arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO wrote: »
I hope this is not true and you are misunderstanding because I will leave the game instantly. I can't think play a game where I have to use mage skills if I am a warrior.
So, if I want to unlock all warrior constellation I need to spend all my life in this game to get it?. This system will favor people that play tons of hours in a day and will f**k PvP players.
"and points spent in the Mage increase magicka and grant benefits to physical and magical offensive power."
Take another look at the Atronach screenshot in the article. The featured passive is Blade Expert and you can see Heavy Weapon Expert, Bow Expert or Butcher in the same tree. Suffice to say, there's something in Mage for a melee Redguard.
When you earn a Champion Point, that point will be assigned to the Warrior, the Thief, or the Mage, in that order. Once you earn a point in the Thief, for instance, your next point will be assigned to the Mage, and the next after that to the Warrior. You choose which of the three constellations under that sign to spend your point on.
So each Major constellation has 3 minor in it, Warrior, Thief, and Mage break down into 9 minors.Warrior
[*] Lady
[*] Steed
[*] Lord
[*] Tower
[*] Lover
[*] Shadow
[*] Ritual
[*] Atronach
Just because I have to spend a point in each Major in order doesn't mean there aren't options I will want within the Minor trees. So if I spend 1 for warrior first, I personally might choose to spend that point in Lady where my buddy might choose to spend it in the Steed and another may choose to spend it in Lord. Then when we move on to spend our second point in the Thief tree I can go Shadow, friend can go Tower and other friend Lover.
I calculated that leveling from VR1-VR14 will get you only 35 CP, maybe more or less, depends on how they tweak it before it gets released on live.
starlizard70ub17_ESO wrote: »
I think you're shorting yourself on the CP points. It takes 1 million xp per ver level. You get 5 CP per every million xp you have. A 14VR charactor will have at least 13 million xp. So in order to start Update 6 with the max 70 CP , you'll need a VR 14 and a VR 2 charactor. Or any combo of 16 VR levels between all your charactors. Most people who've been playing regularly, or even semi-regularly, will have the necessary xp, (14 million) to earn the 70CP at start.
WillhelmBlack wrote: »I'm feeling a little unimpressed tbh. Thought it would be less linear and more customizable. Why would a melee Nord or Redguard even be interested in Mage points? I thought it would be better thought out this, never mind, I'm still looking forward to it.
There are 3600 points. So it looks like we can't max out every star.rotaugen454 wrote: »The pics make it look like there are 8 stars in each minor constellation, and there are 9 of those (3 for each of Warrior, Thief, Mage). You can spend 100 points per star. Does that mean there are potentially 7,200 champion points to earn?
To help you earn Champion Points, we’ve introduced a new mechanic called Enlightenment to the game. Over time, your account will accrue Enlightenment. You do not have to be logged in to accrue Enlightenment.
As you participate in activities that grant experience to your Veteran Rank character, Enlightenment provides you with a bonus to Champion Point progression, helping you earn points faster. Eventually, you may run out of Enlightenment, but don’t worry—more Enlightenment is added to your account every 24 hours.
Why would anyone play high end content if you can wait 6 months and be insta-catched up with top tier players?arnaldomoraleseb17_ESO wrote: »What happen if I have lo leave the game for 6 months and I would come back in the future?? Will I never be able to catch a friend that kept playing????
You earn points equally under each guardian so if you have only 3 points, you will have 1 in warrior, 1 in mage and 1 in thief. You must address all aspects of your character, but if you watch ESO live you will note that there are stars in the constellations under each guardian that are desirable to a variety of playstyles.
Maotti_Nor wrote: »So pumped for this!
IChampion System. So I understand we get 1 pt for each constellation in order and can't just choose one build, but do we have to put pts into different constellations after a reset? For example I reset and I'm at 0/100 pts used so can't i just put them all into theif after I reset them.
So where's the problem? Also why complain about you being unable to ever finish some character? In games like Eve Online you'd need 20+ years to train everything, yet you don't have to, since there are diminishing returns, and I guess ESO will go a similar route. The first 10 points in a star might be far more effective than the next 10 points.
I would really like to know more about how enlightment works... It says I don't have to be logged in.. But it doesn't say I have to be logged off either. Does it get added to everyone's account every 24 hours?