Ok, the first time I did this, there was a lot of feedback about what we all wanted to see in the game. What I've noticed about these boards is that there seems to be a 50/50 split in opinion many times. That got me thinking.
I want you to think hard for a minute and
post one or more things you think we can all agree on. Even if someone says something you thought of, please post it so others can see its prevalence. Again, so there is no topic bias off the bat from myself, I'm going to wait and post mine later. This is something I want to take my time and think about. So too with yourself, if you just keep this post open you can think about it and post later.
I think what we can gain from this is a constructive common ground that ZoS can see. My hopes are that this will illuminate some singular threads between us that may perhaps be a guide to shaping this game for the future. After all, if they do decide to listen to us, what better place to pull from than a collection of our agreements among each other. And I'd say these forums show quite a diverse set of minds to sample from.
And here's something that will make you smile.