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@ZoS Save PVP and Balance

  • akray21
    Rhakon wrote: »
    @ZoS Save PVP and Balance.

    I love this game but what is happaning now is disgusting, its the worst game balance ive ever seen in any PvP-Game!
    Damage is to high, CC need to be balanced at all classes. CC should be available, predictable and tactically usefull for all classes.

    Nightblades need a massive nerf. well played this squishy roaming rouges cant get killed.
    They have best CC with best burst while can escape every dangerus situation, outlast enemys is also no problem if burst is to low.There are no disadvateges to Nightblades, and the detection pots are useless to often,when you took one you cant take antiknockback potion against fear, and when you take this you would need tripod before you get outlasted, aso...
    NB has an answer on all situation.

    Sorcs have best defence shield and cast-absorbing escape they have no risk either to skill full glasscannon.
    The minefield destroyes allmost all melee fighters when used right.
    The spelldmg and regen can be stacked to high.
    Mages could need a good stamina build.
    The pets could be cool but the need changes.

    Templars needs love! Radiant destruction is a joke of a finisher, nerfed already 3 times...but is anoying as hell.
    Beside that Templars are to weak in one on one that you never see one at the duel place.
    Templar needs a whole rework, they have no utility and all what made them strong got nerfed(cyrodiil shield and heal-nerf)
    Blazing shield was patched into uselessnes and the aura does the same as pots, casts are slow and reflecable.......... there you could go on endless..
    While they was the weakest class hit them lying on the ground!

    Dragonknights feel well rounded atm nothing is out of controll.
    Enlight me whats to strong or weak at this class? ive no idea.

    Glasscannons should have a risk to do high damage i does not see an disadvantage. especially at NB and Sorc.
    Make armor Usefull again!

    in patch 1.5 was way better balance, the situation now is out of controll!

    Do something and bring content to PvP !

    And please, Sorcs and NB not try to defend your imbalance with deceptive arguments. Be fair and think of solutions!

    Anyone have ideas, coplaints or solutions?


    Don't lump stamina NB with Magicka... us magicka blades lack nearly everything that our stamima counterparts have... this is more an issue magicka v stamina
  • Soulac
    akray21 wrote: »
    Rhakon wrote: »
    @ZoS Save PVP and Balance.

    I love this game but what is happaning now is disgusting, its the worst game balance ive ever seen in any PvP-Game!
    Damage is to high, CC need to be balanced at all classes. CC should be available, predictable and tactically usefull for all classes.

    Nightblades need a massive nerf. well played this squishy roaming rouges cant get killed.
    They have best CC with best burst while can escape every dangerus situation, outlast enemys is also no problem if burst is to low.There are no disadvateges to Nightblades, and the detection pots are useless to often,when you took one you cant take antiknockback potion against fear, and when you take this you would need tripod before you get outlasted, aso...
    NB has an answer on all situation.

    Sorcs have best defence shield and cast-absorbing escape they have no risk either to skill full glasscannon.
    The minefield destroyes allmost all melee fighters when used right.
    The spelldmg and regen can be stacked to high.
    Mages could need a good stamina build.
    The pets could be cool but the need changes.

    Templars needs love! Radiant destruction is a joke of a finisher, nerfed already 3 times...but is anoying as hell.
    Beside that Templars are to weak in one on one that you never see one at the duel place.
    Templar needs a whole rework, they have no utility and all what made them strong got nerfed(cyrodiil shield and heal-nerf)
    Blazing shield was patched into uselessnes and the aura does the same as pots, casts are slow and reflecable.......... there you could go on endless..
    While they was the weakest class hit them lying on the ground!

    Dragonknights feel well rounded atm nothing is out of controll.
    Enlight me whats to strong or weak at this class? ive no idea.

    Glasscannons should have a risk to do high damage i does not see an disadvantage. especially at NB and Sorc.
    Make armor Usefull again!

    in patch 1.5 was way better balance, the situation now is out of controll!

    Do something and bring content to PvP !

    And please, Sorcs and NB not try to defend your imbalance with deceptive arguments. Be fair and think of solutions!

    Anyone have ideas, coplaints or solutions?


    Don't lump stamina NB with Magicka... us magicka blades lack nearly everything that our stamima counterparts have... this is more an issue magicka v stamina

    Uhm I know at least four Magicka NBs who are doing great in groups, PvE and duels. Maybe you're just doing something wrong.
    A good Magicka NB got a huge advantage against his counter part, the stamina NB btw.

    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Sav72
    Fix animation canceling, and problem solved.........

    Savoifair, EP NB

    If you break something, you can glue it back together and fix it, but, it will always be broken...

  • izjiz
    Nerf sorcs,
    sometimes when i snipe them, they don't die instantly.
    Frustrating stuff...
    Izjiz - Dc NB v14
    Izjïz- EP temp v14
    CEzy - DC sorc v14
    cezy - DC dk v14
    Izjiz Jnr - AD DK v14
    īzjiz - DC NB ( khajit ) v14
    cEzy - EP Sorc - v1
  • Joy_Division
    Soulac wrote: »
    akray21 wrote: »
    Rhakon wrote: »
    @ZoS Save PVP and Balance.

    I love this game but what is happaning now is disgusting, its the worst game balance ive ever seen in any PvP-Game!
    Damage is to high, CC need to be balanced at all classes. CC should be available, predictable and tactically usefull for all classes.

    Nightblades need a massive nerf. well played this squishy roaming rouges cant get killed.
    They have best CC with best burst while can escape every dangerus situation, outlast enemys is also no problem if burst is to low.There are no disadvateges to Nightblades, and the detection pots are useless to often,when you took one you cant take antiknockback potion against fear, and when you take this you would need tripod before you get outlasted, aso...
    NB has an answer on all situation.

    Sorcs have best defence shield and cast-absorbing escape they have no risk either to skill full glasscannon.
    The minefield destroyes allmost all melee fighters when used right.
    The spelldmg and regen can be stacked to high.
    Mages could need a good stamina build.
    The pets could be cool but the need changes.

    Templars needs love! Radiant destruction is a joke of a finisher, nerfed already 3 times...but is anoying as hell.
    Beside that Templars are to weak in one on one that you never see one at the duel place.
    Templar needs a whole rework, they have no utility and all what made them strong got nerfed(cyrodiil shield and heal-nerf)
    Blazing shield was patched into uselessnes and the aura does the same as pots, casts are slow and reflecable.......... there you could go on endless..
    While they was the weakest class hit them lying on the ground!

    Dragonknights feel well rounded atm nothing is out of controll.
    Enlight me whats to strong or weak at this class? ive no idea.

    Glasscannons should have a risk to do high damage i does not see an disadvantage. especially at NB and Sorc.
    Make armor Usefull again!

    in patch 1.5 was way better balance, the situation now is out of controll!

    Do something and bring content to PvP !

    And please, Sorcs and NB not try to defend your imbalance with deceptive arguments. Be fair and think of solutions!

    Anyone have ideas, coplaints or solutions?


    Don't lump stamina NB with Magicka... us magicka blades lack nearly everything that our stamima counterparts have... this is more an issue magicka v stamina

    Uhm I know at least four Magicka NBs who are doing great in groups, PvE and duels. Maybe you're just doing something wrong.
    A good Magicka NB got a huge advantage against his counter part, the stamina NB btw.

    You should explain why you feel as you do because most believe believe differently.
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    izjiz wrote: »
    Nerf sorcs,
    sometimes when i snipe them, they don't die instantly.
    Frustrating stuff...

    Nerf bow damage from stealth
    sometimes im running along and i die instantly from snipe, one shot.
    Frustrating stuff because i cant react to fight back.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Draehl
    Soulac wrote: »

    Uhm I know at least four Magicka NBs who are doing great in groups, PvE and duels. Maybe you're just doing something wrong.

    Yes, if you want to play a carbon copy of a stamina NB and burst people down, sure. Sypher style builds are effective but none too enjoyable, especially for those of us that looked at the class in beta and saw skills like Funnel Health, Dark Shades, Refreshing Path, Crippling Grasp, Prolonged Agony, etc. and saw a kit that looked like it could add up to a great light/heavy armor hybrid attrition build.
    A good Magicka NB got a huge advantage against his counter part, the stamina NB btw.

    If they don't implode us within 2 globals. Running 28k hp, 2pc heavy, s&b and still get dropped like nothing by Greatsword NBs. I'll agree Piercing Mark is great to have, but Stamina NBs can run it against us magicka builds just the same.

    Main: Breton Nightblade "Shadow Cleric" (Sustained Damage/offhealer) 5L/2H - Resto + S&B
    Alt: Argonian Dragonknight (Stam DoTs/Tank) 5H/2M - S&B + Bow
    Alt: Nord Templar Berserker (Rawr) 5M/2H - Dual Wield + Two Hander
    Alt: Altmer Sorceror (Pewpew) 7L - Destro + Resto
  • PhatGrimReaper
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Sacadon wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    The problem with PvP on games is people are too obsessed with killing each other they forget what games are really suppose to be about: fun. And it's not fun being one-shotted.
    If @Ezareth's pic didn't make sense...

    The whole point of PvP is that fighting and killing other players is exactly what makes it fun. No one likes getting rekt. But it's fun as hell doing it to another player. Especially when you've invested weeks or months perfecting your build and skill sequence/rotation.

    If you're not obsessed with killing other players, PvP is not for you.

    In your opinion maybe it's fun as hell doing it to another player. But not for me. There is just absolutely nothing fun about walking up to something and one-shotting it. I don't enjoy it in PvE either.

    I prefer to fight targets that can fight back and give a bit of challenge. I don't enjoy gameplay that revolves around killing the target it in a single hit or rotation before they can retaliate. So I think it's safe to say we have very different ideas about what fun as hell is.

    If this is so fun for you - maybe you should go visit a low level zone and run around blasting monsters 50 levels under you in a single hit. But some of us enjoy PvP because we like the added challenge of fighting targets who can fight back using intelligence. We don't do it so we can run around one-shotting people with ridiculously over-powered abilities. This is actually what ruins PvP on games if you asked me - when this obsession to quickly kill each other replaces the quality of gameplay.

    Using the intelligence of which you speak, why not devise a means of countering the skills that One Hit you... all scales have a balance point, there is always an opposite.
    I play as a DK Tank and like every other play style, it has pros and cons.
    I sacrifice damage output for Durability and Utility.... I have been killed by NBs and Sorcs, and DKs and Templars for that matter, but it's not because they have an unfair advantage, it's a combination of their skill and them taking best advantage of the situation.

    If you get a NB or Sorc in trouble can they run away, sure.... but they ran away, you didn't die.... If a NB/Sorc hits you with burst from stealth and you aren't prepared, yes they may kill you quick, but there is a solution, always be prepared!!!
    Remember, it's Alliance War, not Alliance cuddles.

    S*** Happens in war, if you are walking around a war zone unprepared and ill equipped you are going to die... fast.

    TBH, I think the best advice for the cry babies on this thread is either learn to PVP or give up PVP.

    I don't intend to offend or be mean in anyway, but it is a game based around stabbing things with swords and hurling balls of fire at each other..... killing is sort of expected.

    That's my two cents.

    Fat Grim Reaper - (m)Dragon Knight AR28
    F G R Junior - Templar AR26
    This One Had Name Changed - Nightblade AR19
    Fat Grim Streaker - Sorcerer AR15
    M12-GM - Guardians of the Twelve-GM - Crown Store Heroes - ETU
    RÀGE - R.I.P
  • Cody
    izjiz wrote: »
    Nerf sorcs,
    sometimes when i snipe them, they don't die instantly.
    Frustrating stuff...

    Nerf bow damage from stealth
    sometimes im running along and i die instantly from snipe, one shot.
    Frustrating stuff because i cant react to fight back.

    nerf the argonian racial passives. they are extremely OP and get me killed for 95% of my deaths.
  • Soulac
    Draehl wrote: »
    Soulac wrote: »

    Uhm I know at least four Magicka NBs who are doing great in groups, PvE and duels. Maybe you're just doing something wrong.

    Yes, if you want to play a carbon copy of a stamina NB and burst people down, sure. Sypher style builds are effective but none too enjoyable, especially for those of us that looked at the class in beta and saw skills like Funnel Health, Dark Shades, Refreshing Path, Crippling Grasp, Prolonged Agony, etc. and saw a kit that looked like it could add up to a great light/heavy armor hybrid attrition build.
    A good Magicka NB got a huge advantage against his counter part, the stamina NB btw.

    If they don't implode us within 2 globals. Running 28k hp, 2pc heavy, s&b and still get dropped like nothing by Greatsword NBs. I'll agree Piercing Mark is great to have, but Stamina NBs can run it against us magicka builds just the same.

    Everything of a stamina nightblade is dodgeable, while teleport Strike and Concealed weapon aren't.
    A skilled Magicka NB got a huge advantage as you can see since together with mark the only defense a stamina build could use is heal and movement then. (you need to purge two times for mark, not worth it.)

    Don't understand what you're trying to say in the first part of your comment tho.

    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • C0pp3rhead
    As far as Templars are concerned, one quick fix they could implement is allowing one morph of the Templar Shield to scale off of health and the other to scale off of magicka.
    "Things which are alike in nature grow to look alike, and the speaking stones have lain a long time lookin' at the sun. Some believe they descend with the lightning, but I believe they are on the ground and are projected downward by the bolt."

    Fear my moustache powers.

    Tastes-New-Blood - V14 Argonian Templar
    Giblets N Bits - V2 Imperial Nightblade
    Skruyue N'Alyutu - V1 Altmer Sorcerer
    Jolbie Firecrotch - L31 Nord Dragonknight

    Vehemence - - Valhalla's Guard
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