen there is no reason for anyone to be a WW in PvP. Add to that the reduction in damage to vamps and everyone will now be a vamp.
    - How exactly are buff servers now eliminated. Did I miss something?
    Edited by WebBull on 28 July 2015 18:50
  • Gilliamtherogue
    WebBull wrote: »
    Few quick questions/comments.....

    - No change to detect pots?
    - No change to Nirn?
    - Without the stam regen there is no reason for anyone to be a WW in PvP. Add to that the reduction in damage to vamps and everyone will now be a vamp.

    "The Nirnhoned trait now increases Spell Resistance on the piece of armor it’s attached to, rather than increasing your total Spell Resistance."

    Do you even read?
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

    Guides and other fun videos at
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    We'll work on getting everyone's gameplay questions as soon as possible, but in the meantime...

    Nifty2g wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confirm if trials and vdsa have been scaled to vr16, you mention dungeons but not trials?

    ps. nice arrow to knee reference :D
    No, only dungeons have been scaled up to VR16 at this time.

    Pappa wrote: »
    Arrows are now easier to see while they’re traveling to your knee.

    busted @ZOS_GinaBruno ;)
    Heh, gotta get my kicks in somewhere! ;)

    Akinos wrote: »
    Is it just me or did anybody else not read anything about nirnhoned armor being fixed/reduced? I REALLY hope they just forgot to add that in the patch notes.....
    That was our mistake. Just added a patch note for Nirnhoned under Itemization, but will post it here as well:
    • The Nirnhoned trait now increases Spell Resistance on the piece of armor it’s attached to, rather than increasing your total Spell Resistance.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Rinmaethodain
    During ESO Live events we were told there are going to be changes done to taunting, especially fixing taunt immunity:


    Taunt immunity will only apply to monsters which are effected by multiple players Taunts.

    This means that two players can’t each take turns at Taunting the enemy but will allow a single tank to keep Taunting the enemy over and over. So if only one player is Taunting then the monster will not become Taunt immune."

    Cant find anything about it in PTS notes, @ZOS_GinaBruno is it going to be on PTS and is just missing from patch notes or this idea was dropped and wont be introduced to game?
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    • Vampire
    o Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.

    Why... Why nerf Vampirism again..?

    The difference between a vampire and a werewolf is that the vampire is PERMANTELY! in their monster form, they carry both weaknesses and strengths at the same time! Give us back our Supernatural Recovery passive, without the need to slot an ability! Its -core- to the vampire experience in ESO, do not take it away please =/

    This makes no sense, both in terms of game mechanics AND lore. Even your own lore-writers state that vampires of noxiphilic sanguivoria gain increased health regeneration, yet in the actual game its an outright decrease.

    Please, make vampires into a more true elder scrolls experience.. instead of this stuff where you're watering it down to nothing but another skill-line. As a vampire-lorewhore, this is outright depressing to see.

    Also please leave our weakness alone, there is no need to decrease it further =/

    i use bat swarm. im good to go. I'll just have to remember to stay on that bar more often.

    PS4 NA DC
  • Gilliamtherogue
    We'll work on getting everyone's gameplay questions as soon as possible, but in the meantime...

    Nifty2g wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confirm if trials and vdsa have been scaled to vr16, you mention dungeons but not trials?

    ps. nice arrow to knee reference :D
    No, only dungeons have been scaled up to VR16 at this time.

    DSA is considered a dungeon, is it not?
    Old member of The Order of Mundus, Mostly Harmless, Hostile, and Genesis Elite. Avid theorycrafter. Herald to competitive stamina DPS pre 1.5. How far we've come!

    Have questions? Send me a message on the forums or my other social media. Seeing people learn is my dream and passion.

    Guides and other fun videos at
  • WebBull
    WebBull wrote: »
    Few quick questions/comments.....

    - No change to detect pots?
    - No change to Nirn?
    - Without the stam regen there is no reason for anyone to be a WW in PvP. Add to that the reduction in damage to vamps and everyone will now be a vamp.

    "The Nirnhoned trait now increases Spell Resistance on the piece of armor it’s attached to, rather than increasing your total Spell Resistance."

    Do you even read?

    Sure do. It wasn't originally in there as you can see by the post below

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_Alex on 28 July 2015 19:32
  • PikkonMG
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    • Vampire
    o Supernatural Recovery (passive): This passive now only works while any Vampire ability is slotted in your ability bar.

    Why... Why nerf Vampirism again..?

    The difference between a vampire and a werewolf is that the vampire is PERMANTELY! in their monster form, they carry both weaknesses and strengths at the same time! Give us back our Supernatural Recovery passive, without the need to slot an ability! Its -core- to the vampire experience in ESO, do not take it away please =/

    This makes no sense, both in terms of game mechanics AND lore. Even your own lore-writers state that vampires of noxiphilic sanguivoria gain increased health regeneration, yet in the actual game its an outright decrease.

    Please, make vampires into a more true elder scrolls experience.. instead of this stuff where you're watering it down to nothing but another skill-line. As a vampire-lorewhore, this is outright depressing to see.

    Also please leave our weakness alone, there is no need to decrease it further =/

    I agree, there are a lot of good changes with this update. But on the other hand there are changes that I can and will not support. As the list currently stands this update is not worth $25 dollars and the bad changes outweigh the good of new content.
  • Bashev
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Anything about the armor penetration bug or heavy armor will be totally useless in pvp after the block nerf?
    Because I can!
  • dsalter
    We'll work on getting everyone's gameplay questions as soon as possible, but in the meantime...
    • The Nirnhoned trait now increases Spell Resistance on the piece of armor it’s attached to, rather than increasing your total Spell Resistance.

    what exactly does that mean?
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Volla
    Were is concealed weapon here ? i mean its still undodge-able ... ??? hurray for all magica builds allways more benefits than stamina. this shows that Zenimax really don't play the game them self...
  • xaraan
    Magicka Detonation: This ability now adds bonus damage for the amount of targets hit by it with 5% per target, up to a maximum of 25%.

    Leave it to ZoS to hear feedback on something and screw up the implementation. Maxing this ability out (along with other changes) makes it just as bad. If it's for anti-zerging, it should have no max or an extremely high max. With that change, it still gives zergs the advantage against a smaller force (even more so with insta-cast).
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Draehl
    Volla wrote: »
    Were is concealed weapon here ? i mean its still undodge-able ... ??? hurray for all magica builds allways more benefits than stamina. this shows that Zenimax really don't play the game them self...

    "The abilities Molten Whip and Veiled Strike can now be avoided by roll dodging"

    I'm making a reasonable assumption that this applies to Veiled Strike's 2 morphs.
    Edited by Draehl on 28 July 2015 19:00
    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • Erock25
    xaraan wrote: »
    Magicka Detonation: This ability now adds bonus damage for the amount of targets hit by it with 5% per target, up to a maximum of 25%.

    Leave it to ZoS to hear feedback on something and screw up the implementation. Maxing this ability out (along with other changes) makes it just as bad. If it's for anti-zerging, it should have no max or an extremely high max. With that change, it still gives zergs the advantage against a smaller force (even more so with insta-cast).

    YES THIS^^^^

    They need to make magick detonation the true anti zerg ability. 30 people grouped up within 10m of each other should be decimated with one cast of this just to discourage stacking up like that.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • MisterJimothy
    xaraan wrote: »
    Magicka Detonation: This ability now adds bonus damage for the amount of targets hit by it with 5% per target, up to a maximum of 25%.

    Leave it to ZoS to hear feedback on something and screw up the implementation. Maxing this ability out (along with other changes) makes it just as bad. If it's for anti-zerging, it should have no max or an extremely high max. With that change, it still gives zergs the advantage against a smaller force (even more so with insta-cast).

    It's base ability is being nerfed......

    Proximity Detonation (Magicka Detonation morph): This ability is now an instant cast. We also increased the detonation time to 8 seconds, and reduced the damage by 28% to compensate
  • Nifty2g
    We'll work on getting everyone's gameplay questions as soon as possible, but in the meantime...

    Nifty2g wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confirm if trials and vdsa have been scaled to vr16, you mention dungeons but not trials?

    ps. nice arrow to knee reference :D
    No, only dungeons have been scaled up to VR16 at this time.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno I know this is about pvp, but I really hope you push it to be scaled by the release, it's a huge let down to see trials / vdsa the only competitive pve not being scaled but seeing dungeons get scaled
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