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• PC/Mac: No maintenance - July 8
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 9, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Game crashing after 1.1.2

  • Dev1l2009
    Soul Shriven
    I think ZeniMax not react for that problem, because they solve tech issues in Business days, wait Monday, ZeniMax take a weekend, by them to spit to your problems, they have leave.
    I hope that I make mistakes in this
  • amiga85b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I repeat, change keyboard layout to English, German or French and it will work for most of you.
  • Dev1l2009
    Soul Shriven
    I repeat, change keyboard layout to English, German or French and it will work for most of you.

    How it helps?I delete Russian layout, and now I have only English keyboard layout in system, and game still crash
  • Dev1l2009
    Soul Shriven
    I repeat, change keyboard layout to English, German or French and it will work for most of you.

    Thanks for that method. I upgrade your method to next: (this really helps me)

    1) Delete all languages without English
    2) Change language my system on English
    2.1 Change my location
    2.2 Change primary language
    3) sudo reboot

    In short : do my system only on english language
  • Dzhuffin
    Well, after 48 hours of non-stop crashing, I just stopped pay for the subscription.

    btw, support team can't answer for more than 30 hours

    I am working in software development, so I know if you took money from people you should wake up even in weekend and fix the problem, if you can't, - you just **** your customers.

    Also i suggest to other people to do the same with their subscription, Zenimax has no experience in online games, i closed my eyes for a lot of issues, but for such attitude to customers, enough for me!

    gl hf
  • maxwellmccoy
    Soul Shriven
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    I repeat, change keyboard layout to English, German or French and it will work for most of you.

    How it helps?I delete Russian layout, and now I have only English keyboard layout in system, and game still crash

    Yes, the game still crashes. All methods of solution mentioned in this thread don't help. The only one left is uninstalling the game, but I really doubt it will help.
  • Moonraker
    TigerLotus wrote: »
    SET RequestedNumJobThreads "0"
    SET RequestedNumWorkerThreads "0"

    Can't find those at all in my UserSettings.txt.
    It's an old fix which disables CPU cores to avoid issue but it's an old fix which ;should ' not be required on a Mac.
  • Moonraker
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    Where do you get drivers for Mac? on Nvidia GPU
    Unless you have a Mac Pro where you can fit a retail graphics card, you can't. And I would not recommend trying to install web install drivers as they will mess up the next update for the Mac. It wont help.

  • Moonraker
    NakedSnake wrote: »
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    Where do you get drivers for Mac? on Nvidia GPU

    Try the NVIDIA website. I pretty sure you should be able to find your GPU there.
    Mac graphics card drivers are included in OS X Updates (except for Mac Pro retail cards) This is not the same for PC.
  • Moonraker
    Just to confirm, this is the MAC Tech Support section as I think quite a few of the above are PC related.

    It looked like these issues are server-side so best to post to Customer Support section.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Just to confirm, this is the MAC Tech Support section as I think quite a few of the above are PC related.

    It looked like these issues are server-side so best to post to Customer Support section.
    Well true however we post from perspective of Mac users. it's not our place to determine if the problem is with client or server. It's up to the staff to do that so it is them who should move, merge and so on topics about this issue in case it is server problem and PC section has complains about that too. Not ours. But then nobody from the company even acknowledged that they are aware of this problem and are working on the fix. Just outstanding.
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    I think ZeniMax not react for that problem, because they solve tech issues in Business days, wait Monday, ZeniMax take a weekend, by them to spit to your problems, they have leave.
    I hope that I make mistakes in this
    Hopefully you do for sake of Zenimax really. Happens that I work for one of the biggest IT corporations on the market and there are definitely three rules company ZOS could learn here:
    1. Never released unfinished functionality. Aware of bugs and problems? Push it even a few weeks and don't rush it. You will always loose less customers than if you would release something that just does not work.
    2. Bugs found at release time? Prioritise it. Even if it means staying at work for Saturday (yeah, that simple). And learn to avoid such mistakes in the future. Can't afford that because ow law regulations? The work on the process and NEVER release unfinished (as in UNTESTED) functionality.
    3. Work on the process - usually eliminating such mistakes as we have seen for last two months takes a month tops (depending on length of each iteration - in case of TESO the shortest iteration seems to be one week). And before launch they had beta events, they had internal testing (which most likely did involve some iterative releases of product) and they were working on TESO for a few years...

  • Moonraker
    I had this problem.

    I went and read the Read First Section.

    Mac Crashing on Game Launch

    Common Causes
    Running ESO on OSX 10.6.8 or older. ( ESO requires OSX 10.7 or greater. )

    Having the keyboard layout set to something other then English, German, French.

    I went and set my keyboard layout to English, since it was Danish before.

    Now I haven't crashed a single time in 2 hours.

    That I can play without it crashing is sweet, but I'll be damned if I won't state how a *** error this is, now I gotta switch my keyboard layout when I wanna play ESO... Oh well, just another thing to the long list of *** that's annoying about this.

    To anyone who doesn't know how to switch keyboard layout on a mac:
    Go to System Preferences.
    Select Keyboard.
    Select the tab "Input Sources"
    If you only have one language in the left-hand side list and it's not English then click the + and select English and then British(Or some other English layout).
    Close that window.
    On your topbar, next to the clock will now be a flag with whatever language you had previously, click that flag and select the British(or whatever englishspeaking country you chose).
    Start up ESO.
    That note is outdated. It was confirmed in a recent patch that that issue was fixed so I expect it was just that it is more server side and relogging made the difference.

    It was specific to Japanese and some other symbolic languages. I tested Swedish and some others including Cyrillic and it worked fine. it would crash the game before even launching when clicking Play.

    EDIT Seems 1.1.2 introduced another language bug in system language possibly keyboard also, so the previous note is not relevant actually but does reflect the current issue.
    Edited by Moonraker on 25 May 2014 15:13
  • Moonraker
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Just to confirm, this is the MAC Tech Support section as I think quite a few of the above are PC related.

    It looked like these issues are server-side so best to post to Customer Support section.
    Well true however we post from perspective of Mac users. it's not our place to determine if the problem is with client or server. It's up to the staff to do that so it is them who should move, merge and so on topics about this issue in case it is server problem and PC section has complains about that too. Not ours. But then nobody from the company even acknowledged that they are aware of this problem and are working on the fix. Just outstanding.
    I put that here because a lot of players posting who use a PC so they are more likely to get relevant advice in the relevant forums section. Also, it just confuses the issue with Mac specific issues even if they are similar.
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    I think ZeniMax not react for that problem, because they solve tech issues in Business days, wait Monday, ZeniMax take a weekend, by them to spit to your problems, they have leave.
    I hope that I make mistakes in this
    Hopefully you do for sake of Zenimax really. Happens that I work for one of the biggest IT corporations on the market and there are definitely three rules company ZOS could learn here:
    1. Never released unfinished functionality. Aware of bugs and problems? Push it even a few weeks and don't rush it. You will always loose less customers than if you would release something that just does not work.
    2. Bugs found at release time? Prioritise it. Even if it means staying at work for Saturday (yeah, that simple). And learn to avoid such mistakes in the future. Can't afford that because ow law regulations? The work on the process and NEVER release unfinished (as in UNTESTED) functionality.
    3. Work on the process - usually eliminating such mistakes as we have seen for last two months takes a month tops (depending on length of each iteration - in case of TESO the shortest iteration seems to be one week). And before launch they had beta events, they had internal testing (which most likely did involve some iterative releases of product) and they were working on TESO for a few years...
    ZOS have already hotfixed the server and posted a lot on these issues. I suggest rather than posting about stuff that has no foundation that people check the actual ZOS staff posts to see the actions they have and are taking rather than post speculation which doesn't help anyone.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Just to confirm, this is the MAC Tech Support section as I think quite a few of the above are PC related.

    It looked like these issues are server-side so best to post to Customer Support section.
    Well true however we post from perspective of Mac users. it's not our place to determine if the problem is with client or server. It's up to the staff to do that so it is them who should move, merge and so on topics about this issue in case it is server problem and PC section has complains about that too. Not ours. But then nobody from the company even acknowledged that they are aware of this problem and are working on the fix. Just outstanding.
    I put that here because a lot of players posting who use a PC so they are more likely to get relevant advice in the relevant forums section. Also, it just confuses the issue with Mac specific issues even if they are similar.
    Agreed that it can be confusing and so on. But then I as a player don't need to have proper knowledge of the product in order to decide what area is the problem. The only thing I can see is that I start Mac version of client and it crashes. From this perspective saying that it is 100% server issue is also a speculation.
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Dev1l2009 wrote: »
    I think ZeniMax not react for that problem, because they solve tech issues in Business days, wait Monday, ZeniMax take a weekend, by them to spit to your problems, they have leave.
    I hope that I make mistakes in this
    Hopefully you do for sake of Zenimax really. Happens that I work for one of the biggest IT corporations on the market and there are definitely three rules company ZOS could learn here:
    1. Never released unfinished functionality. Aware of bugs and problems? Push it even a few weeks and don't rush it. You will always loose less customers than if you would release something that just does not work.
    2. Bugs found at release time? Prioritise it. Even if it means staying at work for Saturday (yeah, that simple). And learn to avoid such mistakes in the future. Can't afford that because ow law regulations? The work on the process and NEVER release unfinished (as in UNTESTED) functionality.
    3. Work on the process - usually eliminating such mistakes as we have seen for last two months takes a month tops (depending on length of each iteration - in case of TESO the shortest iteration seems to be one week). And before launch they had beta events, they had internal testing (which most likely did involve some iterative releases of product) and they were working on TESO for a few years...
    ZOS have already hotfixed the server and posted a lot on these issues. I suggest rather than posting about stuff that has no foundation that people check the actual ZOS staff posts to see the actions they have and are taking rather than post speculation which doesn't help anyone.
    As the matter of fact simple info such as "we passed it to devs, they are working on it as we speak" or maybe "we passed it to devs but don't expect fix today" are always better than nothing. Also you mentioned that co called dev post tracker. Usually those tools are useful but honestly this one reminds me just poorly organised kanban board. Not that readable as it should be.

    And btw they fixed since yesterday issues such as what? Achievements missing (yeah, you can't play without them, sure), biting jabs nerf (again can't play without it), Thief Mundus still broken or not displaying (just like if it wasn't before).

    Ok they are / were rollbacks after patch but that's it really... And CUSTOMERS that are cut from the SERVICE THEY PAID FOR are getting what? Maybe this: - another post how things are great, smooth and wonderful.
  • DrYac
    I just got official mail from zENIMAX telling me to try to change the " SET fullscreen..." thing...

    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • DrYac
    Ok guys... and zENIMAX devs...
    I changed my system and keyboard prefs (from Polish) to English (GB)....
    and the game went ! It's working.
    I mean... come on...
    I have played many games on many systems... I understand tweaking memory in DOS... changing to specific drivers in wINDOZE.... but ... changing systems language ?...
    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • demendred
    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = Ron and Fez
    char.alliance = 1 = Noon to Three
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = inworld
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-05-24T18:06:01.191Z
    client.time_since_load = 20
    client.timestamp = 2014-05-24T19:18:27.598Z -frme 82546-
    client.uptime = 4346.9 = Sirius XM
    computer.user = Raw Dog Channel 99
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4000
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online/game_mac/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 990524
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = AMD Radeon HD 6750M OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 ATI-1.22.25
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24505
    loc.wloc = 232 78355 14789 39032 83.76 = The Banished Cells
    loc.worldid = 232 = The Banished Cells
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1894
    mem.peak = 1920
    mem.physical = 10240
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13D65
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4000 = NA Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3

    Thankfully I was not in a party when this happened. How embarrassing it would have been, since Im a healer....
    All good Nords goto Sto'Vo'Kor.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    DrYac wrote: »
    Ok guys... and zENIMAX devs...
    I changed my system and keyboard prefs (from Polish) to English (GB)....
    and the game went ! It's working.
    I mean... come on...
    I have played many games on many systems... I understand tweaking memory in DOS... changing to specific drivers in wINDOZE.... but ... changing systems language ?...
    Confirmed. This seem to be a workaround. Question is what did they mess up with really. Especially since system language settings should not be any factor here.

  • Moonraker
    Agreed that it can be confusing and so on. But then I as a player don't need to have proper knowledge of the product in order to decide what area is the problem. The only thing I can see is that I start Mac version of client and it crashes. From this perspective saying that it is 100% server issue is also a speculation.
    If you prefer not to take advice about which may be the best place to post a specific issue then feel free to ignore it. But if you can point out one ZOS staff response to this section please go ahead. It makes a lot more common sense to post to threads which relate to this specific issue in these sections. It also fills up a Mac section with PC related posts which doesn't help which was, as I pointed out, is the reason for posting that advice.

    Helping ZOS staff or other players looking to help by posting to the relevant section just helps everyone including those looking for help.
    As the matter of fact simple info such as "we passed it to devs, they are working on it as we speak" or maybe "we passed it to devs but don't expect fix today" are always better than nothing. Also you mentioned that co called dev post tracker. Usually those tools are useful but honestly this one reminds me just poorly organised kanban board. Not that readable as it should be.
    I think most players prefer to have some feedback to their posts rather than nothing, especially when they are updating on a more regular basis. Espeically when they are keeping players informed of hotfixes, work in progress on specific issues. That all seems sensible dialogue.

  • Moonraker
    DrYac wrote: »
    Ok guys... and zENIMAX devs...
    I changed my system and keyboard prefs (from Polish) to English (GB)....
    and the game went ! It's working.
    I mean... come on...
    I have played many games on many systems... I understand tweaking memory in DOS... changing to specific drivers in wINDOZE.... but ... changing systems language ?...
    Confirmed. This seem to be a workaround. Question is what did they mess up with really. Especially since system language settings should not be any factor here.
    Not sure what they have changed then as the previous issue was fixed and has been working correctly at least until this latest patch. Ensure to make a ticket and /bug so they are aware of this issue of other languages now effecting this.
  • Doublesun
    Soul Shriven
    I confirm. Making Engish as primary language from Russian at Language & Region settings fixing crash.
    Edited by Doublesun on 24 May 2014 22:47
  • DrYac
    Guys, write from which languages you had to change to English. Maybe it'll help the devs.
    iMac 21,5 late 2012, 2,9 GHz i5, 16 GB ram, GF GT 650M 512 MB.
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    DrYac wrote: »
    Guys, write from which languages you had to change to English. Maybe it'll help the devs.
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Agreed that it can be confusing and so on. But then I as a player don't need to have proper knowledge of the product in order to decide what area is the problem. The only thing I can see is that I start Mac version of client and it crashes. From this perspective saying that it is 100% server issue is also a speculation.
    If you prefer not to take advice about which may be the best place to post a specific issue then feel free to ignore it. But if you can point out one ZOS staff response to this section please go ahead. It makes a lot more common sense to post to threads which relate to this specific issue in these sections. It also fills up a Mac section with PC related posts which doesn't help which was, as I pointed out, is the reason for posting that advice.

    Helping ZOS staff or other players looking to help by posting to the relevant section just helps everyone including those looking for help.
    Well, so far it appears that this issue is Mac related not server side - somehow related to language settings of OS X. it's not about ignoring anyones advice but simply basing where to pos without knowing the root cause usually creates even bigger mess. As i said it is staff that should decide. Just a free advice where to post info about issues without knowing that's in fact the problem;)

  • Vicodine
    I can confirm that setting the system language under language & region fixes the crashes. Not just the keyboard (which may not be the cause at all). But i never had that issue before, not during early access, not during open beta weekends. Strange. For now, english system and english keyboard works.

    Previous settings:
    Language & Region: Czech (Primary), English
    Keyboard: Czech (QWERTZ), English

    L&R: English (Primary), Czech
    Keyboard: Czech (QWERTS), English (I switch keyboards before i start playing)

    Hope it gets fixed. I don't mind the system being english for now, since the translation into czech is out for just about 2 years so I'm used to that. But would welcome a fix.
    Thaometh V16 Altmer Templar AD/EU
    Thaometh Ashbringer V10Altmer Dragonknight AD/EU
  • beng
    Playing with french keyboard/ingame language, crash still occur often in Cyrodiil AND other places which is new for me (especially in the character selection screen) , plus new bugs like green circles everywhere around player characters.70j2v49lco1v.jpg
    Edited by beng on 25 May 2014 05:47
    iMac mid 2011 - 2,5 Ghz Intel Core i5 - RAM 12Go - AMD Radeon HD6750M 512Mo - OS X 10.10.2
  • maxwellmccoy
    Soul Shriven
    I confirm - changing of system primary language fixed the crash!

    L&R: English (Primary), Russian
    Keyboard: Russian (QWERTY), English (don't forget to change the keyboard layout before launching the game!)

    To sum up - the community solved the problem, not the developer!
    Everyone rocks here!
  • Hahatun
    Soul Shriven
    I have same problem ! I have useless discussion with support via e-mail. ticket 140524-002373.

    1) reinstall apllication (40Gb, viola !)
    2) delete all addons
    3) try use ultra-high quality (my usual quality) , low quality
    4) try use my second third characters…

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    char.account = Hahatun
    char.alliance = 2 = Woodcutter
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = load
    client.renderertype = OPENGL
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-05-25T08:14:50.567Z
    client.time_since_load = 3
    client.timestamp = 2014-05-25T08:15:28.008Z -frme 2096-
    client.uptime = 37.3 = Home-comp.local
    computer.user = borisbogatyrev
    cpu.count = 4
    data.depotid = 4001
    data.dir = /Applications/ZeniMax Online/The Elder Scrolls Online EU/game_m
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 995904
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX OpenGL Engine
    gfx.deviceid = 0.0.0
    gfx.driver = 2.1 NVIDIA-8.26.21 310.40.35f08
    gfx.vendorid = 0
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24504
    loc.wloc = 236 154926 24507 122629 342.07 = The Rift
    loc.worldid = 236 = The Rift
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1580
    mem.peak = 1580
    mem.physical = 24576
    os.platform = mac
    os.version = 13D65
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4001 = EU Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    With best regards, Boris
  • Hahatun
    Soul Shriven
    as i see problem NOT in video driver (in this thread see posts with different video cards (Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Radeon)....
    With best regards, Boris
  • Dev1l2009
    Soul Shriven
    Doublesun wrote: »
    I confirm. Making Engish as primary language from Russian at Language & Region settings fixing crash.

    Hahatun, read this post and all previous, it must help you
  • alterfenixeb17_ESO
    New patch and still no fix for this issue, Zenimax - workaround is not a fix, just a workaround.
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