Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts

If this was the "big" content patch the games in bigger trouble than thought

- Quest are still boring
-Rewards are not exactly "rewarding"
- Implementing a group pve only focused area (small at that) excludes a huge majority
-Mobs do come in large packs but are undeniably easier to kill than in the VR5-10 zones?!!?! Huh. That shouldn't even exist by chance in a game
- It still feels exactly like a co-specific single player game wanting to be an mmo but will never achieve this status
- More lag, glitches and bugs than pre-patch

This can be longer, much longer. But I am not interested in the fanboy flames that will follow. I am quite aware of the statement issued by Bethesda that if this game got to the point of going F2P they would just pull the plug. This plug is getting pulled. Betting before years end.

Congratulations on cashing in on the title and on shifting many of us on the title fee to play. I read the excuses streaming in about "its new," "just released," and many things of that nature. Fact remains nothing from beta was worked out that was reported constantly each beta weekend by players that cared. You as a company new the bugs couldn't be worked out, the date could not be pushed back and still released this broken heap. No excuses. Games released 14 years ago such as EQ and DAoC that were brilliant. ZOS/Beth, you are responsible as a team for this steaming heap.

I hate to say it but single player games at least only ask me for the 1 time fee and while they may not have the vast lands at least the lands and zones in many of them are not repetitive brown pee stains with nothing in that have quest so poorly delivered they make my head hurt and eyelids heavy.

So like the masses, I bid bethseda a farewell and better luck next release. Mmos are not your bag. And we the fans/paying customers have been burned too many times in the last 4 years by shoddy releases to keep feeding into your cash in models.
  • deathrament
    Having a harder and harder time arguing treads like these.....
  • tanthil
    Having a harder and harder time arguing treads like these.....

    notice all the fanboys are gone?
  • skarvika
    Not to mention the armor recolors have caused the armor to look less typical of what you'd expect from an Elder Scrolls game, instead opting for a more cartoonish look...bright blue, lavender, mint green, cat food brown, projectile vomit orange... ;)
    Also, does anyone feel that the lag is inexplicably significantly worse than it was before?
    QQing is a full time job
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Having a harder and harder time arguing treads like these.....

    I am honestly sickened that I even had to post this on the way out. I loved all ES titles and while I am not a lore fan overall it was the lore and tri-realm pvp that brought me and the failure on both of those accounts that took many of us away.

    Best wishes to all that still push on and best fortune to all the NBs that you get some love before Christmas, which is how long you have to wait until the next "big" content drop.

  • deathrament
    I really like this game, i do but its a mess. I'm not sure who they have working on it but they best fire them all and replace with dev's that know what the hell there doing.
  • tanthil
    I really like this game, i do but its a mess. I'm not sure who they have working on it but they best fire them all and replace with dev's that know what the hell there doing.

    I wouldnt say fire all the devs, but they do need a new guy at the top, one with a vision and experience in MMORPGs.... not just RPGs
    the game doesnt seem to be headed in any direction whatsoever atm i mean the base is here for a good game, its completely lacking an endgame but hey thats were the vision part comes in to play
  • deathrament
    It seems to me there are alot of people there that don't know how to put a game together correctly. How else can u explain the state this game is in? Idk maybe its because it was released WAY to early.
  • deathrament
    Either way with all the problems there is another game releasing in a week thats starting(unfortunatly) to look better to me.
  • twev
    skarvika wrote: »
    Not to mention the armor recolors have caused the armor to look less typical of what you'd expect from an Elder Scrolls game, instead opting for a more cartoonish look...bright blue, lavender, mint green, cat food brown, projectile vomit orange... ;)
    Also, does anyone feel that the lag is inexplicably significantly worse than it was before?

    You paint such a vivid picture, it was almost as if I was standing there.....

    And the lag is so bad I can't unlock a simple chest before the timer runs out, anymore.

    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Either way with all the problems there is another game releasing in a week thats starting(unfortunatly) to look better to me.

    I had followed the upcoming release you are typing about. The monthly fee has put me off it. I would rather, at this point, pay a 1 time 10-50 sterling fee for a game I will play single player or mutli player with friends on Valve than get roped into another sub based game until it has been out for at least 4 months so I can review the fallout. Or at the very minimum hold out for Camelot Unchained which is developed by a tried and tested developer that is developing a game headed exactly in the direction I will be willing to pay a sub for again.

    My instincts told me , after months of eso beta, to wait months on this game as well. I deserved what I fell into for not paying attention to the miles of red flags that went up at every corner during beta. ESO was like the horrid ex, you wanted so much to believe it was just you and it would be fine.
    Edited by Fuzzylumpkins on 24 May 2014 02:02
  • skarvika
    tanthil wrote: »
    I really like this game, i do but its a mess. I'm not sure who they have working on it but they best fire them all and replace with dev's that know what the hell there doing.

    I wouldnt say fire all the devs, but they do need a new guy at the top, one with a vision and experience in MMORPGs.... not just RPGs
    the game doesnt seem to be headed in any direction whatsoever atm i mean the base is here for a good game, its completely lacking an endgame but hey thats were the vision part comes in to play
    Where Matt Firor went wrong with this project was his "We've already got it in the bag" attitude during the development process. Sure, they did have loads of guaranteed subs and wouldn't need to try and build a fanbase from the ground up, but I think this mindset really damaged the longevity of the game.
    In fact, one of the first things you'll get if you search his name on google is this article, which is almost a year old and cautions against this very thing:
    Getting people in the door is rarely a problem for these big-name MMOs; it's keeping them from leaving that's the issue.
    This is where the dev team really messed up. They opened the door so we could come in, but didn't give us any compelling reason not to walk right out.
    QQing is a full time job
  • yodased
    You say more with the action of unsubscribing and enjoying another game than you ever could on a forum.
    Edited by yodased on 24 May 2014 02:14
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    yodased wrote: »
    You say more with the action of unsubscribing and enjoying another game than you ever could on a forum.

    Forums are still read frequently and are a great place to post legiment concerns/warnings. This was/is not a quitting thread. The unsub was handled, no tantrums needed.
  • Sarevok
    The funny part for me is I actually gave them some feedback and one of the things I mentioned which I said I recon will not work are the adventure zones, and it looks like that is the case here. I even told them Age of Conan tried the adventure zone thing and it never worked for them. However they had more than just the adventure zones for endgame content, not to mention I think they only had the 1 and never added more so that alone should have told them something about adventure zones.

    The VR levels could have worked if they had new zones for those levels and not traveling to the other factions zones and doing those. If people wanted to experience those zones they can simply just make a character for that faction.
    Edited by Sarevok on 24 May 2014 02:27
  • kaosodin
    Im still having a good time. Its less than 60 days, either submit your code to be implemented, or [snip] and cancel and quit posting.

    For all the hate speech, I see many of the same people still posting.

    The game is new, this Your first mmo?

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on 24 May 2014 02:46
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    kaosodin wrote: »
    Im still having a good time. Its less than 60 days, either submit your code to be implemented, or "stfu" and cancel and quit posting.

    For all the hate speech, I see many of the same people still posting.

    The game is new, this Your first mmo?

    EQ was my first MMO, followed by 10 years in DAoC and an overlap of a year in GW then 4 years in WoW and a year in GW2.

    As for hate speech, Holy fEck read your own post. Stick that in a pipe and smoke it, junior. Wow man. Blatent piece of interweb trash stepping up and trying to get froggy with absolutely zero back up to your statement or any founded reason for why you sound so incredibly threatened by a discussion that may not agree with your latent fan boy tendencies. Overreact much? cususoundmadbrah.

    Have a nice day ;) I just heard your microwave ding. Your hungry man is ready.

    As for the "60 days" I see you read nothing, including alpha and beta which the game in the exact same state, it is hitting on 8 months.

    Edited by Fuzzylumpkins on 24 May 2014 02:53
  • magickats242cub18_ESO
    Seems to me you already had trouble with the game from the start. Save yourself some grief and money and just unsub. I really don't understand why people who are not happy with the game continue on playing the game, and reading the forums.

    Best of luck where ever you decide to go.
  • xwadirtydiggler
    Soul Shriven
    This game is as poorly designed as SWTOR, both of them are two peas in a pod. Sad two because both publishers managed to steal away our beloved single player games, refusing to make a new single player version, and instead giving us a pile of steaming crap.

    People defended SWTOR to, it had a big release, servers where full of hopefuls, and soon people started to see what a pile of crap it was. Subs started to drop, the forum fanbois tried to make every excuse in the book as to why it doesn't matter, same thing.....

    SWTOR bleed subs like crazy and went free-to-play and as it stands today is still a turd.

  • Fuzzylumpkins
    This game is as poorly designed as SWTOR, both of them are two peas in a pod. Sad two because both publishers managed to steal away our beloved single player games, refusing to make a new single player version, and instead giving us a pile of steaming crap.

    This game would not been a less than average single player and is subpar as an mmo. For all I felt SW:ToR was trash , it at least had a great levelling/questing experience and on that could and should have been released as a single player or multi player experience on something like Valve.

    But yes, overall I am in complete agreement these companies push out a fat turd quickly to cash in on the title and state success by sells numbers not long term customers. Diablo 3, shining example of a game that rushed to take the glory for being the most sold pc game ever on release date. That was used by Blizz to measure it's success when in fact it was a white lie based on (free copies given to then current wow players) fudged figures and ended up within a month being considered the greatest dissapointment by it's players. So who won? The company that cashed in on the day or the gamers that learned valuable lessons about hype and business.

  • skarvika
    This game is as poorly designed as SWTOR, both of them are two peas in a pod. Sad two because both publishers managed to steal away our beloved single player games, refusing to make a new single player version, and instead giving us a pile of steaming crap.

    People defended SWTOR to, it had a big release, servers where full of hopefuls, and soon people started to see what a pile of crap it was. Subs started to drop, the forum fanbois tried to make every excuse in the book as to why it doesn't matter, same thing.....

    SWTOR bleed subs like crazy and went free-to-play and as it stands today is still a turd.
    Oh no, I quite enjoyed my time in SWTOR. The only thing I'd really say negatively about it is the ridiculously infrequent content updates (it's been a year since I've played and still the level cap isn't raised) and the boring pvp. But when I did play it, I liked it so much that I went from f2p to sub for a few months.
    Maybe it's just because I'm a lifelong SW fan, but I really enjoyed the time I spent with it.

    I can't say I'm enjoying with my time in ESO in the slightest now that the excitement of a TES mmo has worn off.
    QQing is a full time job
  • xwadirtydiggler
    Soul Shriven
    Did you play SWTOR when it was only a sub game? Where you there when the playerbase noised dived and servers where completely dead to the point you might have to wait 3 hrs or more to get a pvp game?

  • Eris
    I played SWTOR when it was sub only. It was fine with me. It was only after they said there would be no new class stories or companion stories that I decided to be done with it. Jus an example of how different people have different desires.
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • xwadirtydiggler
    Soul Shriven
    There are always players that like and hate every game. There are people that like SWTOR till this day. My point is that when SWTOR launched it had huge sub numbers which tanked very quickly for some of the same reasons ESO is about to tank.
  • skarvika
    Did you play SWTOR when it was only a sub game? Where you there when the playerbase noised dived and servers where completely dead to the point you might have to wait 3 hrs or more to get a pvp game?
    Well no, I wasn't. Dunno if that would have made a difference though since I thought it was worth the money when I played it. I only unsubbed for the same reason Eris did, because of the lack of new story missions, which I found to be very engaging.
    QQing is a full time job
  • ZOS_JuhoJ
    We understand and respect that sometimes people will leave The Elder Scrolls Online community. Fuzzylumpkins, we thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us and we wish you the very best. We're closing this thread now per our Code of Conduct policy on quitting/goodbye threads.
    Staff Post
This discussion has been closed.