This is a little bit of a read, but if you think PvP is stale right now, I have an answer for you.
This is just my humble view from someone that loves ESO and has played since early Beta, and has done everything you can do in game, plenty of PvE and PvP, and I'd call myself an average player with the occasional showing of brilliance!

So, I played for a few hours last night on the non-vet campaign as I was bored, all I can say is...
how refreshing compared to the laggy, grinding feeling of current PvP. Cured my boredom very quickly.
I say refreshing, because as a non veteran rank, you don't have access to every skill like a VR14 does, and it's for that sole reason it's a whole lotta fun. Let me explain.
No one is Over powered... no one!
Your not finding Sorcs spamming Bolt escape or elemental ring, and your not fighting snipe from every direction or being one/two shot, and you don't have unkillable DK's with flappy flap coupled with green dragon blood and there are very few vamps around. Didn't see one bat swarm... at... all!
Hell, even with my paper mache Sorc running
no impen, just green crafted gear that is about 10 levels below my current level, I was able to 1v1 an equal levelled DK like it wasn't a death sentence. No Lag to speak of
what-so-ever and I found myself greatly enjoying the game, so much so I was up till 2:30am playing when I had work the next day. Don't get me wrong, it's not like I haven't done that before playing ESO, but not recently! Not in the last 3 months truth be told. PvP doesn't hold my attention like it used to, not so on the Non Vet Campaign, had an absolute blast!
So, I've told you what I didn't have, how about what I did have? Well, I had a few friendly tell's after I killed a few people, one of which wanted a re-match which I gladly accepted (got him a second time too, but it was close) and this was brilliant, great attitudes by most and all in all no douchebagery anywhere.
For those of you who didn't play in Beta, non vet campaign is pretty much how Cyrodiil felt when the game started,
PvP's glory days if you will, obviously with lots of people though

And for those that did play in Beta, you'd remember how much fun Cyrodiil was, and I gotta say this is exactly the same right now, just without numbers.
And this is the part of this thread which is important,
Plenty of people are complaining about the current state of PvP, lag, balance etc yet no one is playing non-vet campaigns where none of this is a problem.
If you are sick of the grindy and flat feeling of Cyrodiil, come over to the non-vet campaign! This is the fix for PvP.
Now, I know that PvP'ers that are end gamers will say things like this is stupid, and this isn't a fix for PvP, well your right, it isn't but it's the best option you have in front of you right now. Sure, some will say that I don't want to play with a toon that I haven't invested heavily in ra ra ra, and I want to play at the high end of the game, with highly skilled players yada yada yada. I get all of that, and I'd agree mostly but do yourself a favor and give it a go if you haven't all ready. You may well be suprized with what you'll find. I know I was pleasantly suprized.
The NA non-veteran campaign needs more people playing, that's it in a tea cup. My advice to ZOS would be, stop all entry of non-vets into vet campaigns period as that should boost numbers a little, and maybe a small nerf to NPC's too ZOS, currently some of them are dealing out a little too much damage IMHO.
That's it, I'm done for now. Although I'm thinking I might start up a non-veteran guild now.
Been here since Feb 2014 - You'd think I'd be half reasonable at this game by now...
A'marta - AD Sorc Tank
Kijima - AD DK Derps
Annure - AD NB Derps
Boom Crash Opera - AD Sorc DPS