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Blackrose Cartel (RP guild)

About us (Out of Character)

Blackrose Cartel is a roleplaying guild dedicated to bringing original, realistic and lore-friendly roleplay experience to its members. Currently we count 20 members from various countries around Europe and have smaller and bigger events on daily basis.
Our roleplay is based on our storyline, which is completely lore-friendly and has elements of crime, Sithis worship, mysticism and respect for Argonian history.
The roleplay is organized in "cell system", which enables Cartel's members to be able to roleplay more often and on various locations throughout Tamriel, not being limited only to Shadowfen. This guild consists of 10 ranks, including 'Candidate' rank and with each rank having its own role and initiation. Upon joining a guild in-game, you become a 'Candidate' and in order to become a fullmember you need to pass a certain IC test. This will be further explained later on in this post.
This guild leads policy of "Purity", meaning that being offline for 30 days without leaving a note or informing an officer in any way about your inactivity in advance will result in being kicked from the guild. If your disappearance was unexpected and you couldn't contact an officer, contact leader of the guild in order to get your invitation and old rank back. Same applies for being a member but not participating on guild's events and mini-events.
About us (In Character)
Ithisskk'uth-Sanssl'an (Jel for 'Touch of Shadows'), or nowadays more commonly known as 'Blackrose Cartel', is an old organization rooted deep in Argonian culture and history. It originates from Si'thlikass'uth-Kis'sqon (Jel for 'Echo of Silence'), a secretive priesthood brotherhood that reveres Sithis and whose priority is the defense of Argonia by protecting a powerfull ancient artifact called Black Rose. However as the years passed, the Cartel grew in ideology and numbers. From an enforcement branch of EoS to a full-fledged unlawful network, it now welcomes any who can align themselves with their code, given by the the "Rule of Six". As of now, members of the Cartel engage in profitable activites that obey its precepts, though it is not affraid of getting its hands dirty, to the shared benefit of its members and Black Marsh.

"Rule of Six:

Never hurt innocents or children. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never provoke, threaten, or disrespect another member. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never dishonor The Cartel's history and teachings. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never betray The Cartel and its secrets. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never betray your brethren. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never disobey orders of Echo of Silence. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

To provoke Echo of Silence is to demand death from the Dread Father."

Lowest ranking members of the Blackrose Cartel are known as Candidates, who aren't yet official members of the cartel, but are taken into consideration and given various tasks, tests and puzzles in order to prove that they are the right people for the organization. If they pass all tests, they are then invited into the Blackrose Cartel and become Enforcers.

Enforcers are lowest ranking members of The Cartel and the do most of the Cartel's "dirty work" across its area of influence and operate at certain cities or parts of the region in small crews led by the Brothers. Enforcers recognized by Echo of Silence and high-ranked members of Cartel because of their contribution are promoted to Rogues.
Above them in the hierarchy, Brothers are highest ranked members of Blackrose Cartel and they usually lead a cell of Cartel's members in order to organize them to earn gold for The Cartel. At initiation to this rank, initiate is asked to choose a path. They are offered Path of Sword and Path of Enlightement. If they choose first choice, they choose to stay soldiers of EoS by being officers of Blackrose Cartel, and if they choose the latter, they choose to become Acolytes, which means that they aspire to join EoS and dedicate their lives to Lord Sithis. By becoming Acolytes they get in contact with lower ranking members of Echo of Silence, who teach them in their ideology and Sithis religion, and if the candidate thinks that he ready to become a priest of Sithis, he/she needs to get vouch from every member of EoS and after that he/she needs to pass a test in order to join The Echo. If passed, a ceremony is organized and the newcomer is welcomed by his new family.
Highest ranked member of Touch of Shadows is known as 'Overseer', a person chosen by EoS to lead and organize The Cartel in their name, and he/she answers directly to the Nameless Council.

Lower ranking members of Echo of Silence are known as EoS Agents, and they teach the Acolytes in various matters in order to introduce them to their ideology and beliefs, while Agents themselves are Disciples of Sithis. Agents are taught by EoS Nameless in deeper understandings of Sithis religion and Echo of Silence ideology. Agents are representatives of EoS to Cartel, with higher ranked EoS members being rarely seen by members of Cartel.
Higher ranking members of Echo of Silence are known as EoS Nameless and they serve as Priests of Sithis. EoS Nameless, together with Master of Scion, form Nameless Council, ruling body of EoS, who protect Secret of Scion and location of The Rose. Each member of Nameless Council has his/her own Emissary, who is their representative to outsiders and they are sent by their masters in order to keep them directly informed and involved in various matters.
Master of Scion is leader of Echo of Silence, with members of Nameless Council being his advisors. Echo of Silence used to be lead by eight Masters of Scion, but after a war there is only one Master of Scion alive today.
Now - Aedra and Daedra.
Before them - The Void.
After them - The Void.
The men and mer races of Tamriel worship Aedra and Daedra as their true gods. But what is divinity? Who wove the fabric of creation in the first place? The Master of The Void, Lord Sithis.

Only few remember this, but one race lives in dedication to the Dread Father - Saxhleel of Black Marsh, mostly known as Argonians. Sithis has never forgotten this, and thus during the Mythic era, Sithis' presence manifested in Black Marsh to show he hasn't forgotten his most loyal Saxhleel worshippers. The Dread Lord gave them a very powerful magic artifact to be used to aid Black Marsh, should some serious threat arise to it and its people. Because of the artifact's appearance, the Argonians gave it the name of "Black Rose". The artifact was offered to a selected few who proved worthy of Sithis’ blessing, and clues prove it was used in various places across the Marsh. Some say the Artifact was used for defeating invading armies while others claimed it could be used to move large stones, enabling Argonians to build various stone buildings, the most famous of which are stone pyramids known as 'Xanmeer'. With reduced need for outside help or intervention, the Black Rose made Argonians able to become a powerful and autonomous civilization. Sithis also bestowed certain secret powers to the bloodlines of those who were there when He came for the purpose of ensuring the colossal power of The Rose could only be utilized for extreme defensive purposes. Those Argonians formed an occult secret society to preserve their legacy, a brotherhood that echoes the powers given by the lord of nothingness – a family named "Echo of Silence".

After Sithis's visit many Argonians wanted to live where their Lord appeared, and thus built a town named Blackrose after their Lord's artifact. On the exact location of the apparition, a big temple was built in honor to Sithis, and in the middle of it stood the Black Rose. Members of the Echo of Silence naturally became powerful citizens of the city, leading the city from the shadows, and exerting influence outside it. With their newly gained authority, and lusting for a more direct and far-reaching grasp on their power, Echo of Silence created Ithisskk'uth-Sanssl'an (Jel for 'Touch of Shadows'). It served as an enforcement branch of EoS that operated in Blackrose city and beyond, instructed to use any means necessary to complete their mission. They were thus often breaking the law, giving them the nickname 'Blackrose Cartel'. The Echo of silence gave them five tenets known as Rule of Five, in order to prevent them from becoming mere bandits without values or principles that would stain their divine heritage.
"Rule of Six:

Never hurt innocents or children. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never dishonor The Cartel's history and teachings. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never provoke, threaten, or disrespect another member. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never betray The Cartel and its secrets. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never betray your brethren. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

Never disobey orders from Echo of Silence. To do so is to provoke Echo of Silence.

To provoke Echo of Silence is to demand death from the Dread Father."

In 11th century of the First Era, various non-Argonian pirate lords became aware of the Marsh's treacherous nature, making it ideal for their bases. At first they offered gifts to local Argonians wherever they came, so locals allowed them to be in Argonia, as long as they don't enter cities nor disturb them.But in 1E 1033 Empress Hestra ordered for the head of “Red Bramman” (the most notorious of these criminals) to be brought to her in order to end intensifying bandit activity. The Imperial Navy were forced to enter Argonia through the Bay and traveled deeper into the swamps than any other foreigners had before, to finally capture and decapitate the redheaded pirate-king in his bandit kingdom, near the modern city of Blackrose. Since Bramman was first representative of men races to the Argonians, the pillaging and slavery Bramman introduced into the Marsh made Argonians resentful towards the races of men. With Bramman dead, many of his subordinates aspired to keep making fortune there, enslaving locals, and practicing blackmail and extortion. In response, the Blackrose Cartel organized a full-scaled resistance against them, orchestrated by Echo of Silence. This was a true test of the Cartel's guerilla tactics, ambushing their supply and raiding routes. Both sides suffered heavy losses and eventually, rumours of a group of zealous residents wanting to steal the Black Rose surfaced. Echo of Silence intervened before the power was misused. Because of this, the organization decided to become more secretive, necessarily hiding the Black Rose from the general population and depriving the Argonians of its beneficial powers. But soon after, the Cartel organized a coup de grâce operation on the pirates' headquarters, ending the threat once and for all.

When the Second Era started, EoS concluded that enough time had passed since the attempt on the Rose, and they returned it to its official resting place in Blackrose temple. This was a grave mistake. In 2E 560 another incident occurred, when an unknown Argonian shaman stole the Black Rose and took it to Stormhold, where he created the infamous Khanaten flu - a disease deadly to all non-reptilians. EoS managed to track the extremist fanatic and ended his life, but even after they recovered the Rose the damage had already been done. Most non-Argonians in Argonia died, with eastern Elsweyr and southern Morrowind already affected. Inevitably, House Dres (who ruled southern Morrowind) deemed EoS responsible and commissioned the Morag Tong to kill leaders of Echo of Silence. Years of spying, counter spying and murder ensued, the Tong hunting down EoS relentlessly and almost succeeding in killing all of the key figures in ambushes, known by some as " The Crimson Skirmishes". Putting up a fierce defense and even killing many assassins, the few remaining EoS members ended up keeping a low profile to cease growing losses in this conflict. 

In 2E 572, the Second Akavir invasion started, forcing Nords and Dunmer, ancient enemies, to make an alliance. In the same year an Argonian Dres house-slave received a vision, her name was Heita-Meen. The Hist finally talked to her, a deliverance after being beaten unconscious countless times, accumulating years of pain and anger under the ill treatment of her slaver. The divine voice whispered in her mind, prompting her to "break off her chains" and to let her "fervor and fury become strength". With this advice, she mustered the courage to snatch up her slavers’ whip as she was about to be punished again, and choked him with it. Despite her success, she realized her freedom was still not complete, her civilization still threatened by another tormentor, the mighty Akaviris. Like many Argonians, Heita-Meen heard of the Black Rose and wanted to use it in the war. Carried by the force of the circumstances and her own determination, she resolved to spread the teachings of her vision, and soon, the dormant Echo of Silence answered. They came out of the shadows, reunifying long separated members, to give the people of Argonia the Rose again, considering the Akaviri invasion a threat big enough for it to be used. The rest, is known history.
The Argonians' participation in the battle helped contribute to the signing of the Ebonheart Pact between Eastern Skyrim, Morrowind, and Black Marsh. An inspirational figure, Heita-Meen was soon after appointed Vicecanon of Stormhold. And when the Ebonheart Pact was signed and solidified the alliance, EoS and the survivors of the Cartel decided to spread their influence across its territory and even beyond, to diffuse their ideology - that everyone, no matter of their race and origin, must break their chains and be free.

"The Echo of Silence Code:

Freedom is a lie, there is only Fervor.

Through Fervor comes Strength.

Through Strength comes Power.

Through Power comes Victory.

Through Victory, my Chains are broken.

The Truth shall free me!"

Nowadays, Echo of Silence still guards the holy Black Rose, some members still boasting His divine powers. The Blackrose Cartel on the other hand, remains EoS' day-to-day enforcement branch, establishing connections and bases across Ebonheart Pact territory, helping EoS making profits and ensuring a firm hand over its areas of influence. Whilst integrating members sharing its ideology as part of a family, it also endeavors to restore freedom and Black Marsh's lost prosperity. 

Here are some screenshots from our RP events, to give you some insight into how awesome we are :)

  • IC messages can be written only in "Say", "Emote" and, if needed, "Yell" chats. All other chats are for OOC messages.
  • It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain a positive atmosphere in guild chat. Same applies for casual RP. Members create casual RP themsevles, and leadership creates big events series.
  • Respect guildmates. Any conflict shall be reported to the guild leader and not be carried out in guild chat. This is to prevent unnecessary drama.
  • It is forbiden to mix IC and OOC, meaning that you cannot be mad at someone for something that happened IC.
  • Being offline for 1 month without leaving a note or informing an officer in any way about your inactivity in advance will result in being kicked from the guild.*
  • For IC interactions, Rule of Six needs to be followed, and in case of breaking it, punishment will be either Trial of Brotherhood or execution of that character IC by Echo of Silence, depending on weight of the violation and if it was your first violation of the RoS.

*if your disappearance was unexpected and you couldn't contact an officer, contact leader of the guild in order to get your invitation and old rank back.
How to join us?
In order to become a member of the guild, you need to register and apply to our guild website. Also, you need to contact one of the leading members of the guild : @Xeirseus, @XDeathhunterX or @MadLizard1994 in order to get an invitation. After you are invited and contacted by an officer, you will become a Candidate and you will need to prepare and, when you are ready, apply for a test.
Test is an IC interview where we test your skills in roleplay, quality of character's backstory and knowledge of our guild's storyline. We accept cliché backstories, but we appreciate if characters' backstories are original. If you pass all three parts of the test, you are taken to another location where you take an oath and get initiated into Blackrose Cartel, after which you become a member of the guild - both IC and OOC. While being a candidate, you cannot talk in guild chat nor you have any other abbilities, since you are not considered a member neither IC nor OOC. Purity policy for Candidates dictates that every candidate has two weeks after their joining to pass the test. If not passed after those two weeks, you are kicked from the guild.
*Names of RP characters must be lore-friendly*
*All races are accepted*


To be a member of Touch of Shadows means to help those you love... those you never saw... and those you hate, all alike, and never to take credit for it. It means to be a member of a family and do whatever is needed to help someone, and in return you'll receive the same from others.It means to be a soldier of Echo of Silence and help us in our holy cause, and to obey any orders given to you by Echo of Silence.

-Xinz'r, Master of Scion, during initiation to Touch of Shadows

Rose protect you and Sithis guide you, stranger, hope to see you in Blackrose Cartel!

Leader of Blackrose Cartel


Edited by Xinz'r on 21 September 2016 10:21
  • Xinz'r
    Come on people, there's no reason to be shy :)
    Edited by Xinz'r on 3 April 2015 23:00
  • Kirameki
    I'd guess you wanted to say that there's no reason to be shy instead of there's a reason. B)
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • Xinz'r
    Lol, my mistake
  • Kirameki
    But I do like your whole lore intro. ;)
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • Xinz'r
    I'm glad you do :) I used facts that not much is known about Second Era Black Marsh and that creator of Khanaten Flu is unknown.
  • Xinz'r
    But @Kirameki , would you like to join the guild?
    Edited by Xinz'r on 4 April 2015 12:54
  • Kirameki
    I'm not very active on Ebonheart Pact. Do have some chars but they are lowbees. ;)
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • Xinz'r
  • Shooshine
    Soul Shriven
    Your lore is very well written :) is there a lvl/vet requirement?
    [EU] [EP] Vampire - Lletilie
  • Xinz'r
    No, it's completely new guild, so only condition is to have at least one character in Ebonheart Pact and that you are interested in ocasional (or even better - often) crime. Although I do have some nasty plans for it. ^_~

    And thanks for lore. Want to join?
  • Xinz'r
    Kirameki wrote: »
    I'm not very active on Ebonheart Pact. Do have some chars but they are lowbees. ;)

    You can still join if you want. When you play we'll be with you ;)
  • Shooshine
    Soul Shriven
    Sure, my handle is my forum name.

    I'm also tempted to dust off my web dev skills because your lore and guild name have given me some ideas.. ;)
    [EU] [EP] Vampire - Lletilie
  • Xinz'r
    I'd like that :) I'll invite you as soon as I go in game. What's your ESO username? If you're going now in ESO, you can add me then. I'm same as here, Xinz'r.
  • Xinz'r
    And happy Easter (if you celebrate it) :)
  • Kirameki
    Xinz'r wrote: »
    Kirameki wrote: »
    I'm not very active on Ebonheart Pact. Do have some chars but they are lowbees. ;)

    You can still join if you want. When you play we'll be with you ;)

    Alright. My ingame handle is the same as my forum handle. Might even play my Ebonheart chars one day. Although atm I'm ingame on my aldmeri bosmer thieving around.

    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • Xinz'r
    I'll invite both of you when I get home. Going to visit my family on Easter dinner now. Can't wait :D
  • Xinz'r
    Both invited
  • Kirameki
    Having dinner atm and consuming loads of alcohol. Will log ingame later to check the invite.
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
  • Xinz'r
    Ok, see you later in Tamriel :)
    Edited by Xinz'r on 6 April 2015 11:10
  • Xinz'r
    Now we have a website as well:


    And we can thank @Shooshine for it :)
  • Remantique
    Soul Shriven
    What kinds of crime are you thinking of? I might commit crime occassionally. I'd like to become a member of your guild but the go to member if anyone has any problems of a personal or emotional nature. Call me the guild councillor lol I'd like to get to know you first though, when are you around to play? I'm in the ebonheart pact =3 My in game name is @Lional-Heart

    I'm quite open minded in general. So even if I don't commit crime I would still accompany everyone. How many members do you have now?
    Edited by Remantique on 6 April 2015 14:28
  • Xinz'r
    Remantique wrote: »
    What kinds of crime are you thinking of? I might commit crime occassionally. I'd like to become a member of your guild but the go to member if anyone has any problems of a personal or emotional nature. Call me the guild councillor lol I'd like to get to know you first though, when are you around to play? I'm in the ebonheart pact =3 My in game name is @Lional-Heart

    I'm quite open minded in general. So even if I don't commit crime I would still accompany everyone. How many members do you have now?

    I'll send you a PM.
  • TotalG1mp

    I'm interested. Whats next?
  • Xinz'r
    TotalG1mp wrote: »

    I'm interested. Whats next?

    What's your ESO username?
  • uberjesus
    Soul Shriven
    I'll give you guys a try man. @Ubervegeta
  • Xinz'r
    uberjesus wrote: »
    I'll give you guys a try man. @Ubervegeta

    We're not very active yet. We have to gather some members first
  • Xinz'r
    Anyone else?
  • Evehn
    Soul Shriven
    I'm still new to ESO, and I was hoping to join a new guild so that we can grow toghether :smiley:

    Count me in, @Evehn
    Edited by Evehn on 7 April 2015 15:14
  • Xinz'r
    You're invited :)
    Edited by Xinz'r on 8 April 2015 18:18
  • Kirameki
    Anyone else interested in joining ? ;) Could use some more people so we can set up shop and all that.
    "Sweet mother, sweet mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear."
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