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Official Discussion Thread for "The Future of ESO Panel"

  • Arkhaniir
    Well I am expecting more detailed information on Justice System and Champion System as well as Housing. Also wonder what are they planning regarding mounts and small scaled fun events. Oh and the future of Imperial City...

    And I just realized THIS: "Lead Gameplay Designer Nick Konkle – Spellcrafting" I guess it is time to start leveling my sorcerer.
    Edited by Arkhaniir on 16 July 2014 01:13
    Once a Tank, always a Tank.

    Host of Tales of Tamriel Podcast, Steward of The Dungeon Crawler Network
    Twitter: @Arkhaniir
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    Is the overall vision for heavy armor to be used purely by tank type characters or are there be plans to also make heavy armor viable for melee dps?
    I can has typing!
  • KarlosTheGrouch
    Will there be special amor sets and wep sets and the future Dungeons, which you only can get there and with 10 + player?
  • SantieClaws

    Any plans for disguises/cosmetic outfits that make you look like an ordinary person? I mean things like cook, farmer, fisherman, hunter, travelling merchant etc.

    I just don't like going round looking like I am in full battle dress all the time when my main occupations are cooking and trading.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Ethoir
    I'm not sure who in the panel could answer these but I feel compelled to ask anyway.
    • Can we expect to see fisticuffs in the game at some point? In Skyrim in order to convince some people to do a certain thing, you had to duke it out with them using only your fists (as using weapons would disqualify you AND count as a crime if you hit them with said weapon). Can it be tied into the intimidate passive? Can we expect a few quests (like in Vulkhel Guard) to go from blade dances to flying fists? Similarly. Boxing PvP Arenas!
    • Similar vein. How about random encounters with rival mages once you get your destruction staff skill up to a certain level? Skyrim's version had you fight rival mages if your Destruction Magic skill tree hit 50. And if you became Arch-mage, rival mages would challenge you for that title.

    Now that those are out of the way (and out of my system) the more legitimate questions can follow.
    • Can we expect to be able to replay dungeons at lower levels, quests and all, but with different rewards and a cooldown timer? The best way to describe it is to use a competing MMO as an example so lets use Star Trek Online as such. STO lets you replay missions you've done before with different rewards (often lower quality). The catch is after replaying a mission you cannot replay it again for 30 minutes. This works fine for them, but for ESO I imagine that the rewards would need to be quite different to keep players from getting tons of soul gems and "good" equipment to flood the market (or power-grind their crafting) with.
    • Many of us still feel that Nightblades are underpowered in general and lack damage-dealing AoE support from their class trees (excluding Ultimates). What plans are being considered to further bring NBs up to the level of the rest of the classes?
    • Speaking of class skill trees, are there plans to change their "all class skills cost magicka" lean? If a Class Skill uses weapon damage for its calculation, shouldn't its damage be based on your stamina and also consume stamina? This kind of move would help solve the problem where magicka builds are still superior despite the recent changes that attempt to make stamina builds more appealing while combatting the trend of most players running magicka builds out of the fact that class skills use magicka and are considerably better damage dealers than stamina builds.
    • Can we hope to be able to dual-enchant legitimately at some point? Let's say we want to dual-enchant. We'd need a special passive from enchanting to allow us to do it and this passive lets us make glyphs with two effects that are not as strong as either of its component effects would be by themselves. Kind of like the effects from provisioning and alchemy allowing us to make consumable items that can do two things at the same time.
    • I'd love to see more armor styles in the game. Like Stalhrim (from TES3 and TES5) and Glass (TES3 through 5). Stalhrim and Glass (Malachite) would look awesome as decals on armors.
    • We sort of have crossbows in the game from the fighter's guild skill line, though that uses specific ammunition. Will we see crossbows in the game at some point as an actual equip-able weapon? I can see it as a possibility in lore as the Dawnguard was created in the second era who in turn likely got the idea from Dwarven Spheres (which are equipped with them by default), and a certain NPC in Wayrest mentions being asked to invest in a "miniature bow mounted on a wooden arm and fired with a trigger" (he called it rediculoous asking "who would even want to use such a thing?").
    Edited by Ethoir on 18 July 2014 14:06
    Participant in the Sanguine's Tester beta group since November 2013.
  • Audigy
    I have a question!

    Why do the guys at the Panel look so tired? :D

    A more serious question however. :p

    There are still people struggling with the performance of ESO, it often comes down to the CPU cores not being utilized properly. Any future improvement coming there?

    Will we get a companion system in future, similar to Skyrim?

    And a last for the more romantic people.

    One of my Chars has fallen in love with "Sees-All-Colors", will it ever be possible for them to start a romance and move into a house, have little argonian kids?
    Edited by Audigy on 18 July 2014 23:48
  • HeroOfNone
    Question: any special facial animations for vampires? Oh wait, no fangs to work around :p
    Herfi Driderkitty of the Aldmeri Dominion
    Find me on : Twitch | Youtube | Twitter | Reddit
  • Bluturtles
    Soul Shriven
    Question: Have you ever thought about implementing guild vs guild pvp events. Not just Different fractions but guilds within your own fraction too?
  • takai.kurosawab14_ESO
    QUESTION: Are there any plans for more offensive or defensive one-handed skills for players who like to use one-handed weapons without shields?
  • JD2013

    Are you going to be having more mage quest lines for the guild, and indeed adding the college of Winterhold in?
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
    Order of Sithis
    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • LonePirate
    Will we ever be able to level up our horses past level 50? It has been over two months since I have been able to feed Starlight and he's getting hungry.
  • Maximilian
    Why is Wolfhound not being offered to the LOYAL Subscribers????
  • Audigy
    Thanks Gina & Jess, was an interesting Panel ;)
  • Taz
    My werewolf question was asked first. \o/ Thanks guys, really psyched for the new changes.
  • Ecco
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?
  • Audigy
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    Edited by Audigy on 19 July 2014 00:17
  • Bluturtles
    Soul Shriven
    I asked a question earlier but ALAS it didn't make it to the panel so maybe some comments/opinions from the community?

    Heres the thread I made ->
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Elgarr
    After all this time, still no word about jewellery crafting, have people forgotten about this craft?!
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.
    'Couple of days'?

    You need some decent video encoding software! How long does it take to compress 2 hours of video? :(
  • Hamfast
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.
    'Couple of days'?

    You need some decent video encoding software! How long does it take to compress 2 hours of video? :(
    They are in Dallas at QuakeCon, I am guessing here, but I would assume they will load it up once they get back home... and edit out all the Drunken Nord Jokes
    Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most...
  • Audigy
    Audigy wrote: »
    Ecco wrote: »
    Just caught the tail end of the stream. Is there a place I can see the full video?

    It should appear under "past broadcasts" soon, I think.

    Can you confirm this @ZOS_GinaBruno?
    We'll be uploading it to our ZOS YouTube channel in the next couple days.

    Cheers! ;)
  • nudel
  • Eorea
    While I think that the Justice System is outstanding, I have concerns about other players being able to hunt me down if I have a bounty. Guards, sure. That's fine. That's a staple in the Elder Scrolls series... however, I have absolutely no intrest in PvP. Period. None. Not even if I have a bounty. I do pure PvE and do not want to interact in a PvP way with another player EVER or for any reason outside of mutually agreed upon roleplay rules. Will there be a bounty threshhold before you become visible to "guard" type players? Will there be a level requirement? Is there going to be a way to entirely opt out of the player-recognizable bounty system so that we are not instantly mobbed by VR12 players when we steal a grape at level 3? I can see a thousand ways this system will be exploited by PvPers against PvEers and ultimately make players like me (thief/assassin/stealth type) not enjoy playing anymore because we will be attacked for 95% of our gameplay time by people who are just being PvP pr**ks.

    I also bring this up because I am a roleplayer, and I know other roleplayers who will 100% take the first opportunity available to create guard guilds that do nothing but tear a swath of destruction through other players for absolutely no reason, claiming it to be in-character when really they just want to gank everyone in sight. And now they CAN.
  • Viblo
    Do the crime pay the price.
  • Draecan
    @‌ Eorea
    Erm the most time i play pve too. But if someone kill's the people in the town where i am.. then i'll hunt him. This is mmorpg. Nobody forced you to play pvp... but if you do things that make a ... sry it's too late for english^^' vllt kann es einer übersetzen.

    Ich bin selber eher PvE Spieler (wobei ich in TESO doch schon recht Pvp interessiert bin). Wenn jemand die Menschen in der Stadt tötet in der ich gerade zugegen bin, dann will ich denjenigen natürlich zur Strecke bringen. Das ist MMORPG, Niemand zwingt dich in den PvP Zweig zu gehen, aber was erwartet man bitte wenn man unschuldige Bürger (NPC's) in einer Stadt z.b. ermordet?! Ein Verdienstkreuz? Wenn man sowas macht, dann sollte man auch mit den Konsequenzen leben können ohne die große Schippe im Forum raushängen zu lassen.

    Ich freue mich schon solche NPC-Mörder jagen zu können.

    Jute Nacht :D
    Edited by Draecan on 20 July 2014 13:40
  • tinythinker
    Looking at the demo of the justice system, I'm sure I'm not the only one who sees potential problems with killing NPCs so easily and with so little (apparent) penalty. Maybe I missed something from the panel talk, but just being killed by a guard or a fellow player character isn't that much of a deterrent. Player characters get killed all of the time. I appreciate the KOS (kill-on-site) lasting until a bounty is paid, but that may not be enough.

    Plus, whether players are doing it for fun or to grief other people (for fun), how immersion-breaking would it be to have NPCs in towns and cities constantly being mass-slaughtered? If they stay dead a while, you are walking through a field of corpses and the merchants are not available. If they respawn quickly, that's even more unrealistic.

    The brief QuakeCon demo isn't going to be all there is to the justice system, and doubtless this obvious issue has already been addressed in some way in as yet undisclosed aspects of game design. Perhaps with some kind of substantial penalty (and not having so many of the NPCs being helpless wimps). I am thinking of the skill degradation for being in jail in previous TES games, or the way that NPC assassins and swooping dragons were quickly mobbed by armed guards and angry/tough town folk in Skyrim, as examples. Maybe having other NPCs flee/become unresponsive. Take those all together and a player with a notorious murderer for a character might have to go to other zones to find a merchant and walk about unharassed.

    Perhaps the next reveal or discussion of the justice system, whenever it happens, could address how such potential abuses will be curbed.
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Lionxoft
    Eorea wrote: »
    While I think that the Justice System is outstanding, I have concerns about other players being able to hunt me down if I have a bounty. Guards, sure. That's fine. That's a staple in the Elder Scrolls series... however, I have absolutely no intrest in PvP. Period. None. Not even if I have a bounty. I do pure PvE and do not want to interact in a PvP way with another player EVER or for any reason outside of mutually agreed upon roleplay rules. Will there be a bounty threshhold before you become visible to "guard" type players? Will there be a level requirement? Is there going to be a way to entirely opt out of the player-recognizable bounty system so that we are not instantly mobbed by VR12 players when we steal a grape at level 3? I can see a thousand ways this system will be exploited by PvPers against PvEers and ultimately make players like me (thief/assassin/stealth type) not enjoy playing anymore because we will be attacked for 95% of our gameplay time by people who are just being PvP pr**ks.

    I also bring this up because I am a roleplayer, and I know other roleplayers who will 100% take the first opportunity available to create guard guilds that do nothing but tear a swath of destruction through other players for absolutely no reason, claiming it to be in-character when really they just want to gank everyone in sight. And now they CAN.

    Thanks for the laugh. See you in-game and if you kill someone... Watch your back. ;)
    Edited by Lionxoft on 20 July 2014 05:21
  • Eorea
    Lionxoft wrote: »

    Thanks for the laugh. See you in-game and if you kill someone... Watch your back. ;)

    ;) No, you watch yours.

    Edited by Eorea on 20 July 2014 05:54
  • LyricalMURDER
    Eorea wrote: »
    While I think that the Justice System is outstanding, I have concerns about other players being able to hunt me down if I have a bounty. Guards, sure. That's fine. That's a staple in the Elder Scrolls series... however, I have absolutely no intrest in PvP. Period. None. Not even if I have a bounty. I do pure PvE and do not want to interact in a PvP way with another player EVER or for any reason outside of mutually agreed upon roleplay rules. Will there be a bounty threshhold before you become visible to "guard" type players? Will there be a level requirement? Is there going to be a way to entirely opt out of the player-recognizable bounty system so that we are not instantly mobbed by VR12 players when we steal a grape at level 3? I can see a thousand ways this system will be exploited by PvPers against PvEers and ultimately make players like me (thief/assassin/stealth type) not enjoy playing anymore because we will be attacked for 95% of our gameplay time by people who are just being PvP pr**ks.

    I also bring this up because I am a roleplayer, and I know other roleplayers who will 100% take the first opportunity available to create guard guilds that do nothing but tear a swath of destruction through other players for absolutely no reason, claiming it to be in-character when really they just want to gank everyone in sight. And now they CAN.

    Eh. Don't get caught or if you do, pay the bounty. Simple as that.
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