Face it, with as many skills that you have access to and the limited amount of buttons you can set them to, many skills will probably never stay very long people's bars.
1) Skill spamming. Because some skills are simply better, you really have less choices when setting up your skills and when you fight, you basically spam the same button over and over again because there's no room for other skills.
2) Toggle skills that just take up space. You only have so many buttons to press. For an action-combat game, less buttons to press takes away from your options. Buffs that you recast once every 20 to 60 seconds create the same issue. How annoying is it to have Sorcerer pet summons and if you accidentally press that button, it unsummons - so you have to avoid pressing that button in combat... (not that anyone really uses pet summons in pvp anyhow)
3) Some skills won't get used. Because face it, they aren't good enough to beat out skills you put on your bar. There are just too few options. Zenimax tries to balance out skills, but unless they make something overtly better, people really won't use them. I see the same abilities being used by people and there are a lot of abilities that people simply don't or won't use.
Probably because ESO is going to end up a console game, they have to limit the number of buttons available. But as a PC gamer, I feel really limited like I can't do what I want to do with my character because of the limited number of slots.
1) Give us an option of having up to 2 PASSIVE/BUFF skills that aren't on a bar. These can be pets, weapon buffs, etc. You'd activate them and they'd stay up until you die (or the pet dies and you need to recast etc). This would allow us to maintain at least a full hotbar of ACTIVE skills to use.
2) Hotbars that tier into other hotbars. This one is a little more complicated. What you would do is have one button activate another hotbar instead of an ability. Like for example pressing 5 changes your hotbar to another hotbar (for the same weapon), but you can put 4 additional skills on it. Then pressing 5 would change it back. This is in addition to having a weapon swap. Not the most ideal, but I'm trying to work with the limitations of a console button layout. This would open a lot of possibilities by having this occur. The upcoming weapon swap delay lag fixes should help with this also.
3) Create more skill combo's. Create more abilities that create useful effects when done in a certain order. This creates more opportunistic effects instead of spam, spam, spam the same button over and over again.
@ZOS_BrianWheeler ,
@ZOS_GinaBruno , what do you think?
Anyone have any other ideas on how to make this a more active and interesting game with more options on how to build out your skill bars?