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Why are Champion Points Better than Veteran Ranks?

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    Have they confirmed anywhere the there will not be a CP requirement on gear?

    There will be a CP requirement. Say its 501. Once you hit level 50 if you have 501 already on another character then you have 501 on this new guy too. You will be able to immediately load him up in end game gear.
  • TheShadowScout
    The last rumour I had heard was mentioning them thinking about an 1VR = 10CP ratio for gear requirements. Meaning V16 stuff at 160 c-points. Though I have no idea if they keep with that, or get a better idea until release...

    But hey, the basic principle remains the same, as soon as your alts reach level 50, they will be able to wear the same tier of gear as your main. All those bound orsinium pieces your main couldn't use? Alt gear! All the other stuff your main might find? Alt gear!
  • Elijah_Crow
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    You are wrong. Your FIRST character beyond level 50 will have to earn enough CP to equip end game gear. Second + should be able to equip the same as your first.

    Edited by Elijah_Crow on 22 March 2016 20:22
  • Elijah_Crow
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    Have they confirmed anywhere the there will not be a CP requirement on gear?

    There will be a CP requirement on gear. What he was trying to say is at level 50 you don't need to earn CP, but he's forgetting that people have to level their first character. If you have 501 CP on one character, alts can wear gear (at level 50) of CP501 as CP are account wide.

    Edited by Elijah_Crow on 22 March 2016 20:24
  • WalkingLegacy
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    Have they confirmed anywhere the there will not be a CP requirement on gear?

    There will be a CP requirement on gear. What he was trying to say is at level 50 you don't need to earn CP, but he's forgetting that people have to level their first character. If you have 501 CP on one character, alts can wear gear (at level 50) of CP501 as CP are account wide.

    I see. He never makes much sense anyways. Thanks.
  • Katahdin
    They also have not mentioned what the rate of earning CP will be. A V16 will have 160 CP. How does that compare to what a newly leveled V16 has for CP now? Is it equivalent? What is happening to the extra CP. If someone has 501 CP, will they still have 501 or will the scale be different?
    Beta tester November 2013
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    You are wrong. Your FIRST character beyond level 50 will have to earn enough CP to equip end game gear. Second + should be able to equip the same as your first.

    how am I wrong I said exactly what you said lol
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    Have they confirmed anywhere the there will not be a CP requirement on gear?

    There will be a CP requirement on gear. What he was trying to say is at level 50 you don't need to earn CP, but he's forgetting that people have to level their first character. If you have 501 CP on one character, alts can wear gear (at level 50) of CP501 as CP are account wide.

    I see. He never makes much sense anyways. Thanks.

    I very clearly said the same exact thing. Once you get 501 cp you got 501 cp. Any character that is lvl 50 will be able to instantly wear end game gear. Or did you think that I meant any level 50 even tho i specifically stated you would have to have earned that CP on another character. Man wish sometimes you guys would actually read what people write.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on 22 March 2016 21:07
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?
    Edited by Yolokin_Swagonborn on 22 March 2016 21:31
  • IcyDeadPeople
    AdamBourke wrote: »
    The arguments I've seen against VR are:
    • Once you've got VR16 Gold Gear, you don't want to have to get it all again for VR18.
    • Only Silver/Gold quests count towards VR experience.

    For the first, it seems like you'll still have to do that but now it will be tied to CP instead of VR? And for the second, would it not have been easier to just make all experience go towards VR?

    I'm not saying champion points are bad. I'm just saying.... they've done an awful lot of work on something that, to me, seems pretty much the same thing.

    And also I don't like that they are cross-character... But I get that that's debateable.

    The number one reason this new system will be awesome is no more grind from V1 to V16.

    As for gear, keep in mind there will still be new gear level increases from time to time, (e.g., CP 180, CP 200 etc) but fortunately the progression is account wide and there is a catch up mechanism for new and returning players.
    Edited by IcyDeadPeople on 22 March 2016 21:39
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?

    ZOS seems to be making plenty of money. Im not defending anything by the way. Im telling you facts you dont seem to understand. Like first and foremost this is a business designed to make a profit. Its not anything else. As soon as you accept they only care about the customer so much as how can they get money from you then you wont be disappointed. You only assume it was a poor business choice. Id like to know how you know they didnt make a fortune selling those $20 mounts and all the other stuff plus the box sales and the people who pay for a sub.

    Last interview ZOS stated revenue was up "substantially" from before b2p.
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    For me it's the sets I made some great builds only to be forced down the cookie cutter lane cause the sets I used was maxed at VR 7, 10 12 or 14.
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • WalkingLegacy
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?

    ZOS seems to be making plenty of money. Im not defending anything by the way. Im telling you facts you dont seem to understand. Like first and foremost this is a business designed to make a profit. Its not anything else. As soon as you accept they only care about the customer so much as how can they get money from you then you wont be disappointed. You only assume it was a poor business choice. Id like to know how you know they didnt make a fortune selling those $20 mounts and all the other stuff plus the box sales and the people who pay for a sub.

    Last interview ZOS stated revenue was up "substantially" from before b2p.

    Swagger literally just gave you other reasons on how they could make a ton more money utilizing a better cash shop instead of locking the meat of the game behind paywalls.

    If they're hurting for money it's because their egos got in the way of making a great game.
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    CP's expand your toon in different ways. They allow for weapon, armour, stat and ability buffs to suit Your specific play style.

    Do you really think CPs bring any significant variety to builds? Stamina and magicka builds will dump their points in their respective damage nodes, crit damage nodes, resource cost reduction nodes and resource regen nodes. Other CP nodes dont even come close in usefulness. This might as well have be baked into vet progression and there wouldnt be much difference.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on 23 March 2016 05:04
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • starkerealm
    Morimizo wrote: »
    Are we certain that what is now V16 gear-wise will be available at 50 once this is changed? Seems odd going from Ebony to Rubidite instantly...why bother with Cal, Galatite, Quicksilver, or Void then?

    Yeah, so the awkward thing about the new system is that the tier 6 through 9 mats are basically going to be single use after this. You'll be able to collect them, but once you've leveled one character through them, the only reason to use them on an alt will be because you don't have enough tier 10 mats.

    I have no idea what that's going to do to the market.
  • Annalyse
    I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    I'm probably one of the few, but I totally agree with this. I guess the new system is good for people that only want to hit endgame for PvP.

    For me personally, I like the goal of levelling and crafting new gear. I like seeing the different levels around me and like having my level shown as it is an achievement. I have mutiple alts scattered through the vet levels currently, but I will probably quit most of them if this system is implemented and they are all suddenly level 50 and able to wear the highest level gear. Takes the fun out of it for me. I wish they would give a choice when you hit 50 on an alt on whether or not you want them to jump to max level, sort of like how they ask if you want to skip the tutorial.

  • Twilix01
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    ZOS has never "stolen" your gear, I hate when people say that. Your gear was right where you left it, just better gear and new levels were added. You lost nothing from level cap increases, you only had an opportunity to grow further than before.
    Edited by Twilix01 on 23 March 2016 01:08
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?

    ZOS seems to be making plenty of money. Im not defending anything by the way. Im telling you facts you dont seem to understand. Like first and foremost this is a business designed to make a profit. Its not anything else. As soon as you accept they only care about the customer so much as how can they get money from you then you wont be disappointed. You only assume it was a poor business choice. Id like to know how you know they didnt make a fortune selling those $20 mounts and all the other stuff plus the box sales and the people who pay for a sub.

    Last interview ZOS stated revenue was up "substantially" from before b2p.

    Swagger literally just gave you other reasons on how they could make a ton more money utilizing a better cash shop instead of locking the meat of the game behind paywalls.

    If they're hurting for money it's because their egos got in the way of making a great game.

    ZOS is not hurting for money lol. Where do you guys get this idea? What part of revenue is substantially higher didnt you understand?
  • NewBlacksmurf
    I like your optimism Elijah.

    Let's hope it pans out the way you think.

    CP system has no place in an MMO though and having a whole other equip requirement plus your level is lame.

    Thats not how it will work. If you have 501 CP you have 501 CP. It doenst matter the level of the character as long as he is beyond level 50. So your level 50 character will be able to wear end game gear without worrying about leveling up. I dont like it personally. I think leveling alts etc is a way to keep people in the game. Now they wont have to do any of that but once. So they will get bored and quit.

    Have they confirmed anywhere the there will not be a CP requirement on gear?

    they haven't confirmed it will be...they just shared some thoughts....nothing on either direction is confirmed.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Gidorick
    As many people of mentioned, it offers more granular progression and they are achieved account wide... but MOSTLY they are better because you earn them faster so there is a perception of faster progression.

    I personally believe that the complete removal of veteran ranks and the linking of skill points and gear to champion points will end up being the worst mistake ESO ever makes.... time will tell.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Gidorick
    Edited by Gidorick on 23 March 2016 01:31
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    As many people of mentioned, it offers more granular progression and they are achieved account wide... but MOSTLY they are better because you earn them faster so there is a perception of faster progression.

    I personally believe that the complete removal of veteran ranks and the linking of skill points and gear to champion points will end up being the worst mistake ESO ever makes.... time will tell.

    I agree it makes no sense the way they are doing it. Oh well at least if I am not happy I can just cancel my sub. For free it prob wont be so bad lol.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    As many people of mentioned, it offers more granular progression and they are achieved account wide... but MOSTLY they are better because you earn them faster so there is a perception of faster progression.

    I personally believe that the complete removal of veteran ranks and the linking of skill points and gear to champion points will end up being the worst mistake ESO ever makes.... time will tell.

    I agree it makes no sense the way they are doing it. Oh well at least if I am not happy I can just cancel my sub. For free it prob wont be so bad lol.

    I personally hope that they "fix" it later... but man... it'll be more complicated then removing Vet Ranks and that's taken them like what.. a year and a half since they fist announced they announced they were doing it.
    Edited by Gidorick on 23 March 2016 02:24
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Soresina
    A rose is still a rose ...

    Changing CP in place of VR to determine a characters gear level is simply sophistry. At this stage all they do is swap the words that are used to determine the gear level a character can wear. The only actual physical benefit VR gave to a character is the skill point with each level earned and that is to be factored into the new system so aside from words there is no real change at this stage with what they are proposing aside from the benefits to alts.

    What is really important is both the level and more importantly the skill of the character so who cares what name ZOS chooses to use for their method of determining the level of the character. How this new system is going to be adapted for choosing people for end game content is more important in my opinion. Will it be possible to group at similar levels of CP ranking? If so how is this to be determined? Are we going to be able to see what armour level a character is at or are we to take their word for it? How is this system to be applied to dungeons? Does each dungeon have a certain CP armour rank or are they now all to be battle-levelled to max armour ranking? If this happens how does this new CP armour ranking scale? No offence intended but I would not like to run one of the trials at armour level 16 if everyone else is at level 1.

    These questions are just as important in PvE for new players as well. Are all level 50 zones to be battle levelled or will they still be ranked for people who are levelling a character for the first time? If all level 50 areas are to be battle-levelled then why even bother with armour rank levels given the battle-levelling process is flawed as it stands now with only certain gear and skills battle levelling. They may as well just put everyone at max armour level and be done with it if they plan on battle-levelling all level 50 areas because there would be no point in having different armour levels.

    These are the questions I would like to see answered because they have more impact on how I play my game than the words ZOS chooses to use with their new gating process.
  • WalkingLegacy
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?

    ZOS seems to be making plenty of money. Im not defending anything by the way. Im telling you facts you dont seem to understand. Like first and foremost this is a business designed to make a profit. Its not anything else. As soon as you accept they only care about the customer so much as how can they get money from you then you wont be disappointed. You only assume it was a poor business choice. Id like to know how you know they didnt make a fortune selling those $20 mounts and all the other stuff plus the box sales and the people who pay for a sub.

    Last interview ZOS stated revenue was up "substantially" from before b2p.

    Swagger literally just gave you other reasons on how they could make a ton more money utilizing a better cash shop instead of locking the meat of the game behind paywalls.

    If they're hurting for money it's because their egos got in the way of making a great game.

    ZOS is not hurting for money lol. Where do you guys get this idea? What part of revenue is substantially higher didnt you understand?


    Where did you see their revenue?

    And one can be presumptuous based on how they are more geared towards DLC releases than quality of life changes.

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Gidorick wrote: »
    As many people of mentioned, it offers more granular progression and they are achieved account wide... but MOSTLY they are better because you earn them faster so there is a perception of faster progression.

    I personally believe that the complete removal of veteran ranks and the linking of skill points and gear to champion points will end up being the worst mistake ESO ever makes.... time will tell.

    I agree it makes no sense the way they are doing it. Oh well at least if I am not happy I can just cancel my sub. For free it prob wont be so bad lol.

    I personally hope that they "fix" it later... but man... it'll be more complicated then removing Vet Ranks and that's taken them like what.. a year and a half since they fist announced they announced they were doing it.

    Makes me kind of wonder why they waited this long if they are using this simple solution. Seems like if they wanted to do this route it could have been done before console release.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    They both have their downsides. The worst part though, is having gear linked with a rank. Whether that gear cap is a VR limitation or a CP limitiation.

    That allows ZOS to steal all of our gear whenever they want by simply raising the cap. Then they can lock the new tier of gear behind a DLC paywall, and make us grind XP and materials to earn it all back. They could even increase the cost of max level gear 10 times to make it take even longer. Some say they have already done this. Others say they will do it again.

    They do need to make money correct? Or did you think this was some kind of charity thing?

    Oh the old capitalism defense. Such a stop-thought argument. There are sundry ways of making money. There are business models where you pay for access to content, and you get enjoyment.

    Buy game, play game, enjoy game. Done. Those were the days.

    Now, you buy a piece of the game, get frustrated by the games limitations, then pay to have those frustrations and limitations slowly removed.

    Just because its a business model, doesn't mean its a good one, or even an effective one. The B2P transition happened a long time ago. ZOS could have made a fortune on the crown store selling race changes, more costumes, costume making kits, transmorg, etc. But they didn't.

    Don't confuse poor choices with smart business choices. I don';t want to have to constantly regrind to get my character back to where it was. I didn;t have to with the old business model. The Endgame was static but at least it was consistent and there were three trials, one 4person arena, and pvp. Now there is a ton of "outdated" endgame content. This game was supposed to be different.

    So is this game supposed to be like other MMOs or not? Does it shift from one to another depending on what ZOS policy you are currently defending?

    ZOS seems to be making plenty of money. Im not defending anything by the way. Im telling you facts you dont seem to understand. Like first and foremost this is a business designed to make a profit. Its not anything else. As soon as you accept they only care about the customer so much as how can they get money from you then you wont be disappointed. You only assume it was a poor business choice. Id like to know how you know they didnt make a fortune selling those $20 mounts and all the other stuff plus the box sales and the people who pay for a sub.

    Last interview ZOS stated revenue was up "substantially" from before b2p.

    Swagger literally just gave you other reasons on how they could make a ton more money utilizing a better cash shop instead of locking the meat of the game behind paywalls.

    If they're hurting for money it's because their egos got in the way of making a great game.

    ZOS is not hurting for money lol. Where do you guys get this idea? What part of revenue is substantially higher didnt you understand?


    Where did you see their revenue?

    And one can be presumptuous based on how they are more geared towards DLC releases than quality of life changes.

    I can only take the guy from ZOS at his word that revenue is up substantially since b2p switch. Anecdotal evidence is the thread where people are spending upwards of $1000 a year on this game tho kinda tells me they are doing ok.
  • CaptainBeerDude
    Good thing I'm not a min/maxxer then.
    CP's expand your toon in different ways. They allow for weapon, armour, stat and ability buffs to suit Your specific play style.

    Do you really think CPs bring any significant variety to builds? Stamina and magicka builds will dump their points in their respective damage nodes, crit damage nodes, resource cost reduction nodes and resource regen nodes. Other CP nodes dont even come close in usefulness. This might as well have been baked into vet progression and there wouldnt be much difference.

    This is true of any minmaxer, but for those that aren't, it opens up synergies with particular items and play styles.
    For some reason I am focused on making my 2H HA sorc into a viable end game tank. VR's will not let me achieve this. CP's will allow me to improve the weakest areas of this concept and (hopefully) will change it from average dps into the Iron Teacup.
    Edited by CaptainBeerDude on 23 March 2016 05:15
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