Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

Are we able to actually play ESO this weekend?

  • Albali
    Soul Shriven
    subecsanur wrote: »
    Bugs, Memory Leaks, Roll back loops, VR zone uberness, no loots, UI bugs glitches etc as poor excuse as to why or what was not seen but there or vice-verse? Big patch on a nice long weekend for an unplayable game now? Classes broken DK and NB (still broken).

    What happened here? And no updates regarding any fixes or hotfixes yet?

    And all of that is if you can LOGIN! How does a company make a game with such potential and then destroy it with this failed delivery?

    I've been dealing with patch issues and the dreaded clean install. Game was running smooth before patch. Already unsubbed. Eso will be added to the many failed and forgotten mmo s of the last decade.

  • ShintaiDK
    The memory leak is very violent. Mine leaks with 100-200KB/sec.
  • Kaelis33
    Misty wrote: »
    How do you experience this memory leak? I only ask because I have been playing 6 to 8 hours without issue.

    Ok please post specs

    Graphics Card
    Sound Card
    Operating System
    Graphics Settings in Game

    I am curious....it could be a any of those things. I suspect its not video card related. It MIGHT be that the memory leak will expand to a certain size and stop, which would mean people with large amounts of RAM might be able to absorb the increased load.

    It could be sound driver related ( I have heard of this before), doubtful its operating system, as I have WIndows 7 (probably the most common OS). It could very well be a certain graphics setting is not loading the offending code....so interested what settings you are using.

    Keep in mind Zenimax said it was related to the character selection screen, which indicates it is affecting everyone to me. But I don't think they know what they are talking about.....I think they noticed the leak starting on character select and saw it rising and assumed it starts there.

    The leak occurs everywhere in game. And might be related to certain in game graphics settings. Who knows.
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    We have a fix for the memory leak issue that we're in the process of testing. We'll keep you updated.

    Where are you experiencing rollback loops? We fixed one in Stonefalls yesterday. If there are other regions this is occurring in, please reply with what they are?
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Kaelis33
    ShintaiDK wrote: »
    The memory leak is very violent. Mine leaks with 100-200KB/sec.

    Same here its friggin HUGE, I just watch it in task manager literally dumbfounded that it's actually happening
  • Gwarok
    related to certain in game graphics settings.



    The sky isn't falling.
    "Strive for balance of all things. When the scales tip to one side or the other, someone or somethings gets short-changed. When someone gets short-changed, unpredictability and strife unbalance the world around us...To achieve freedom from greed, from want, and from strife, all parties in any exchange MUST find balance." -House Hlaalu's Philosophy of Trade

    "I am ALWAYS very busy, so I KNOW what's best. You need to stay away from the waterfall. TRUST ME, you're better off keeping busy than playing in the stream....Do you know how to swim, Little Scrib?"

    "I am but a simple farmer". -Rags'nar LodesBroke


    ...it is nor hand, nor foot,
    Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
    Belonging to a man.
    O, be some other name!
    What's in a name?
    That which we call a rose?
    By any other name would smell as sweet.
    Retain that dear perfection to which he owes...
    (Act II, Scene II -William Shakespeare's: Romeo & Juliet -1595 A.D.)

  • Hadria
    Here's the problems I seem to have.

    storm atronach are invisible as well as some other mobs.

    lightning form (can't see body anymore)

    weird square glass type graphics glitch that fills my screen when storm

    atronachs show up and I can see them through the glass graphics.

    can't see body when dead
  • nwstud31b14_ESO
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.
  • p.hurst1b16_ESO
    DK Not broken at all. The claws radius smaller but in PvE makes little difference as mobs can be grouped easily enough.

    Shield bash was just a PvP spam abuse and now it is not. Unneeded in PvE as you have a better stun if you need one with Petrify anyway.

    I generally love PvP but not in this game until it is better balanced. They need to introduce tiered pvp "battleground" style areas too. Something like that and it looks like it is on the way.

    Arena would be good too for the hardcore who need their rock-paper-scissors thang.

    <Enigmatic Name> Is poaching new guild members again ! Apply on our webby with your CV and proof of identity and we can arrange an interview with a panel of our officers.
  • Selique
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.

    You must be new here lol.
    Falls-With-Grace ~ Shadowscale (Argonian Night Blade)
    Selique Lasra ~ Captain, Smuggler, Swashbuckler (Redguard Templar)
    Chases-Comets ~ Shellback Warrior (Argonian Dragon Knight)
    Slissix-Kir ~ Swamp Shaman (Argonian Sorcerer)
    Hail Sithis..
  • pknecron
    I guess I just have a lot of memory (16 GB) because I played for over 2 hour strait last night without a problem with the memory leak. A few little snags where the game would lock for a few seconds but no crashes or anything game breaking. And damn if I didn't have a loot chest drop from the Dolman I did last night. I got loot for once; usually I end up controlling the trash at the end and miss the boos loot.
  • nwstud31b14_ESO
    Selique wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.

    You must be new here lol.

    And you must be a troll.
  • babylon
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.

    I'm not risking my computer when people are reporting memory leaks and crashes, and wasting my time on borked vet areas.

    You go right ahead and beta test for us :3

  • subecsanur
    I am not sure why comp specs matter when the easy logic goes, it was working ok before patch and now after patch issues arise. Now unless some of these folks did a massive tech upgrade or downgrade or something what would suddenly looking at tech specs matter?

  • dcincali
    We have a fix for the memory leak issue that we're in the process of testing. We'll keep you updated.

    Where are you experiencing rollback loops? We fixed one in Stonefalls yesterday. If there are other regions this is occurring in, please reply with what they are?

    Can ya toss in that templar fix too pls.. Thanks!!

  • subecsanur
    ok just happenned to not just me, but all in the current The Rift zone, 2 quests gone and back with nothing. I am not making this up.
  • FrauPerchta
    Memory leak needs to go. Read on some thread a Dev said don't hang around on Character select screen very long as that will help. I hit enter as soon as character screen shows then close launcher before it takes me into game. Not helping a lot. I have way over the required RAM and my graphic card far exceeds reqs as well. Add that to the stop fighting and get beat to hell bug and it makes playing almost more annoying then the entertainment value
  • oxylus
    We have a fix for the memory leak issue that we're in the process of testing. We'll keep you updated.

    Where are you experiencing rollback loops? We fixed one in Stonefalls yesterday. If there are other regions this is occurring in, please reply with what they are?

    Everyone in Glenumbra got rolled back this morning at one point. I don't know if it happened more than once because once it happened I got out of there and haven't gone back ;)
  • StanielK
    Just got rolled back in Coldharbour, screw this, won't be playing till you guys fix this mess of a patch.
  • Phantax
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.

    And that means nothing, many people on here experience problems others don't. I've never had lag issues but hundreds of others have, I don't try to make it sound like they are lying !
    Try looking up the words 'Tact' and 'Diplomacy'

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Scowler
    Time for a break from Elder Crash Online. It's a lovely day here. We're going for a stroll. We're hardcore style players: we invest time, effort and emotion in games, and that investment just is not paying off. Only a few days until resub - could go either way.
  • Noctisse
    The conclusion is that the answer to ''Are we able to actually play ESO this weekend?'' is an ominous ''You can try...''

    Personally, I haven't actually crashed yet, but the game does freeze for multiple seconds every so often, so...
  • Snowstrider
    I cant even log in...
  • Monkeywithtacos
    @ ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    Anything on the cyclical "Attempting Login" issue???

    I go to log in and it just sits there attempting to login before giving a timeout error on the first attempt followed by a 301 error on subsequent attempts.This has been happening for others as well...Started for me last night at about 3am PST after the last of about five drops back to desktop from the memory leak issue that would occur about every hour and a half. Tried rebooting, rechecking driver updates that I did earlier in the day prior to learning about the mem leak issue and even tried doing a repair on ESO, before going to bed and getting up to find the same issues still happening.... Happy that you all appear to be zeroing in on a fix for the memory leak issue, but I have seen no comments or mentions in the threads regarding this issue...Thanks...
    Edited by Monkeywithtacos on 24 May 2014 19:32
  • mutharex
    Misty wrote: »
    How do you experience this memory leak? I only ask because I have been playing 6 to 8 hours without issue.

    It doesn't affect everyone, it doesn't affect me or my friend for example. Both ATI, WIN8.1 8GB RAM. DUnno what's the discriminant
  • edu.journeymanub17_ESO
    mutharex wrote: »
    Misty wrote: »
    How do you experience this memory leak? I only ask because I have been playing 6 to 8 hours without issue.

    It doesn't affect everyone, it doesn't affect me or my friend for example. Both ATI, WIN8.1 8GB RAM. DUnno what's the discriminant

    ATI here as well.

    Win Vista 64 SP2 - 4GB RAM

    There are some other threads about this and, it seems, is related to ATI cards and/or drivers, although, a slight memory leak will affect almost all configurations, but are imperceptible in some machines without any measurement software.
  • Knottypine
    Selique wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »
    I'm not touching game till it's fixed, too many issues for me.

    May I ask which MMO you're playing? Because ESO is working just fine for me.

    You must be new here lol.

    And you must be a troll.

    Oh the irony...
  • Goldie
    subecsanur wrote: »
    Bugs, Memory Leaks, Roll back loops, VR zone uberness, no loots, UI bugs glitches etc as poor excuse as to why or what was not seen but there or vice-verse? Big patch on a nice long weekend for an unplayable game now? Classes broken DK and NB (still broken).

    What happened here? And no updates regarding any fixes or hotfixes yet?

    Give a big round of applause to Zenimax! Way to ruin a series like TES!
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • Buck
    How many more threads will there be about all this
    VlVEC wrote: »
    I doubt any of these plebs even know what the term "Memory leak" means. They just read it on some post and started flipping their sweetrolls.

    @Misty Same, played for 5 hours during this "memory leak catastrophe" and no errors or unusual performance.

    If you can play just fine then why are you even here? and why are they even bothering testing a fix atm? I hope they realize this before they hotfix it for the rest of us...that would suck since you can play fine.
  • Kyle_Roberts
    subecsanur wrote: »
    Bugs, Memory Leaks, Roll back loops, VR zone uberness, no loots, UI bugs glitches etc as poor excuse as to why or what was not seen but there or vice-verse? Big patch on a nice long weekend for an unplayable game now? Classes broken DK and NB (still broken).

    Idk If I'm lucky or something but *touch wood* I've not had a single problem yet since the patch :L
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