Bloodystab wrote: »
Yep, You can add remove points on the go. They told that on last ESO Live
When you earn a Champion Point, that point will be assigned to the Warrior, the Thief, or the Mage, in that order. Once you earn a point in the Thief, for instance, your next point will be assigned to the Mage, and the next after that to the Warrior. You choose which of the three constellations under that sign to spend your point on.
Rainingblood wrote: »
I'm confused about this part... So you HAVE to spend a point in each constellation in that specific order?? That seems to not be flexible. At all.
Can you not spend the point in one, then spend 2 in the next constellation?
pierrenuiz wrote: »so if you want to use your points in offensive passive skills (to make a DD) you must make a mana build ???
Each character has access to the same number of points and spends them individually. So yes, you can spend 100 on one character and then the same 100 on another.Im still confused about this: points are account-wide and are earned by VR characters. Lets say I have 100 of them. I put all 100 in one character and I have none left right? I cant put 100 points again in another?
I think it will help prevent cookie cutter min-max builds with all points poured into the best constellations for a specific role. If we're forced to branch out, everyone will choose slightly different skills that aren't directly related to their combat role, like those different utility passives under Thief. And we won't max out our most important skills so fast this way.
pierrenuiz wrote: »but each point use in the Mage give you mana and if you want more stamina you must use your points in the thief, so if you want a full stamina build you will not have access to the Offensive passives
I think once again ZOS is overlooking something glaring for current max level characters. We have already done everything there is to do so now we either have to do it all over again under a new character or be at a huge disadvantage.
The same was true when they released new Undaunted passives. If your character had done all the dungeon achievements you were basically SOL and weren't able to level Undaunted as quickly as someone who had done 0 dungeons.
This will hold true of the new Champion System points. If I have completed all quests, discovered all POI's, destroyed all Dolmens, ran all dungeons/trials and am already at Alliance Rank 37 then how am I supposed to gain XP at the same rate as someone who has not?
That's not how it works. There are no Mage points or Thief points. Think of it this way: when you go into the constellations menu to spend your points, each time you use one point the constellations rotate - so you start with Warrior, then Warrior fades and you have to spend the next point in Thief, then Thief fades and Mage unlocks. You keep going in a circle.pierrenuiz wrote: »mmh not sur you can use all your Mage points for one character and all thief points for another , so you can make a full mana damage build ... I think ^^
Well, yes, of course. Some passives will be a must-have to certain builds and players will soon figure out which ones are important. But it still leaves you with points you can't spend in those specific passives because they're in an inaccesible constellation; so you don't min-max by pumping everything into your chosen skills. You choose something that isn't crucial to your build instead, or maybe even a non-combat skill.3rdwardhobocub18_ESO wrote: »
I disagree, this will not prevent cookie cutter builds. Those builds will always exist. What this seems to do is force you to pretty much waste a CP on something that isn't relevant to what you are trying to accomplish with your character
"and points spent in the Mage increase magicka and grant benefits to physical and magical offensive power."WillhelmBlack wrote: »I'm feeling a little unimpressed tbh. Thought it would be less linear and more customizable. Why would a melee Nord or Redguard even be interested in Mage points? I thought it would be better thought out this, never mind, I'm still looking forward to it.
Rainingblood wrote: »
I'm confused about this part... So you HAVE to spend a point in each constellation in that specific order?? That seems to not be flexible. At all.
Can you not spend the point in one, then spend 2 in the next constellation?