I like the current racial system with one caveat. Each race should have one main stat racial and one regen racial.
You picking the wrong race has nothing to do with poor design. The Imperial is the best choice for a Tank, Templar or otherwise. You could drop the Staff and go for a melee build, which would work pretty good with a Imperial.pecheckler wrote: »I made an imperial templar long ago to tank. After hitting VR7 I realized that I can never tank as efficiently as a dragon knight, so I want to go full light armor/staff build. Unfortunately I'm an imperial, so i'm not effective enough.
I shouldn't be forced to re-roll to play on-par with other race templars.
ZOS should sell us race changes in crown store to compensate for the poor design. I'd rather drop $20 on a race change then deal with re-rolling another race templar.
Fizzlewizzle wrote: »You picking the wrong race has nothing to do with poor design. The Imperial is the best choice for a Tank, Templar or otherwise. You could drop the Staff and go for a melee build, which would work pretty good with a Imperial.pecheckler wrote: »I made an imperial templar long ago to tank. After hitting VR7 I realized that I can never tank as efficiently as a dragon knight, so I want to go full light armor/staff build. Unfortunately I'm an imperial, so i'm not effective enough.
I shouldn't be forced to re-roll to play on-par with other race templars.
ZOS should sell us race changes in crown store to compensate for the poor design. I'd rather drop $20 on a race change then deal with re-rolling another race templar.
This whole topic is about having races that are far inferior passives compared to other races.
That you picked the wrong race for your type of build is your own problem. There are races out there that have nothing for any type of build (Argonians for example). Those things need addressing, and something like a Race change isn't an option for that. With that you only evade the problem, not deal with it.
Well no, they didn't completely remove it, I wouldn't disagree that they change they made was unreasonable and completely not needed but I'd hardly say they completely nerfed the Argonian racials to the point of 'removing' them.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »I didn't pick the wrong race for my Nightblade (Argonian) i picked the race I wanted...because it synergized with my class....Then ZOS came along and just completely removed that.
That post was never meant for you, but for the guy that picked a race that didn't change yet still complaints because ZOS screwed him over.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »Fizzlewizzle wrote: »You picking the wrong race has nothing to do with poor design. The Imperial is the best choice for a Tank, Templar or otherwise. You could drop the Staff and go for a melee build, which would work pretty good with a Imperial.pecheckler wrote: »I made an imperial templar long ago to tank. After hitting VR7 I realized that I can never tank as efficiently as a dragon knight, so I want to go full light armor/staff build. Unfortunately I'm an imperial, so i'm not effective enough.
I shouldn't be forced to re-roll to play on-par with other race templars.
ZOS should sell us race changes in crown store to compensate for the poor design. I'd rather drop $20 on a race change then deal with re-rolling another race templar.
This whole topic is about having races that are far inferior passives compared to other races.
That you picked the wrong race for your type of build is your own problem. There are races out there that have nothing for any type of build (Argonians for example). Those things need addressing, and something like a Race change isn't an option for that. With that you only evade the problem, not deal with it.
I didn't pick the wrong race for my Nightblade (Argonian) i picked the race I wanted...because it synergized with my class....Then ZOS came along and just completely removed that.
fromtesonlineb16_ESO wrote: »@Crescent Motto of the day: Just say NO to uniformity.Well no, they didn't completely remove it, I wouldn't disagree that they change they made was unreasonable and completely not needed but I'd hardly say they completely nerfed the Argonian racials to the point of 'removing' them.xsorusb14_ESO wrote: »I didn't pick the wrong race for my Nightblade (Argonian) i picked the race I wanted...because it synergized with my class....Then ZOS came along and just completely removed that.
timothynrwb17_ESO wrote: »I really don't feel the races need to be balanced. You make the choice with full knowledge of what is available.
That paints a hugely depressing picture of this game for many (most?) PVE players and many PVPers too I expect.However, the endgame for ESO is leaderboards, timed trials, PvP leaderboards, etc. All of these activities are skewed toward min/maxers.
Racial bonuses are an integral part of the Elder Scrolls games and have been so since Arena back in 1994. You find them outdated, I find them the important to my Elder Scrolls experience and see no reason to get rid of them just because the series has now gone MMORPG.AssaultLemming wrote: »I think they should do away with racial bonuses entirely and replace them with back story choices you make during character creation. Racial bonuses is an outdated concept and doesn't sit well with the whole play your way theme. I would see back story choices look something like this:
Don't balance the races! My Naz...errr Imperial race is superior for a reason right Zenimax? Hail Hit...err Zenimax! /wink
I love games that support the superior race concept /sigh
Is there an official statement from ZOS somewhere about the racial balance? Or did they ignore all the threads up to now?
Deliverance wrote: »Racial bonuses are an integral part of the Elder Scrolls games and have been so since Arena back in 1994. You find them outdated, I find them the important to my Elder Scrolls experience and see no reason to get rid of them just because the series has now gone MMORPG.AssaultLemming wrote: »I think they should do away with racial bonuses entirely and replace them with back story choices you make during character creation. Racial bonuses is an outdated concept and doesn't sit well with the whole play your way theme. I would see back story choices look something like this:
As for it being an outdated concept, your suggestion of replacing them with back story choices has an even longer history in computer gaming, either simple one-step variants such as you suggest, or more complicated multi-step variants such as 1985's Ultima 4, which incidentally I consider a slightly more interesting approach than just handing out a bunch of points to the player and allowing him to allocate as he will as in modern point-buy systems.
Back story systems can also supplement racial bonuses well, as seen in e.g. ADOM, but replacing racial bonuses in a game universe where the the back story as well as 20 years worth of Elder Scrolls' games establish races as being distinctly better at some skills than others? No thanks.
If you don't want to min/max, that's totally fine. However, the endgame for ESO is leaderboards, timed trials, PvP leaderboards, etc. All of these activities are skewed toward min/maxers.
The problem is that we have a situation where there are "normal races", and then there are "good races" which are probably about 10% better than normal races due to a main stat bonus. And then there is the paid race, which is 10% above THAT, putting all of the "normal" races even further at a disadvantage.
And then you take that situation of unequal races and you put them in a scenario where they need to compete against one another for the best gear and most prestige, drawing further attention to the glaring differences in balance.
I like the current racial system with one caveat. Each race should have one main stat racial and one regen racial. The racial differences are a breath of fresh air from everything has to be perfectly equal. A not optimal race still has the ability to complete all content in this game.
The problem comes from those that think min maxing is the only way a person should play and then they exclude someone because they only did 100 dps above the minimum req compared the high elf that did 115 dps more than the required minimum. Granted even this is only a problem if you have to run in the top progression groups.
I like that the racials give choices between min maxing and flavor. Choices that matter based on your mindset.