Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/662078/
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OS X Yosemite

  • Aranweh
    I hoped Yosemite could help in Cyrodill and….

    Mac gamers will wait ps4 and xboxone versions and hope cyrodill will be playable on it :(
  • Calmyron
    Okay, I've done some more testing on this. As a MacBook user, I have the unique ability to have a second monitor, which I take advantage of quite a bit due to having a lot of graphic programs that I use in my work. ESO has been a part of this by being able to play ESO while using a browser to check on certain pieces of information, like Enchanting Rune tables, Alchemy lists, etc. So, when I was doing my testing, I was testing it on this exact setup that had worked just fine in Mavericks.

    I decided to try to attempt to find out which of all the settings was causing the most trouble. In the the past, subsampling seemed to make the biggest difference by setting it lower than high. Removing items like grass and water reflection also helped quite a bit, but not as much as subsampling.

    In my tests, using only the laptops screen and NOT having a second monitor attached, I was actually finding that the FPS was fairly stable and better than Mavericks. Without the second monitor, I rarely got single digit FPS unless I went full ultra settings with max distance viewing. Using the defaults got me an average of 30-40 FPS. This was in the same places where I would get spikes down to 5 FPS, so this was very exciting to find out.

    So, now that I finished that testing, I re-attached the second monitor, opened up ESO to test my new settings and ... 5 FPS reared it's ugly head. I started playing with the settings again just like I did with just the laptop's monitor, but the problem stuck.

    After frustration set in, I started doing some internet searching on Yosemite and second monitor issues, specifically regarding FPS. I found a ton. Seems Yosemite's new drivers are actually better on single monitors, but when it comes to a dual or multi- monitor setup, Yosemite seems to check choked up. No one knows if Apple is aware of it, I believe they are, or if they are working on a fix, which I believe they might be but I doubt it's a high priority.

    I did check to see if nVidia had an CUDA driver updates, but I was already on the most up-to-date versions.

    So, if you have a laptop and are using dual monitors, unplug your second monitor and try ESO without it. You'll probably find the gameplay has returned to what you expected. Then we can wait for either Apple or nVidia to solve the issue.

    For reference: MacBook Pro 2012 2.3ghz i7, 16gb Ram, nVidia 650m 512mb
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Calmyron wrote: »
    So, if you have a laptop and are using dual monitors, unplug your second monitor and try ESO without it. You'll probably find the gameplay has returned to what you expected. Then we can wait for either Apple or nVidia to solve the issue.


    have you tested what happens when your MacBook Pro is in clamshell mode, i.e. with the lid closed and only the external monitor is active (along with an external keyboard and mouse, of course)? As long as the GPU has to drive two monitors, it needs to sustain the memory footprint of two frame buffers at once, leaving even less memory free for graphical assets of the game. This needs to be reflected in even lower graphical quality settings.

    @Sarulas recently posted this link to a post in the Apple Support forums. The post describes how to reset various persistent hardware configuration memory buffers, which seemed to help with some issues that have been creeping up with Yosemite on MacBooks with a dual monitor configuration. So if you haven't, you could try these steps as well.
  • Gix
    have you tested what happens when your MacBook Pro is in clamshell mode, i.e. with the lid closed and only the external monitor is active (along with an external keyboard and mouse, of course)? As long as the GPU has to drive two monitors, it needs to sustain the memory footprint of two frame buffers at once, leaving even less memory free for graphical assets of the game. This needs to be reflected in even lower graphical quality settings..
    I would personally be wary of using a MBP in clamshell mode for gaming, especially if it's using a thunderbolt display.

    I mean, it can be done. But my MBP has had graphical issues powering a thunderbolt resolution. I can't say that ESO in particular is the cause but I think excessive heat has caused me to return the MBP to the shop at least once for a completely new graphics card.

    At the very least reduce the SubSampling Quality in ESO's setting to "medium" or lower.
  • Windshadow_ESO
    if you clamshell a MBP it is a good idea to provide underneath air flow i used just a pair of pencils under my mid 2009 15" and it dropped the internal temps about 10% over sinning flat on the desk
  • Calmyron
    I have done the reset on the Mac for the Dual Monitor situation. It really didn't make a difference on FPS. It did help on the Memory Leak a bit.
  • Calmyron
    I have my Macbook on the riser with twin fans.
  • frol41
    Soul Shriven

    I cannot even install the installer. It opens the java app and then crashes.

    iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, Late 2014)
    Processor 4 Ghz Intel Core i7
    Memory 32 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M295X 4096

    Process: java [5489]
    Path: /tmp/*/java
    Identifier: net.java.openjdk.cmd
    Version: 1.0 (1.0)
    Code Type: X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process: setup [5482]
    Responsible: setup [5482]
    User ID: 501

    Date/Time: 2014-11-04 11:32:37.404 +0100
    OS Version: Mac OS X 10.10 (14A389)
    Report Version: 11
    Anonymous UUID: 4198E9A3-B588-C607-5B5F-18C9104CE5D9

    Sleep/Wake UUID: 767509E0-9AD6-45A9-9F87-B1BE00D44531

    Time Awake Since Boot: 62000 seconds
    Time Since Wake: 29000 seconds

    Crashed Thread: 31 Java: Java2D Queue Flusher Dispatch queue: com.apple.root.default-qos

    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGABRT)
    Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000115b64000

    VM Regions Near 0x115b64000:
    IOKit 00000001157a4000-0000000115b64000 [ 3840K] rw-/rw- SM=SHM
    VM_ALLOCATE 00000007f2e00000-00000007f4300000 [ 21.0M] rw-/rwx SM=PRV
  • KhajitFurTrader
    frol41 wrote: »
    I cannot even install the installer. It opens the java app and then crashes.
    Hi @frol41‌,

    please see this thread: Unable to install on iMac Retina 5K

    I've provided the game's Launcher and a short instruction on where to place it and how to set it up in the fourth comment from the top.
  • Sarulas
    Soul Shriven
    Hey guys still having trouble even after update five I am going to downgrade tomorrow back to mav
  • DrYac
    Any new info on Yosemite ?
    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • DrYac
    Ok.. upgraded to 10.10.1 to check how things are doing...
    No change, still fps is 5-10... Game is unplayable
    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    @DrYac, what machine do you have, which settings do you run?

    The lowest I've seen is ˜25 FPS in a crowded city on 2560x1440 with customized Ultra-High settings (GeForce GTX 780M).
  • DrYac
    iMac 21,5, 2013, i5 2,9, 16 GB ram, gf gt650. On Mav I get 30-40 fps with the same settings....
    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • Wookyenub18_ESO
    Should I upgrade to Yosemite now?
    [iMac 27" 2012 with every custom option, only ESO runs on it].
    With 10.9.5:
    FPS: 20 to 40 FPS depending on location and time of day. Was never above 25 until I changed from FullScreen to Windowed FullScreen.
    Crashes: Every 3-4 hours in Cyrodiil, usually right after transiting. Also at climax of big battles, and a few other random weird crashes.
  • Wookyenub18_ESO
    Upgraded to Yosemite 10.10.1 today. Made no other changes. Play style and scenarios in Cyrodiil the same as for the past few days. For the first time since March the game is unplayable. In 3 hours in Cyrodiil SEVEN crashes. When I come back into the game, abilities and Q-slot are unresponsive for a full minute, so even if I'm still alive when I get back in, I'm dead before I can defend myself. I can't group, because I'm offline during the action, and I can't advance, because I'm offline for the big AP defense ticks. I can't even report bugs in-game, because the Submit button won't work. The issues were barely tolerable before, but now crashes are 10x more frequent.
  • nathan_bri
    As a longtime Mac user, you never want to upgrade to the latest major operating system from Apple *until* everyone else has had their chance to report major bugs and get them squashed. Sometimes this takes a few months. Rarely is there anything in the new OS that is compelling or game-changing. Typically it's more "window dressing" than anything else. Yosemite is little different.

    My advice is to wait until ZeniMax officially supports Elder Scrolls Online on Yosemite before making the jump. Otherwise, you do so at your own risk.
  • Profka
    Soul Shriven
    Hi Folks,

    I'm seriously considering making the move to an iMac, as I'm officially sick of trying to get my current machine to work reliably. I won't name names.

    Anyway, they ship with Yosemite, and based on this thread, it seems to be a bad thing. I have two questions:

    1) How will I know when ZM officially supports Yosemite?
    2) Knowing nearly nothing about Macs, is it easy to downgrade to Maverick on a new machine? (I realize this question isn't game related...)

  • KhajitFurTrader
    1. We will know when there is an official announcement, and/or when the recommended system specifications are updated.
    2. Restoring a Time Machine backup with Mavericks to a Mac with Yosemite is easy. If that doesn't exist though, things get complicated. The biggest problem is getting the Mavericks installer image from the Mac App Store (as physical media have never been sold). Unless one has already purchased it in the past, the App Store won't display it. Maybe this article can shed further light on the problem: http://www.macworld.co.uk/how-to/mac-software/revert-back-mavericks-from-yosemite-3581872/
    3. There is no downgrade option in any case. Mavericks would have to be re-installed from scratch.
  • Profka
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the information. I'm glad I didn't place the order yet! I really wish Apple gave you the option of having the previous OS incarnation installed, like the Other company does. Ah well, back to fiddling with video drivers.

    Thanks again!
  • Delsskia
    Apple does give the option. If you order the computer from the online Apple Store, you can have it delivered to your nearest Apple Store and they can load Mavericks for you, free. Or, if you buy the comp from an Apple Store they'll do the same.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    Delsskia wrote: »
    Apple does give the option. If you order the computer from the online Apple Store, you can have it delivered to your nearest Apple Store and they can load Mavericks for you, free. Or, if you buy the comp from an Apple Store they'll do the same.

    I didn't know that! Thanks for the information!

    My guess would be that this option exists only for recent machines and recent incarnations of OS X. Asking them in the future to put OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (which can still be bought from the Apple Online Store, funnily enough) on a, say, 2017 iMac might stretch it a little bit... :wink:
  • Profka
    Soul Shriven
    Delsskia wrote: »
    Apple does give the option. If you order the computer from the online Apple Store, you can have it delivered to your nearest Apple Store and they can load Mavericks for you, free. Or, if you buy the comp from an Apple Store they'll do the same.

    That's *really* good news! Thank you!

  • GreySix
    ESO ran fine on Yosemite on my 09 Mac Pro ... until they pushed 1.6.

    Now, it's a crashing nightmare.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • DrYac
    Ok guys,
    There is hope. After this f*&%$# with Yosemite I switched to Bootcamp and windoze ESO but after upgrading to 1.6.5 on MAC the game started working good. I no longer get 5 fps , ESO is well enough playable on high texture and medium subsampling (fps about 40)

    I guess it's a little bit worse than it was on Maverics, but far, far better than it became right afer yosemite.

    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
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