Maintenance for the week of July 8:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Thank You

Soul Shriven
I just want to thank support for the awesome FAQ that instructs me how to uninstall the client when receiving the 210 Manifest Error.

While this is most useful it neglects to mention I have just blown away the 40GB I just downloaded to play this game !!!!!!!

Unbelievably and quie amazingly stupid advice for the Mac client. May I suggest you update the FAQ before the next poor sod follows your instructions and experieces the same level of immense frustration at being in this position.

<multiple expletives deleted> <multiple times>

  • KhajitFurTrader
    The instructions in the FAQ What should I do if I receive a 210 Patch Manifest error message: “PatchManifestError_DownloadFail”? are for Windows, talk about deleting a Launcher ProgramData subfolder (not the game's data itself), and never mention to uninstall anything. Neither does the stickied post Login Error Codes: Their Meaning and Solutions for error 210.

    The FAQ When attempting to patch the game client, I receive a Patch Manifest error - Version Fail (Error 209). What should I do? has instructions specifically for OS X, but re-installing is mentioned as a last resort only, i.e. when everything else has failed. Have you tried everything else before uninstalling?

    A few things you could do/keep in mind:
    • Do a Recovery Boot (hold [Alt] after the boot chime, select Recovery HD), then do a "Repair Permissions", "Repair Disk" on the Macintosh HD volume in Disk Utility. This will verify that the file system and file permissions are in order.
    • Make sure that you have at least 60+ GB free on the Macintosh HD volume, for downloading, uncompressing, and installing the game's files.
    • If you are on WiFi, connect your Mac via network cable to the router if possible. This helps with maximizing transmission quality and speed.
    • When reinstalling, start with a fresh Installer downloaded from This will fetch the latest Launcher, which will in turn create the game's folders and get the latest files.
    • It has been happening occasionally for some time now, with a fully patched and working client, that the Launcher suddenly pops up the Error 209 message, and the Play button may or may not change to Repair. Do not click Repair, just close the Launcher instead. When you reopen it, the Play button should be back again and the game should launch normally -- until the Error 209 message pops up again. My hypothesis is that the Launcher tries to verify the several *.version files against some references on the CDN, and for some reasons inherent with the CDN cannot at that time. A fully patched and working client will launch anyway.
  • Zerlargal
    Soul Shriven
    Hello again,

    Thanks for the advice. Sorry about my first post, I was a bit upset at the time having performed a minor miracle to download 40GB while travelling in a country with data quotas.

    The download client was from using the download button after you register the key for the game so I can only assume that is the latest as you say. I just bought the game to try it out with friends.

    I only have wireless at work. I get a LAN connection back in the hotel. The download was never the problem, at least the client download. Was getting 1-2mb/s download at work and 640kb/s at the hotel.

    I closed and reopened the client three to four times when it happened. I rebooted just in case there was a hung process somewhere. I did a repair in the client as suggested which had no impact. Then finally the uninstall...

    It was the post at the top of this forum that suggested I uninstall and reinstall the client. I wasn't certain that would work but then I figured you wouldn't suggest it if it was going to blow away the data set.

    About the only thing I didnt do was repair permissions but then usually thats never a problem on my Mac. Will find out when I do the download again, this time from home on a high speed network over the weekend.

    I will be checking the workplace this morning to see if their company filter is blocking the manifest download from the main site. I found the link to the manifest in the KB article you have on this issue. Will advise and let you know.

    I suppose what most upset me is I followed the instructions, carefully did everything that was suggested and yet still lost the data set. This stings even more so because I work with computers, deal with networks, routers, switches, load balancing, firewalls, the whole shebang and yet such a simple thing as this went awry. It is not as though I haven't done this kind of thing before, been gaming for 20 years, knows all the in's and out's yet still, ended up here.

    I geniunely have a concern for the next guy who comes through and tries to do this. With your help, just want to make sure the instructions are updated so others don't experience this as their first impression of Elder Scrolls Online.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    If you're trying to load the EU client, there seems to be a general problem (at least for some customers) with getting the files correctly from the CDN at the moment. Take a look at the Customer Support and even the General Discussion forum, it's all over the place. Several CMRs have already stated that they're investigating the situation.
    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on 12 November 2014 21:07
  • Zerlargal
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks... I am trying to load the NA client. I did a remote control to my Windows desktop at home last night and kicked off the ESO download. It was finished this morning and ready to play.

    I checked the manifest file (as mentioned in 210 knowledgebase article) download at work this morning and its not blocked so I am not sure why this problem is happening. I will download the software again on my Mac when I fly home tonight and see what happens a second time around. I have a high speed connection there.

    I have a late 2013 Macbook Pro Retina running Yosemite version 10.10.
    The graphics card in this model is a GeForce 750M 2GB
    I have 400GB of free space.
    Edited by Zerlargal on 12 November 2014 22:01
  • Zerlargal
    Soul Shriven
    Ok I kicked off the download about 2 hours ago and I have just come back and its done. (11mB/s) It was just sitting here ready to play. I was expecting the download to take much longer. I was also expecting to see the manifest error again. Did anything change at your end? Was there an update overnight?

    The download was much faster than my windows client yesterday which could only get 2mB/s on the same network. I should reinstall on Windows to see if its improved as well.

    Edit: Confirmed getting 11mB/s on Windows as well now. Thats a hell of a lot faster after the patch. No more manifest error as well! Ok great.

    May I suggest that you put a note in front of the client uninstall step in the post at the top of this forum that warns the user this step will delete all game data.

    Thank you for all your help and advice. It is much appreciated. I look forward to enjoying ESO.
    Edited by Zerlargal on 13 November 2014 21:49
  • KhajitFurTrader
    My not so educated guess is that they've fixed things on the CDN where the client's files come from. Maybe things broke on that end when the patch data for 1.5.3 was prematurely released last Sunday. The error messages were cross-platform, but now they seem to be gone. I'm glad that things work again. :smiley:
  • Warraxx
    [deleted by mcawesome]
    Edited by Warraxx on 13 November 2014 23:55
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    They suggested that I flash the PRAM. Can you imagine? What is this, 1997?
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • KhajitFurTrader
    They suggested that I flash the PRAM. Can you imagine? What is this, 1997?
    Who did, in which context? Are you sure that they meant flashing, not resetting?

    Resetting the SMC and PRAM has been a recent solution to known problems of OS X 10.10(.0) Yosemite in dual monitor or dual graphics cards setups. It's done in a flash, and if it solves your problem, why would you complain doing it? :wink:
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Customer Service, in an email responding to my crash report. Yes, yes, resetting is what they said. I don't have a dual monitor setup. And resetting the PRAM resets a bunch of system settings, as well, so I'm not overly keen on doing it whenI've run tons of games (I get bored quickly) in recent years and none of them ever required this kind of Kung Fu. Let's see, what else? Oh, yes, of course I was angry and frustrated when I wrote that. Really, though, why of all the titles living on my HD is ESO the one that keeps crashing? I don't see all of those developers running afoul of Yosemite...

    But what the hell, I'll give it a try.

    Nebenbei bemerkt, ich seh da reichlich deutsche Links in deiner Signatur... darf man fragen, was es damit auf sich hat?
    Edited by lecarcajou_ESO on 19 November 2014 17:53
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • Thechemicals
    looks like he got served the truth stick.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Let's hope "truth" causes ESO to "stick," instead of quitting every five minutes.
    Edited by lecarcajou_ESO on 19 November 2014 18:42
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Well, that didn't help one bit, nor did any of the other things CS suggested. Here's a bit of truth: this game's a mess, and they don't know to fix it. Bye!
    Edited by lecarcajou_ESO on 19 November 2014 18:39
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • Thechemicals
    Well, that didn't help one bit, nor did any of the other things CS suggested. Here's a bit of truth: this game's a mess, and they don't know to fix it. Bye!

    foR you yes. Hope you fix your problem.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Okay, look. Obviously, in my last post I meant to indicate that I'm not coming back to this thread, but then I thought, hey, these guys are fellow Mac users, right? And I know many Mac users are plenty savvy when it comes to their beloved machines and OS. I wouldn't be surprised—at all—if some of you know better what Mac-specific problems are about than Zeni's reps. So if you have any more ideas, I'd rather hear them than not.

    As for my apparent frustration (of which none of you deserved to be the target, naturally), I'm sure you can understand that, too. You sit down, fire up the game, which worked perfectly for the longest time, and now it's just one crash after another. I won't say it ruins my day exactly, but come evening time and you wanna sit down and romp around Tamriel for a spell, and just when you're starting to have fun, POW! Game over. That can send a person to the forums in a wee bit of a huff, no?

    I think ESO's the best-looking MMO out there at the moment. I just wanna play it like I used to. But right now it's just not working, and it's a bit irritating not to know why. I've got a powerful system that ran ESO without problem at max settings in the past. I trashed all add-ons, did the repair thing, and yes, I even reset the PRAM. Nothing helped. Would you guys not be just a little aggravated, too? :\
    Edited by lecarcajou_ESO on 19 November 2014 20:13
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Would you guys not be just a little aggravated, too? :\
    Why, of course, natürlich. :wink:

    Reminds me of beta, right after they've released the Mac client for the stress test weekends. I was all fired up, because I could have been in beta much earlier. But I gracefully declined, so I that could play on OS X. Servers came up, I logged in... and after ten to fifteen minutes in the first big city: BAM, crash. Rinse and repeat. Turned out there was a memory leak in texture handling, and it was there in one form or another for the longest time. But it got fixed eventually, and this seems not to be the issue here.

    We'll get to see a newer version of OpenGL used by the game in order to make FaceFX work. You could always try again then.

    P.S.: There have been people posting here that, after encountering problems with 10.10, they would be going back to 10.9 (via Time Machine backup). Sadly, they didn't follow up on how it worked out for them. I suppose that after 10.10.1 was released recently, things haven't changed?
    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on 19 November 2014 20:42
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Well, my experience with Yosemite so far has been quite positive (although I'm not entirely thrilled with the revamped Spotlight), so downgrading my entire OS only to try and get a game to work is not something I'd do. But since Zeni patches ESO quite regularly, there's always hope for a fix from that direction, I suppose. I don't ask for much—I'm no hardcore player and not even aware of some of the issues the poor PVPers have to endure. Even the occasional crash would not upset me terribly. As long as the game runs for a nice chunk of time, or even until I'm ready to log out, I'm not that hard to please (and keep as a customer).
    "Morally Decentralized."
  • lecarcajou_ESO
    Okay. So their support rep just asked me in another email to turn off UAC via the START button. It does not exactly inspire confidence in their advice that they seem unaware I am reporting a MAC issue (and yes, that should have been quite clear from my initial report). Sigh.
    "Morally Decentralized."
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