Official Discussion Thread for “ESO Heads to Consoles June 9th”

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
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This is the official discussion thread for the web article “ESO Heads to Consoles June 9th.

Get ready for our console launch on June 9th, and start exploring Tamriel with no game subscription fees on PC/Mac March 17th!
Edited by ZOS_JasonLeavey on 21 January 2015 13:34
Jason Leavey
Community Coordinator - The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited
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Staff Post
  • Dominoid
    Gonna be a busy day here!
  • folklore
    No more subscription? Are you guys going to be implementing a cash shop? I'm in complete awe. :( I'm a little disappointed hnnngh.
  • Nivzruo_ESO
    Awfully fancy way to say F2P.
    Nelgyntc- V14 NB
  • CodexMMO
    I guess more players is good. I hope the cash shop is well run.
  • GeronimoChief
    Soul Shriven
    Ohh this is gonna be so bad....So for new content (dlc's) we will have to pay some kind of subscription if i dont pay i wont have access to said dlc,those who pay have an advantage over those who will not..
    I seriously love this game , but if this is the way to go i fear it will go downhill very fast.
  • Lionxoft
    Please @ZOS_MattFiror‌ @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ don't make this game a pay to win game.
  • DirectorSCUD
    Hit me right in the guts. Will give you guys a chance, though. As soon as F2P-community is going downhill, I'm out. Promise.
  • TX12001rwb17_ESO
    Not happy about this, that is all I can say.
  • Lionxoft
    Ohh this is gonna be so bad....So for new content (dlc's) we will have to pay some kind of subscription if i dont pay i wont have access to said dlc,those who pay have an advantage over those who will not..
    I seriously love this game , but if this is the way to go i fear it will go downhill very fast.

    It's the exact same model as DC Universe Online except they don't charge for the box fee with that title. DCUO is releasing DLC for $10 each or $15 a month for all but the DLC are just reusing previous content from others. This is a terrible sign for ESO.

    I'm disappointed. :disappointed:
  • LordAztec
    Soul Shriven
    Darn. Another game I liked is going F2P. Guess I'll have to abandon that one as well.
  • TiberiusTryton
  • Nebs
    Edited by Nebs on 3 June 2021 22:40
  • sebban
    Very disappointed. Just canceled my subscription.
    Edited by sebban on 5 May 2015 08:39
    PC EU
    Dweia Ceban - StamDK
    Adara Ceban - MagBlade
    Daewa Ceban - MagSorc
    Tick-Tock Tormentor
  • vaagventje17eb17_ESO
    please, up the subscription if you have to, i dont care, but dont go f2p, you wil only get people playing and not paying anything anymore. and you wil lose this game in a year. please dont do this zos, look what it did to games like Swtor, and others, ir ruined them, and almost made the games fail. research this, and play it well. pay to win wil turn you game in to a cheap online easy game, and no serious players wil be playing anymore, since any idiot can just have money and buy what he wants. with no skill attached.

    its also a big insult to anybody that payed subscription for all this time. we had to put money in this game for a year, and now just everybody can come and play for free? this is insulting, and just backstabbing of your players.

    i wanted to say i wil end my subscription, but i wont have to i think if its f2p.
    i wil just put this game on the list of other free games. like runescape, candycrush and other stuff i never play again.

    please dont do this. it wil spoil it for the people who actualy put effort in to it, and who payed all this time.

    do not do this. do not.
  • Menelaos
    Ib4 mass rage
    ...und Gallileo dreht sich doch!
  • GeronimoChief
    Soul Shriven
    Well although i love this game , the way its taking is gonna kill it , so i might as well jump ship now and save all the agony and anger
  • scobusbyub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am highly disappointed in this decision. I am glad however that you have at least made the decision of leaving the game as a Buy to play game, as long as you keep the crown shop similar to GW2's store and do not require us to purchase crafting materials or some other *** in there it may be okay. I'm gonna give it a shot but still VERY sad to see this game taking this road.
  • zomnomnombie
    If we all agree on it it must be true. [citation needed]
  • rabbiddogb14_ESO
    Ugh! Not sure how I feel about this. Love the game as it is. Now I'm afraid this coming change will alter the game and will no longer be the game I like. I guess I will just give them the benefit of the doubt and wait and see. But too many times has a game gone F2P and lost it's appeal because of those changes.
    Edited by rabbiddogb14_ESO on 21 January 2015 15:35
  • WhiskyBob
    My subscription ends in march.
    Thank god.
  • Pecivilis
    Whelp, I will give it a single month a after this happens. to Give it an honest try. However, despite this being one of the best games with the most potential I have played since Ultima Online, if the store and everything points to Pay to Win just like say, Neverwinter...then I am out. My wallet can't handle it another time around.
    Edited by Pecivilis on 21 January 2015 15:38
    "Soon™ " - ZOS on TESOU
    Salty PC Player
    Pecivilis - vr14 Breton Sorc - Magicka DPS
    Guild PvE Officer - The Fatal Legion- NA PvP - Chillrend
  • rotaugen454
    The wording makes it look like PC players can play WITH console players. No sub for PC means more of my friends will jump in with me. My CHEAP friends...
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • scobusbyub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    BR BR BR BR BR BR.... *eye twitch*
  • neidzwiedzub17_ESO
    Well here is another game i will be leaving! I am sad as this game was exactly what i wanted and have been looking for since Vanilla WoW. I have yet to see a transition from Sub to F2P that worked for me after the change. Even with the premium option it isnt the same. I understand why it makes sense as a business model but for me it spoils the atmosphere.

    I will be giving it a chance as i have all previous games but I am not hopeful.
    I walk alone,
    If our paths converge
    We may share the road
    When our paths diverge
    I walk alone.
  • XDragonDoomX
    "We've listened to our customers" ..... obviously you havent
    "Forums are like a herd of performing elephants with diarrhea.
    massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of
    mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. ”

    (with apologies to Eugene H. Spafford, aka Spaf)

    I have the power to please one person per day. Today is not your day.
    Tomorrow... Tomorrow does not look good either.

    82. Victory laps after killing the dragon with my 1d2 bow is considered in poor taste.
    83. My gnome does not like big butts and he cannot lie.
    84. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying a 220lb pull crossbow.
    85. Not allowed to talk my fellow inquisitors into buying an industrial strength flamethrower.
    86. Not allowed to make a superhero with a 99% chance of dodging even after the -10 penalty for a successful called shot.
    87. There is no such thing as a dwarven katana.
    88. My bard does not get a bonus to perform if she is obviously not wearing anything under her tabard.
    89. The elf's name is not Legolam.
    ** Mr Glenn's Forbidden activities list**

  • Rioht
    So quick question about console transfers.

    Am I still going to be able to transfer my PC account to my PS4?

    And will I still be charged $20 to transfer, even though that offer was meant as a transfer + 1 month of subscription time? Now that you are dropping the subscription, will the transfer be 5$ or whatever the difference is?

    Also, endgame is going to be a nightmare now...

    LF group for XX activity. Oh you dont have the DLC, srry.

    LF group for XX activity, Premium members only!

    PVP group, Premium only!


    WTF ZoS??!?!?!?!
  • Thuring
    More than the game quality, I fear for the community's since, you know, cheap games attract cheap people.
  • TheBull
    garbage is garbage
  • nikolaj.lemcheb16_ESO
    The devil is in the details. Some games worked well with this model like AoC, SWTOR, Lotro and so on for a time.

    The thing is which model of cash shop they will use. There are 2 models, in one things are pretty expensive and give a substantial advantage but only a few feel they need to pay it, and the other is massive small micro payments that overall only make things easier but don't change game balance.

    The first model will kill this game but give a good short term profit and then 2nd model is more difficult to get to work but will give the game a longer lifetime.

    So once we get to see the details we wont know whether or not they destroy the game by doing this.
  • ChuckyPayne
    April 1 right?! Thats a joke?! I left GW2 because of that "gem store" I really hate that. No cool updates just only every week new "buy brand-new shiny items". Pls no costumes skins!!! Only character slot, barber shop, etc. NO items pls! Our goals collect gears, items. If we buy it, in gem store no more goals.
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