Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 3, 2:00AM EDT (6:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)

Fangs of Ironglaive- PvE/Crafting/Trading/Social/PvP [Multi-Faction, NA Server]

Fangs of Ironglaive

Quick Facts:
Time Zone: EST
Server: North America [NA]
Faction: Aldmeri Dominion based, Multi-faction
Primary Focus: PvE, Crafting, Trading, Social, Leveling
Secondary Focus: PvP domination
Contact: @SilverKitsune

We are a NA Aldmeri Dominion based guild that is looking to recruit players looking for a supportive social guild. We want to build a community of ESO players who are mature, respectful, fun loving, and dedicated to building a closely knit network of players willing to help out each other. We encourage our members to socialize and network with other guild members. The stronger our guild bonds become the more successful we will be in the long run.
Currently, our main focus is on PvE content and on getting our guild members leveled/geared. As such we place a heavy focus on social interactions, crafting, and trading for that end. Eventually once the majority of our members are leveled we want to enter the PvP arena and completely dominate the field.
We have high aspirations for the future and as such are looking for players who are mature, respectful, team players, fun-loving, cooperative, dedicated to the guild, and humorous. Joking around is encouraged, however we ask that our members always be respectful of one another and mindful that one person’s joke may be offensive to another. As such, being able to respond appropriately to the offended or the offender and resolve the issue(s) as adults is expected of members. Our guild leader and guild officers have no problem mediating between members for issues that cannot be resolved without a mediator, but please be mindful that we have other priorities and lives beyond ESO. Similarly, we understand that our members have other priorities that are more important than ESO.

Although we are Aldmeri based, we are a multi-faction guild and looking for more members from the other factions.

What We Can Offer Our Members:
1. Help
2. Friends and teammates
3. Companionship
4. Knowledge/Advice
5. Gear
6. Fun times

1. Be respectful, no flaming, discrimination, or toxicity allowed. This is strictly enforced.
2. Refrain from using terms such as “That's so gay,” “***,” or other offensive phrases to explain how negative something is; it is discriminatory, offensive, and just not cool. There are so many words in the English language, just use some other phrase to express yourself. This rule is also strictly enforced.
2. Curse words are allowed up to a certain limit. Cursing excessively (i.e. 80% of the sentence is composed of curse words) will not be tolerated.
3. Be friendly! Don't be afraid to say hello when you log in or say goodbye before you log off, we don't bite!
4. Do not clear out the entire guild bank just because you can. That is probably the quickest way to get demoted and/or kicked out. Be considerate for the other members who may also want items and have put in the time to donate items to the guild.

Edited by Wolfwing on October 4, 2014 3:06PM

The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Noely123
    Hello, my name is Adam. Im interested in joining your guild. Looking for a laid back PvE setting with mature individuals. Thanks.
  • Wolfwing
    Hey glad to have you along! We definitely meet your requirements then. I can't add you until both you and I are online at the same time. Same for being able to friend you in game (in order to see when you are online).

    I will add you as soon as possible. :-)

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Hey here is some more information about our guild to all who are interested:

    Ranks and their Explanations:

    The Ironglaive: This rank is reserved for the guild master. May his/her leadership guide us all to fame, fortune, and good times. The Ironglaive bears the responsibility of all of our actions, in particular to those enacted with/to non-guild members. The Ironglaive has the ability to demote members. Otherwise his responsibilities are similar to the Steelfang Knight rank.

    Steelfang Knight: This rank is given to The Ironglaive's officers who help maintain the guild. The responsibilities of this rank include, but are not limited to: Fostering communication within and without the guild, assisting other members in their endeavors when possible, managing guild messages, overseeing the guild bank and the guild store, creating and maintaining a good public image, mediating guild affairs when necessary, recruiting new members, promoting New Fangs to Iron Fang status, and creating a warm chat environment. This rank is reserved for only the most trusted by our guild leader. Please do not ask to be promoted to this status, as of right now we do not need any more Knights. If this changes we'll let you all know.

    Iron Fangs: This rank is what most members will become. The Iron Fang rank is given to members who have become involved in the guild and started to build friendships within the guild. Iron Fangs have the ability to withdraw and deposit from/into the guild bank and to buy and sell in the guild store. Additionally this rank allows members to invite members into our guild. Please feel free to invite all of your friends, their friends, and so on and so forth.

    New Fangs: This rank is given to new members. New Fangs have the ability to buy from the guild store and deposit into the guild bank. This rank has the most limitations of all the ranks (see How to Rank Up below).

    All ranks have the ability to talk in guild chat, deposit into the guild bank, view member notes, and buy from the guild store.

    How to Rank Up:
    1. Follow the rules (see above).
    2. Socialize within the guild. The more we and the rest of the guild get to know you the faster you will rank up to Iron Fang and have the full benefits of being a member of the Fangs of Ironglaive. Remember, we want to encourage the construction of a community!
    Edited by Wolfwing on April 29, 2014 4:35AM

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • MamaDog
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, my hubby and I would be interested in joining, we are looking for a no-stress guild of mature players, where we can build up some friendships while playing.

    You can find us under the character names of Micah Glenrothes and Rae Eisha.
    Edited by MamaDog on April 5, 2014 3:10PM
  • axeswingr20
    In-game: Rynark Marcellius
    Would like to join your guild, looking for awesome PVE adventures in a mature guild.
  • Wolfwing
    Great, glad to hear it! I will add all of you, but you all need to be online at the same time as I am, otherwise the game won't let me add you and will instead give me an error. I'm not entirely sure why they haven't installed some feature so that people invited to guilds get the invite when they next log in, but we'll have to make due with this.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    I retract my previous statement, I can in fact invite you all while you are offline. Yay for technology!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    @axeswingr20‌: I am having a hard time adding you to the guild. Unlike everyone else I invited, I do not get a confirmation message that I sent the invitation or an error message. Please whisper me in game, its probably just me misspelling your user id and your character name.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Ah, never mind it was just lag time. Hope to see you in the guild axeswingr20 :-)

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • MrKen
    Hi, I would be interested in joining... my in game name is Kotian. I havent actually joined a guild yet.. so not sure whether you need my handle or not :)
  • Wolfwing
    Great! Your character name should be enough. I'll contact you via this thread if I have any problems. See you in the guild!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    I do seem to be having issues adding you to my guild. Is that your full character name? Also what is your full user id? Are you sure that you are on the NA server? I keep getting the error telling me that your account/character does not exist.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • InfernoRaven
    Shoot Me an Invite @InfernoRaven1597
  • Wolfwing
    I will do so right now :-) See you in game!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Give me a few minutes though, my computer has issues multitasking between ESO and the internet.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • MrKen
    my user id is @kendaron. cheers
  • Wolfwing
    I shall promptly add you then. Can't wait to hear from you in the game!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    It has come to my attention that despite the guild permissions, members of the New Fang rank cannot deposit into the guild bank. I apologize for the inconvenience but I cannot fix the actual problem. Therefore I have thought of several solutions:
    1. Wait until you rank up to Iron Fang. (See above posts for how to rank up)
    2. Type a message in guild chat and see if anyone wants the item, if not don't worry about selling it.
    3. Try selling it in the zone chat.
    4. Mail me the items and I will faithfully put it into the guild bank. Just make sure to tell me you want to put it in the guild bank.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • elohcin1102
    hi my name is Nichole, Im interested in joining your guild also if you could send me an invite @elohcin1102‌
  • Wolfwing
    Welcome Nichole!

    I shall promptly add you. Just give me a few moments, my computer has issues multitasking. Can't wait to see you in the guild!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    We have a new guild website! This will be our central website that consolidates all guild information.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Current Members: 51
    Edited by Wolfwing on May 12, 2014 12:55PM

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Members of the New Fang rank (recruit) can finally deposit into the bank. Thank you Zenimax!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • dan801
    Hello I am wondering if you could add me to your Guild. I think I sent you an in-game message as well but there was an error. My ingame name is "Ruby Star"
    Edited by dan801 on April 15, 2014 3:13AM
  • Wolfwing
    Hi Dan801,
    I don't believe I got an in game message, however I will gladly add you now. Welcome to the guild :-)

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    We now have a Ventrilo Server!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    Almost enough for a guild store, just need 1 more member

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    We now have a guild store and our bank is overflowing!

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    It's been a long time since I've posted in this forum topic, but my guild is still recruiting.

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
  • Wolfwing
    After the final boss battle of the Veteran level BC dungeon, our guild members rest.


    Edited by Wolfwing on May 13, 2014 11:34PM

    The Ironglaive of the Fangs of Ironglaive
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