In game, I always just wear the Forebear disguise from Alik'r Desert anyways.
(I am slightly surprised that the disguises continue to work in Cyrodiil, as well; but then again I've always thought that concealing your class and gear level would make PvP more fun.)
(What I really want is a Wyress disguise.)
ThatArgonianGuy wrote: »Level 25? That's still not far in the game at all. Still uses the second tier of materials right?
Today I logged in with my now lvl 20 sorceress, and my robes are back to a splendid combination of gastric fluids green and diarrhea brown, because the existing low-high lvl gear difference was apparently not considered obvious enough, and the easiest solution for the developers was to turn all equipment below lvl 30 or so to a pile of guar dung. THAT is the reason of our anger and confusion, not the fact that end game clothing looks good, as it should.
I honestly think that the armor models were completely messed up from the beginning. Obviously its the same core pieces with layers that give the armor its end look, they had the layers messed up giving lower level armor the look of higher level armor and vice versa.
People got used to the lower level armors looking great because they looked like high level armors. Now that its fixed and low level armors look like low level armors, people will be tooshie hurt.