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Spidersilk Gone?

I have been searching for days now in the zones for spider silk Makabal Tor and Greenshade and all I find is cotton. This has been going on now for a long time it seems. I just started to do some crafting writs using up most of my spidersilk and not none is to be found. Anyone else noticed this?
  • Gyudan
    I think that Malabal Tor (like the other 4th zones of each alliance) has both cotton and spidersilk. You should be able to find it around the higher level parts of the zone, given the level requirement of spidersilk gear.
    Edited by Gyudan on 1 January 2015 19:52
  • sheltonrwb14_ESO
    Been farming that area for 30 minutes now and nothing except cotton shows up.
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    Spider silk is common in Reaper's March, its occasionally found toward the end of Malabal Tor as I recall up near the Baandari Trading Post.
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Search for it in Malabal Tor and Reapers March, not Greenshade... I have also experienced specific materials hard to find, and usually I buy them till I get lucky to farm them again.
    It is also easier to farm raw mats, if you do it in the hours where most of the population are offline, late at nights or early daytime. Or you can try to farm the same location, logging in with two different chars. It usually resets the area and you can farm it over and over.
  • Lord_Nala
    I've been trying to level my crafting skills and I'm stuck on a Writ that requires the Spider Silk. I've looked in all the areas mentioned and can't find any at all. All I get is cotton and Ancestor Silk. Am I not leveled enough for it to appear?
    My Skill Line for Clothing is:
    Tayloring 7/10
    Keen Eye 1/3
    Outfitter 1/3
    Unraveling 1/3
    Stiching 0/4
    Tannin 0/3

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Lord Nala - The Ancient One - Dark Elf - V327 Nightblade/Assasin - Ebonheart Pact - [ XBOX/NA
  • CaffeinatedMayhem

    The materials in nodes NOW (2018) are based on 2 things: the level of that craft (clothing) and your character level, 50/50 split.

    How many skill points do you have in the Clothing line? If you're only seeing cotton my guess is 2. You will need at least 5 IIRC for spidersilk. Your character level is above 160 so the other 50% of nodes you see are Ancestor Silk.

    I reccommend buying the spidersilk. Guild traders will often sell the lower level materials, and master crafters may have some stock to sell to guildmates as well.

    Also, ESO is changing a lot, a 2015 thread is waaaaaaay too old to have good advice. ;)
    Edited by CaffeinatedMayhem on 15 January 2018 15:49
  • Caleb_Kadesh

    Best way to level up crafting skillz is deconstructing. Forget the crafting writs until you're max.

    On the other hand if the writ that you have is different than the materials that you are seeing, try abandoning the quest and re-acquiring it. You may have gotten the quest then improved your clothing skill beyond that material skill level.
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    This may be up there for the Necro Post of the year award, it is only Jan 2018 but this was dead for 3 years. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Feric51
    Kudos to searching the forums before starting a new post, but keep in mind that a lot changes in three years and sometimes it’s better to start a new thread to get a fresh perspective.
    Xbox NA

    Darkness Falls: The Crusade survivor (you young kids will never know the struggle of text-based games)

  • boombazookajd
    This must me post necro week....
    Drathus Delenu- Dunmer magDk: Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Stormproof, Peak Scaler, Clockwork Confounder, Orderly, Master Wizard, Cloudrest Hero, Undaunted, Dragonstar Arena Champion
    Thoronir Rolston- Breton petsorc: Stormproof
    Zaakazha-Redguard stamblade: Boethia's Scythe, Clockwork Confounder, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Dragonstar Arena Champion

    Justinius Maximus Decimus- Altmer magblade
    Agronak gro'Mashul- Orc DK Tank
    Valerya Hawkcroft- Breton healer
    Zaaka- Imperial stamDK/crafter

    XB1 NA
  • m0u
    Soul Shriven
    Cant find spidersilk, too. Kinda annoying as i have to find some for my dailys.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    This post is to let you know that we've felt it necessary to put this thread down, as it seemed to have died some time ago. At this time we'd like to try and keep Draugr threads from roaming around the front page, pushing down newer and more lively threads. Feel free to continue this subject in a more recent thread or create a new one if a more recent thread is not available.

    Thank you for understanding!
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.