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I hereby submit that we shall refer to Zenimax as 'Betamax' when they displease us, henceforth.

All those in favour say "Yay":
Edited by Grim13 on 24 May 2014 19:51

Betamax! 114 votes

amastop02tilolyen_ESOBraidasHandofBaneDealdrickScesmoonsheltonrwb14_ESOskarvikaKer.Rakb16_ESOElgarrblasteronAreoHotahKitLightningEzikielStormReinmardGrim13b92303008rwb17_ESOchriswang927ub17_ESODaraughForTheRealm 59 votes
VeeroSalsadoomItsMeTooCTravelerxevienEmohsnevarSilentDauntHoyleguMETALPUNKSAlurriazdkazzforbarcusb16_ESOEliteZfyendiarb16_ESOWitarzeuseasonLord_DraevanLoco_MofobadmojoDeffiance 25 votes
"ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
LauraGothicnerevarine1138SanguineReaperRavdelEivarNightspectreShyrithElVincenzoAnubisxMovingTargetXuxilbarastevenjm_2000b16_ESOrawne1980b16_ESOThe_SpAwNYakidafiVorkk8383gavinpickeringrwb17_ESOkherzaheb17_ESOChomppa 30 votes
  • Noctisse
    How is that offensive in any way?
  • Blackwidow
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.
  • Gwarok
    Immature stupid poll is immature and flagged to be shut down
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Zionysus
    Gwarok wrote: »
    Immature stupid poll is immature and flagged to be shut down

    Obviously you have trouble spotting anything that's not on the surface. There is meaning here and pretty funny too. The game feels like beta. I didn't want my money thrown away on beta.

    Good job OP!

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Flaming]
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on 25 May 2014 16:04
  • Noctisse
    Blackwidow wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.

    My apologies, that was not my intention.
    I simply don't get the joke here.
    Is it related to the greek letter Beta, which is used to mark a product of lesser quality?
    Or does it have something to do with the fact that the game is still in a sort of Beta testing phase?
  • Caduryn
    What about Zeromax?
  • Memnock
    Have to agree with the guy above , it feels we're still in Beta but now unlike before the 4th of April , we are actually paying.
  • Kryank
    Noctisse wrote: »
    Blackwidow wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.

    My apologies, that was not my intention.
    I simply don't get the joke here.
    Is it related to the greek letter Beta, which is used to mark a product of lesser quality?
    Or does it have something to do with the fact that the game is still in a sort of Beta testing phase?

    I assume Betamax refers to the old kind of video recording and playback device format called Betamax that was in competition to VHS but didn't last (My uncle had one) they were around in the early 80's they only had one tape window on the cassette (I too now feel old) :smiley:
    Edited by Kryank on 24 May 2014 20:07
    'I am not entering into a battle of wits with a man who is clearly unarmed'
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  • Blackwidow
    Noctisse wrote: »
    Blackwidow wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.

    My apologies, that was not my intention.
    I simply don't get the joke here.
    Is it related to the greek letter Beta, which is used to mark a product of lesser quality?
    Or does it have something to do with the fact that the game is still in a sort of Beta testing phase?

    My mind went to the betamax video players back when VHS and Betas were at war before VHS won and Betamaxs died off.

    I am old. :)
  • KitLightning
    @Noctisse Somehow I believe it to be related with the old (redundant) video-tape format _bubblesss__by_kitlightning-d6uuvv4.gif
    "I'd rather be insane in a sane world, than sane in an insane world!" ~Me
    Warning - This is a spoiler and looking at it for too long may cause irrecoverable eyesight issues.

    MechWarrior: Living Legends – Total conversion modification for Crysis Wars.

  • zombie2kornout
    EDIT: Post a duplicate of above.
    Edited by zombie2kornout on 24 May 2014 20:09
  • Noctisse
    Kryank wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    Blackwidow wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.

    My apologies, that was not my intention.
    I simply don't get the joke here.
    Is it related to the greek letter Beta, which is used to mark a product of lesser quality?
    Or does it have something to do with the fact that the game is still in a sort of Beta testing phase?

    I assume Betamax refers to the old kind of video recording and playback device that was in completion to VHS but didn't last (My uncle had one) they were around in the early 80's they only had one tape indow on the cassette (I too now feel old) :smiley:

    Oh...wow, there was no way I could ever get that reference :/
    Thank you for the explanation
  • Grim13
    Yeah, I just dated myself... It's a reference to that age old beta vs. vhs battle... with a handy pun on the game's beta like state.
  • Chomppa
    "ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
    Rewinding Betamax tapes , brings back memories .
    :):D:(;):\:o:s:p:'(:|B):#o:)<3 (*) >:)
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    Betamax...a failed video format that emerged about the same time as VHS in the mid 1970's , both fought for market dominance but Betamax lost leaving VHS the dominate home video format for two decades.

    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • NullByte
    Soul Shriven
    Betamax VS VHS was like HD-DVD VS Blu-ray, of course VHS and Blu-Ray won.

  • Aeradon
    "ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
    EwrhmMerhGerd, You guys are so mean! Like, super mean! Don't you think so too, Ken?
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Betamax format was actually higher quality than VHS, and at the beginning, easier to find at rental shops.

    But VHS machines were cheaper, and got more word of mouth.

    It was the format that SHOULD have won, if consumers went for quality over raw price, and knew what "value" _really_ meant.

    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 24 May 2014 20:53
  • DireKit
    Kryank wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    Blackwidow wrote: »
    Noctisse wrote: »
    How is that offensive in any way?

    You make me feel old.

    My apologies, that was not my intention.
    I simply don't get the joke here.
    Is it related to the greek letter Beta, which is used to mark a product of lesser quality?
    Or does it have something to do with the fact that the game is still in a sort of Beta testing phase?

    I assume Betamax refers to the old kind of video recording and playback device format called Betamax that was in competition to VHS but didn't last (My uncle had one) they were around in the early 80's they only had one tape window on the cassette (I too now feel old) :smiley:

    We feel old too, don't feel bad.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    "ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.

    Hah. Those old, first-gen VHS machines (top loaders, with a CORDED remote) weren't much better/quieter.

    The damn thing is, the early 80s also saw the advent of the VideoDisc (LaserDisc), etc. It was the size of an LP with one movie on. That format didn't last either, and neither did several others until DVD came out. No idea why any of these failed.
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 24 May 2014 21:00
  • DireKit
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.

    Hah. Those old, first-gen VHS machines (top loaders, with a CORDED remote) weren't much better/quieter.

    Was always fun when a tape jammed and then suddenly the player went ASDAKFAJSFNAJIFNSAFÄWAEFWÄEKFÅP34KWKRT2P3ASFÅPAÖSPA ERMERGERRRD BLERRGGHH!!!! and threw up tape everywhere along with a unique odor.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    ..and it was a rental tape, because it could cost $80 or something crazy like that for a movie (in early 80s dollars!)
  • temjiu
    "ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
    I thought it was funny. but im not a super serious person (outside of my job).

    Actually, I dont call them Betamax. I do use Zenimin, Zenimostly, Zeni-almostThere...cause it's almost there. mostly. in a minimum way.
  • temjiu
    "ErhmMerGerd, Becky... Look at that Poll!"
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.

    Hah. Those old, first-gen VHS machines (top loaders, with a CORDED remote) weren't much better/quieter.

    The damn thing is, the early 80s also saw the advent of the VideoDisc (LaserDisc), etc. It was the size of an LP with one movie on. That format didn't last either, and neither did several others until DVD came out. No idea why any of these failed.

    I remember those disks :D everyone thought they were the wave of the future!

    I think half the time its timing...half the time is marketing, and more often then not its a combination of the two.

    for VHS it really was timing and the market. I can't remember what caused Beta to fall behind. but wouldn't be surprised if it was contractual stuff and "proprietary architecture" arguments and the like.

    Almost like how PC architecture shot off when Apple was in danger of dying (back in the day).
  • Requiemslove
    I get the reference but was not really there, I'm an 80s child so Meh, but I do feel cultured. :D You know, my old nan always preferred Betamax, she said too, better quality.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    temjiu wrote: »
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.

    Hah. Those old, first-gen VHS machines (top loaders, with a CORDED remote) weren't much better/quieter.

    The damn thing is, the early 80s also saw the advent of the VideoDisc (LaserDisc), etc. It was the size of an LP with one movie on. That format didn't last either, and neither did several others until DVD came out. No idea why any of these failed.

    I remember those disks :D everyone thought they were the wave of the future!

    I think half the time its timing...half the time is marketing, and more often then not its a combination of the two.

    for VHS it really was timing and the market. I can't remember what caused Beta to fall behind. but wouldn't be surprised if it was contractual stuff and "proprietary architecture" arguments and the like.

    Almost like how PC architecture shot off when Apple was in danger of dying (back in the day).

    As I said, it was probably a matter of VHS being a bit cheaper (which it was). Being cheaper, more people bought it, so more word of mouth in favour of VHS ("What should we get?" "Well, Harry and Joan bought VHS, and they're happy").

    As for PC architecture, some of those old home computers couldn't be opened up and mucked with. IBM PC design was the second* to have the open architecture we have today (and most companies back then were proprietary on things like boxes, keyboard connectors, motherboard size - I remember Compaqs that couldn't be opened; my Tandy had several proprietary parts, but at least let me put in any old modem (started with a generic 2400, and later moved up to a USR 14.4; had a Gravis Ultrasound in that baby, too).

    Being able to mix and match your computer's guts turned out be to kind of popular.

    (*the first being a little box called the Altair, for which you pretty much had to make your own circuit boards for.)
    Edited by isengrimb16_ESO on 24 May 2014 23:28
  • Saerydoth
    temjiu wrote: »
    I used to have a betamax.

    Whole house vibrated if you used fast forward.

    Hah. Those old, first-gen VHS machines (top loaders, with a CORDED remote) weren't much better/quieter.

    The damn thing is, the early 80s also saw the advent of the VideoDisc (LaserDisc), etc. It was the size of an LP with one movie on. That format didn't last either, and neither did several others until DVD came out. No idea why any of these failed.

    I remember those disks :D everyone thought they were the wave of the future!

    I think half the time its timing...half the time is marketing, and more often then not its a combination of the two.

    for VHS it really was timing and the market. I can't remember what caused Beta to fall behind. but wouldn't be surprised if it was contractual stuff and "proprietary architecture" arguments and the like.

    Almost like how PC architecture shot off when Apple was in danger of dying (back in the day).

    Beta was technically superior. But Sony were jerks and wanted HUGE license fees, and they also made the architecture proprietary so people couldn't make players or disks without paying the huge license fees.

    VHS was much more open.
  • BTOG46
    The main advantage VHS had back then was the price of the tapes, which made them the natural choice for the companies selling certain types of videos to adults..........

    Yes folks, naughty videos decided the Betamax VHS war............ ;)
    Edited by BTOG46 on 24 May 2014 23:49
  • Oblongship
    You may think you are funny....but you are not.
This discussion has been closed.