Currently in three guilds that I'm satisfied with and would like to fill up the last two spots.
At this moment, currently level 41 nightblade, usually dual wielding or using a bow. Also a werewolf, but I save my bites for members of a werewolf guild I'm in, so no bites.Would prefer guilds with a decent amount of players in it and NO SCREAMING 12 YEAR OLDS! A guild store and trader would be preferred.
I do have a Mic and will use it every now and then, unless a bunch of little 12 year-old trolls are causing chaos. I mean 12 year olds as in the way people act, being disrespectful little ( words that Zenimax blocks out with ******* these. )
PSN is Armanizeshep
I am usually on around 8am eastern time after work and when I have a day or two off, it depends on when I feel like waking up. Hope to hear from some people.
Edited by ArmaniZeShep on 10 July 2015 14:23