Since when?Everyone knows that the Redguard off the rack looks different than the Redguard Seducer or Redguard Torags right?
Yeah but it was a no skin showing boob window if it even was - or ya mean the Orc?
Yeah. I am -.- about this - I know some people think it's dumb but I care about how my stuff looks.
Also: I was going for a more casual look - wearing a sea drake costume - but the stupid Sanctuary Quest thing borked my costume and ESOs answer when the one they sent will not equip at all (no animation, no costume - just nothing happens at all) is 'level another character and get a new one and maybe that will work otherwise just go away.'
I mean why pay someone to change this? Weren't there enough other things to ruin?
Seadrake costume is from a like...level 3 quest in Daggerfall zones isn't it?
Should be able to make a new character and run straight to get that disguise if you want to see if you can get a working copy.
Orc Heavy has a boob window on live, but Redguard Light shows off both male and female chests on the low level gears.
Even on the higher level non-boob-window version in your pictures, the old Redguard style clearly looks better.
/scratches head.
Everyone knows that the Redguard off the rack looks different than the Redguard Seducer or Redguard Torags right?
and that the looks change between levels?
and that the looks change from white to green to blue to purple to yellow OUT OF EACH OF THOSE LEVELS?
If you are in it for the fashion. head to a different crafting station or use your crowns on those new costumes.Wedding dresses promise to be popular on Orc Males.
Yeah exactly. Darlgon's post is False. The weights look different but any sets in same weight look same - I have redguard in willows, twilights, seducer, torugs, whitestrake annnnd what's the health regen set? Nightmother? Anyway - one more whose name I forget.
This change is just...horrible.
Come to think of it...ALL of the changes to armour, disguises, etc that I have seen are horrible.
Really sad.