Official Discussion Thread for “ESO Heads to Consoles June 9th”

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  • Eleonite
    Soul Shriven
    Edited by Eleonite on 31 July 2017 12:30
  • Kypho
    PC gamers: Paying apes who helped liar zenimax to develop the game for console.
  • Iselin
    So... do we still get discounted console versions if we want to play there as well. I think you guys said we would several months ago but I can't find it.
  • teabelly
    is this a case of.. 'we cant fix the bugs & charge people for a broken game so lets just make it F2P & then they cant complain?

    oh well, as they say, there goes the neighbourhood. :\
  • Takuto
    I was actually checking the forums to see if there was any new information on 1.6, had plans to do group dungeons tonight. Instead I see a thread stating that ZOS thought it would be a good idea to run ESO like some POS Korean MMO.

    Just canceled my subscription, bit of a downer, really.
    Eternal Destiny (PC/NA)
    Dead Wait (PC/NA Haderus AD)
  • Grinwhrl
    Guildwars 2 style - Buy the game and no subscriptions. Looking forward to it.
    Edited by Grinwhrl on 21 January 2015 16:43
  • g4m5t3r_ESO
    :o Wow...
    While we're at it, can we water down the coffee. It's way OP...
  • jcaceresw
    I believe I will continue playing the game but not with such premium subscription. Experience says they take several months before releasing new (and small) content, so paying money for just 10% more experience while waiting for the new content is not benefit wise for me (crafting and gold are easy to level, just need to play). My current sub ends some days after the release of the new edition.

    The only thing I want to check is the new Crown Store. Hope they do not do the same mistakes as the Diablo 3 developers did. If so, I quit. Feeling bad, because TES is my favorite game series since my childhood.
  • r3dl4nce
    Why a lot of people are having problems with this change? It's standard for new MMOs, and it will change nothing.
    If you want to play the full game, just as of now, keep paying the monthly fee.
    If you want to play the base/demo version, just buy the box and you'll have only the base content, no new content, no updates and so on.
    I'll play the full game, nothing will change for me, except perhaps there will be lot of new players in the low level zones.
  • kleinhardt03b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Good bye zenimax, never thought it would go f2p, im done with this game, and I bet im not the only one! So dissapointed.
  • ZingyDevotee
    This was the thing that i was hoping would never happen. I was wanting ZOS to keep the sub so we wouldn't have a Pay 2 Win game. I really love this game and cannot be more dissapointed at what they have just done. Im leaving this game, Im sorry but i wont support a game going done this path
  • ZingyDevotee
  • Moridin82
    As longe its not pay to win!!! then i rage quit! want info about the shop asap! Devs! this at least you should let know about if you have any respect to you playerbase!
    Psn Ervik82 Eobonheart Pact
  • scutarii
    Soul Shriven
    So iv been in love with the game since the start, i played the beta, i preordered it (twice because there was a mess up with my bank thats over £100 right there) and iv been subbed since the start, iv spent my money and my time on this game. all for naught though i fear, as soon as free to play hits every troll is gonna be all over it ..... yeah at the start it may be fine, but its gonna go down the toilet and so is my money and time, are the players(aka suckers) that have been playing since the start and pre ordered gonna get compensation for this, or is it gonna be another fiasco that your public relations team arent up to the task of handling.

    I urge/beg/plead with you, to in some way show to your loyal fans that there time has not been waisted, and for the love of god dont just announce at the end of a video (they may be very good but not that good) a massive game changing event such as this!!

    you now estranged fan Scotty

    okay whilst watching twitch im slightly more happy
    Edited by scutarii on 21 January 2015 17:28
  • ZingyDevotee
    Edited by ZingyDevotee on 21 January 2015 17:00
  • Lord_Wrath
    I literally feel like ive been slapped in my face and laughed at.
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • Pankafros
    Soul Shriven
    Not pleased with this I must say.
    as long as you dont get too greedy asking money for everything in tamriel I ll give it a shot. If I see atrocities of the type: pay to wear your gear or go to the trial/cyrodil is an instant quit for me. I actively boycott companies that do that.
  • Shader_UA
    Soul Shriven
    Okay, I honestly don't know if I should laugh or cry. Let's be honest, people did ask it to be F2P at some point, and I was OK with that, as long as the game STAYED DAMN SAME! Nobody wants this game to be a pay-to-win type, seriously! Please listen to the community, ZoS, like you always have! Pay-to-win will ruin this game, and it actually had all it takes to become the ultimate best MMO! Please post more details about this "cash shop", and as long as items there do NOT change the gameplay and the game difficulty, I, and i think the rest of the community as well, will be fine with that. Vanity pets - fine, mounts - fine, even the damn potions and soul gems - FINE, they are not that hard to get anyway. But please, please please PLEASE do not sell anything equipment/trait related, or anything that can affect the gameplay in such way that paying users will dominate those who don't pay. Because if this is what will happen, ESO will die in a few month, and I really don't want that to happen, I LOVE this game with all it's hardcore aspects that do require skill and not money to accomplish!
  • Rykmaar
    What about those of us who paid in advance for a long term subscription? How are we going to be compensated for this?

    This is an important question.
  • Equinox
    If this becomes P2W... I'm out. The only reason why I'm on this game because everyone has the same chance... no 'Gachapons' or that shiz. Tired of MMO's that do that crap. You end up paying more on those games than the monthly sub =.=" And you're not even top tier!

    Nnnn...ughhn...nnuuuuu... AUGH!
    ********************~For the Queen!~********************
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    I would have appreciated it if they at least hadn't tried to spin this as a positive announcement.

    "New and Improved ESO, just the way you always said you didn't want it, and exactly the way we promised we would never make it! We break wind in your general direction. Thank you for your support."

    Still, I am not surprised. There are way too few players in the game right now for a subscription based model to be sustainable. I would guess the PC/Mac population is only in the tens of thousands by now. The question is whether this B2P move will attract any significant amount of new players to milk for money. I guess we'll find out soon enough.
  • oldskool2485
    All I wanna know is will we get the console optimizations?

    I just want the game to run better and I would like to see all of the work done in getting the game to run on the console's relatively low power cpu's to come over to the PC version.

    I cancelled a couple of months ago so if I can come back in March for free and the game runs better - happy days! At the very least I wont feel so aggrieved at a game running terribly that I'm paying monthly for :P
  • r3dl4nce
    would guess the PC/Mac population is only in the tens of thousands by now.
    Ten thousands? The starter zones are well populated (not like at the release, but that's obvious) and low level dungeons start fast just with a fast LFG in zone chat. When low level zones are well populated, that means that the population is very good. I think actually there are aound 600k players. Not bad for a MMO.

  • Mettaricana
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article “ESO Heads to Consoles June 9th.

    Get ready for our console launch on June 9th, and start exploring Tamriel with no game subscription fees on PC/Mac March 17th!

    my question are you gonna put a limit on how many dungeons we can run a day or how many undaunted this or craglorn trials that we can do just to force us into the cash shop?
  • v2war
    Soul Shriven
    No more subscription why ?. good bye eso it was fun
  • Naivefanboi
    Rioht wrote: »
    So quick question about console transfers.

    Am I still going to be able to transfer my PC account to my PS4?

    And will I still be charged $20 to transfer, even though that offer was meant as a transfer + 1 month of subscription time? Now that you are dropping the subscription, will the transfer be 5$ or whatever the difference is?

    Also, endgame is going to be a nightmare now...

    LF group for XX activity. Oh you dont have the DLC, srry.

    LF group for XX activity, Premium members only!

    PVP group, Premium only!


    WTF ZoS??!?!?!?!

    had same question, im guessing were SoL!

    sooo i guess we can say goodbye to imperial city being anything worthwhile, prolly wont even see thieves guild or dark brother hood. if we do they will surely be seperate since they are basicly a must have for anyone whos ever play ES games.
    content will come to a standstill anything worthwhile will be saved for dlc, instead of just patching when appropriate.and so on and so on.

    makes me think this is what the champion system is really for.

    if they are this desperate shoulda just went f2p and got it over with.
  • rpyja
    Soul Shriven
    it is time to quit :(
    Edited by rpyja on 21 January 2015 17:42
  • teratyab14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Still have yet to see question answered of whether or not PC and Console players will be on the same server, and if I have a PC sub if I will be able to just log in under that sub on the console (if I purchase for the PS4 as well)?
  • Sindala
    Personally I have no sympathy for all you who are now 'so outraged'. I have been getting bans and censored for the past 6 months from telling you lot this and all I got was reported and flamed.
    So who's gonna be the first bag man to step up and say sorry to the "trolls" that tried to warn you not to waste your hard earned cash?.....waiting :p
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Naivefanboi
    P3ZZL3 wrote: »
    Just throwing it out there, but there are going to be a lot of people who buy the game and play for 2-3 weeks, never get out of Glenumbra and never play again.

    yup theyd rather get that influx then stay loyal to their loyal fans. i knew better lol was fun to have faith again for awhile tho. typical fhucking garbage
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