That depends, will dark shades be made a toggle instead of a very short-lived summon?
Also, your daedra provide just as much utility. A heal from the matriarch, magicka regeneration from the restoring twilight, daze/knockdown from the clannfear, or an on demand nuke from the unstable familiar. They also have synergy with your other conjuring abilities, like increased damage while you have conjured ward up (and the conjured ward protects them) - shades dont interact with other nightblade abilities that way.
So, what, while you have your summon out and waste all your magicka on spells, you think the nightblade isnt casting anything either? Maybe the real issue here is that you need to learn some resource management.
Shades damage isnt very good... and they dont hold aggro at all. Not sure you really want to compare them
Oh, and lets not forget that the summoned Shade is INVINCIBLE and cannot be killed by players.
gurugeorgey wrote: »I'd hate to have only duration pets. I like having a toggle pet, I don't have to worry about it, it just does its thing taking aggro for me - a not inconsiderable utility when soloing.
I don't find the Daedric line that weak, Storm Atronach is great for bosses and oh-*** moments, Curse is pretty good, and some of the passives are nice.
Haven't gotten much into grouping or PvP yet, so I guess it's possible my feelings might change, but as a casual player, it's all pretty good.
Shaun98ca2 wrote: »I imagine Pets AI is a work in progress. But they should absolutely be turned into short cast pets prob 15 sec duration so its long enough to be useful but also short enough that recasting sucks. I would say a 2 second cast.
gurugeorgey wrote: »I'd hate to have only duration pets. I like having a toggle pet, I don't have to worry about it, it just does its thing taking aggro for me - a not inconsiderable utility when soloing.
I don't find the Daedric line that weak, Storm Atronach is great for bosses and oh-*** moments, Curse is pretty good, and some of the passives are nice.
Haven't gotten much into grouping or PvP yet, so I guess it's possible my feelings might change, but as a casual player, it's all pretty good.
Your opinion will change. Because toggles in VR are useless. You cannot have useful toggles. Otherwise, they are broken overpowered. Set-duration is the most balanced method. They need to be DPS threatening minions, and they need to have time limitations and effort to maintain. They shouldn't be cuddly harmless pets that you cast-and-forget to distract. They should be like the Storm Atronach, bad-ass Daedric monsters. The summoning of one should instill a genuine concern to your enemy. They need to be set-duration in order to be balanced and useful.
Should take effort to maintain? My Twilight Matriarch dies usually withing 5-6 seconds in a fight of a 3 mob pack because she is prioritized over even the familiar for some reason, and her HP is so tiny that if you'll sneeze at her she'll desummon.
So in a regular fight she isn't even a regular permanent toggle. I have to rez her 2-3 times in packs of 3+ mobs with a whopping 2 second cast and 600+ magicka cost.
If you're going to make them temporary the skills better be instant and cost much less mana on top of giving the summons much greater HP so they actually last something longer than 5-6 seconds in any fight.
In dungeons the damn summons are not used because they die almost instantly to any boss attack.
Should take effort to maintain? My Twilight Matriarch dies usually withing 5-6 seconds in a fight of a 3 mob pack because she is prioritized over even the familiar for some reason, and her HP is so tiny that if you'll sneeze at her she'll desummon.
So in a regular fight she isn't even a regular permanent toggle. I have to rez her 2-3 times in packs of 3+ mobs with a whopping 2 second cast and 600+ magicka cost.
If you're going to make them temporary the skills better be instant and cost much less mana on top of giving the summons much greater HP so they actually last something longer than 5-6 seconds in any fight.
In dungeons the damn summons are not used because they die almost instantly to any boss attack.
Ok... I'm not sure if you are reinforcing my point... or... refuting it? No duh the Twilight sucks... Because she's balanced as a TOGGLE.
So, yes. Set-duration. Require maintenance and strategic placement = Threatening yet balanced summon. Rather than toggles that have to be weak for balance.
To make the Twilight in your example more useful and THREATENING. She needs to be set-duration. She cannot be a toggle. By design of balance, Toggles HAVE to be weak, which is stupidly broken. So, make it a costly temporary summon that you need to plan when to summon for most mileage is balanced by the fact that she is a genuine concern to your enemies. A viable weapon. And in her unique case, a great support unit.
Set-duration summons are the best for balanced game-play.
But if they have set duration they need to be cheap enough to summon, because otherwise to deserve a slot in your bar they have to compete with the DPS of any skill you can spam.
And if they remain costly but you make them powerful enough that they get cried about in PvP, because in PvP most HP pools won't exceed 2500 as opposed to PvE, we can have issues.
It's the same issue werewolf is facing. Zenimax thinks they need to make it 600 ultimate but make it really powerful, but that is bad design because in a game with PvP you can't have an ability that does too much damage because of the high cost. So either they have to balance skills separately for PvP and PvE, or they have to make sure to make the summons/abilities cheap with high uptime and decent damage but not to the point where it can be abused in pvp where health pools are smaller than veteran mobs.
I think the Twilight does good enough damage. It's just her HP that sucks. The familiar on the other hand does no damage whatsoever and you just use him to detonate him for aoe.
Ralathar44 wrote: »I've been a pet class player since Dark Age of Camelot. Permanent duration controllable or non-controllable pets CAN be balanced in both PVE and PVP. This is fact. It's one of the trickier things to balance but it can be done.
So much ignorance on pet balance in this thread. In normal content they are fine, in VR content and dungeons they need a bit of help. Most of that is the need for AOE resistance and scaling a bit better for veteran content. But then, pets are not the only thing that scales poorly into vet content. Stamina weapons are also hurting.
Are set-duration summons easier to balance and offer more variety and tactical deployment? Yes.