XP Anniversary buff becoming permanent for ESO PLUS member with at least one vr16 charachter

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  • Katahdin
    The cake buff has already caused some general nastiness in certain popular grind areas. So perma cake buff is probably not a good idea as much as I am loving it.
    Edited by Katahdin on April 8, 2016 2:25PM
    Beta tester November 2013
  • dday3six
    The benefits from ESO plus are a bit lackluster, however 100% exp gains is way over the top. Perhaps increasing to something like 20%, but a flat double is going to cause issues. Like with CP gaps for example.
  • Hazethemadman
    I think that would be a terrible idea.

    A- It would be a "pay-to-win" element. It would also speed up the leveling far beyond the intended standard speed. To compensate for this, they would prevent it from stacking with other xp effects.

    With that in mind....

    B- It would reduce the sales of xp scrolls. Makes little business sense. Sure they could get more subs, but it wouldn't cover the loss of profit from scrolls. Lets be honest, they sell ALOT of those scrolls.

    C- It would reduce the sales of my ambrosia. Everyone would just get ESO plus or xp scrolls. Why you do this to Haze?
    Samael- VR16 Magicka Dragonknight
    Bacchic Battery- 38 Magicka Sorcerer
    Nihil Dicit- 12 Magicka Templar
    Villion- 20 Stamina Nightblade
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    What i am surprised they havent done, is something i have seen done in other games, and that is let you stack xp boosters.

    So the first xp booster gives you 50% the second would take it to 75% and the third to 100%. 100% boost being the max.

    Encourages people to buy and use more then one scroll at a time. And lets those who want to rush rush, and those who dont, dont have to.
  • GeneralLee
    Only if you can toggle it off.. Some ppl actually like leveling trough quests and wouldnt like double xp
  • NinjaApacHe
    Maybe I did not make my statement clear: if you ALREADY have a vr16 toon (it means you already went thru all the stuff, bla, bla, bla). Then I really wonder: what advantage? A pve advantage? And what is it about? Ok. Let's give a permanent CHOICE (I love those saying: How can I quest anymore with so much xp?? I have to unsub..... - JUST DO NOT EAT THE CAKE!) to have a cake to all that have at least 3 vr16. Happy? Ahahaha. You moan like kitties. :smiley:
    CP 2120+Lord Yakhin- Magicka NB - High Elf - DC Jack Templar - Stamina Templar - Dark Elf - DC Darth Morbius - Stamina Sorcerer - Dark Elf - DC Bloody Merril - Stamina Vampire NB - Redguard - DC Master Kun - Stamina DK - Redguard - DC Exarch Kun - Magicka Vampire NB - High Elf - DC Ace Bollah - Stamina Warden - Dark Elf - DC Icy Jack - Stamina Warden - Nord - DC Prior Tedas - Stamina NB - High Elf - DC 10 traits Woodworker - lvl 50 Enchanter - lvl 50 Alchemist - 10 traits Clothier & Smither - 10 traits jewelcrafterProud member of the Band of Daggers - www.bandofdaggers.eu
  • dsalter
    100% is to strong. rather see it buffed up to 15-20% tho. but thats stretching it
    and thats coming from an ESO subber
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • DangerMan
    Only ONE weekend (Fri-Sun) every month (every 4 weeks) with the 100% xp boost would be nice to get as an ESO plus subscriber.
    Flawless MagSorc DPS
    StamDK DPS
    MagTemp DPS
    StamSorc DPS
    MagDK DPS
    DK Tank
    MagNB PvP
    StamNB PvP

  • babylon
    How about making the cake trophy come with a cooldown of a day...so that each day we can use it to get 2 hours of the 100% xp buff.

    And using it at other times it's just a fancy cake with no buff.

    That wouldn't be OP.

    Edited by babylon on April 12, 2016 2:25PM
  • Mcwoods55
    As per title: what do you guys think about making the xp buff permanent to ESOplus members with at least one vr16 toon?

    vr16 toons going away in 3 months.....
    you already get 10% bonus...
  • Ghostbane
    As a subscriber, I think this would give unhealthy connotations to the game. 10% is more than generous, people who do not subscribe, but remain active and productive members of the community should not be left out in the dark.

    What would be good, having the occasional 'xp boost' themed weekend, available to all.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Obliterate

    I'm in since beta, but I'm not so elitist like you seem. So no.

    Agree, what a ***

    +Support on the thread, not everyone has the time to no life the game.
    Edited by Obliterate on April 12, 2016 2:28PM
  • rotaugen454
    The conspiracy theorist in me says they did the cake buff for free to get people hooked on cake, which will then be part of a membership or a two hour version will sell in the crown store.

    "Hey kid, the first cake is free"
    "Get off my lawn!"
  • Aquanova
    "All the eso subs" ain't saying no. These forums don't represent the majority of player's. Your nuts if you think that. I for one love the idea of making the cake xp permanent, and if ZOS wants a REAL concensus, they will ask (via in game mail) the player's that play the game, not only the ones who visit these forums.

    I guarantee you they'll be more in favor to make it permanent then not!
  • Cavedog
    We maybe should get a couple more days of cake buff due to maintenance, MAYBE. But as a "lifelong" plus member, giving us the buff permanently would be pretty excessive IMO. ....now, let's talk about a ninth toon or a materials bag for plus members please.

    I am thinking a 9th "toon" that is actually a mule would be an awesome perk for plus members. Cap the mules carrying capacity at 500 or so just like a guild bank. (we can already make this happen in game without switching toons by creating our own guild and using our personal guild bank, so giving us an actual mule won't change much except convenience and availability without having to form our own guild.)
  • WldKarde
    Been subbed since the start and really have no complaints as far as the value.

    That being said, with crafting bags coming soon(tm) I think ESO Plus is going to be well worth the money. No need for any more XP bonus than what we already get.

    The cake has been a wonderful treat and a nice gesture from ZOS, I'm happy to just leave it at that.
    PC NA
    Characters formally known as Veteran 16:
    Wldkarde, Sir WldKarde , Lil-Miss WldKarde,
    Dame WldKarde Stamplar "Master Angler" "Main" ,
    Shady WldKarde, WldKarde"s Bacon, Jaded WldKarde,
    River Wldkarde
    18 Master Anglers so far
    "Dames and Sirs, take my advice, pull down your pants...and slide on the ice!" Slightly adjusted quote of Dr. Sidney Friedman from M*A*S*H
  • Caeric
    While I agree that the current benefits of subscribing are a bit weak, I would have to respectfully disagree with this suggestion. Subscribers don't need further XP boosts - the current 10% is enough.

    Instead, ESO Plus should provide the "frosting, not the cake". That is, other than what already exists there should be little extras that don't have any additional impact on character advancement or the ability to achieve certain goals. The new crafting bag is one example. Other possible ESO Plus only benefits:
    • Access to subscriber only dyes, costumes, pets, etc.
    • Visual addons for character or armor (wisp lights, floating forehead gem, glowing circlets, etc.)
    • A unique well-made crafting motif
    • A 5% or 10% discount in the Crown Store (on all items, or alternately on some items)
    • A small boost to storage space
    • Free or reduced travel costs - click a Wayshrine and go
    • A small boost to travel speed, both on foot and on mount

    Some of these (such as the extra storage space) would require that ESO Plus be maintained. Others, such as already made armor using the ESO Plus motif can still be used (but you can't access the motif to make new armor if you're not ESO Plus).
  • demonaffinity
    As an ESO Plus member, I think it would be too much of a significant boost in exp gain. I'm already quite satisfied with the boost I recieve.
  • ThePonzzz
    Why even have exp and levels. Why don't we just log in and have access to everything. You pretty much get that with how easy this game is now.
  • emily3989
    How about subscribers have the cake on a 7 day time or something like that? Once a week 2 hr buff. I don't know, don't care, I don't like to out level content and grind, but just an alternate idea.
    Thasi - V16 Magblade Vampire PC/NA
  • NMT
    Abeille wrote: »
    I think that would be a way too big of an advantage and not very reasonable.

    What's the advantage to levelling faster?

    You could outlevel people who start the same time as you but it won't affect gear so surely endgame would balance things out. ESO plus needs something to make it worthwhile.
  • Ashtaris
    As a subscriber since the game started, I would still vote No. We have a 10% XP buff now as a subscriber, so that's enough. There are nicer perks they could give subscribers, and I'm REALLY looking forward to the crafting bags :)
  • Dueydoodah
    To those saying no - Guess what. You don't have to eat the cake. Let those that want it have it.
    Level 50, CP1110
    1. Breton Templar Healer/DPS; High Elf Sorcerer Magicka DPS; Imperial DK Stamina Tank/DPS
    2. Khajiit Nightblade Archer DPS; High Elf Warden Healer/DPS; Imperial Templar Healer/DPS
    3. Dark Elf Nightblade DPS; High Elf Templar Healer/Tank; High Elf DK DPS
  • Sweetpea704
    I'm an ESO plus member and I vote No also.
    This game isn't too hard to level and exp in, especially if you came from Everquest.
    Please lets not get to WOW standard where you can get from 0-100 in a matter of days.

    In my experience you tend to miss content if you level too fast.

    Be safe

    I agree. Also, it is just going to produce a bunch of players that have no idea how to play their class. (Oh yes, we've all had those pugs.) There are nuances to each class that you can't learn from spamming the same attack while grinding mobs. You need the variation of some quests, PVP, and hard bosses to really learn your class. You learn your class best when you try the hard stuff, like trials, Vet Dungeons, IC Sewers. When you wipe, switch out skills, try again, learn a new strategy or attack combo, that is great for learning a new class.
  • Saucy_Jack
    What about 100% exp for ESO Plus members, but only for levels 1-50?
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • RedRoomGaming
    I think we should be able to buy the double xp along with the scrolls (at a cheaper rate) @ZOS_GinaBruno because let's face it some of the quests take 10-30 mins and you get roughly 2-6k xp.
    PS4 Eu Server
    • Stampler - RedRoomGaming - V16
    • Mageblade - Beard Of Molag - v3
    • High Elf Sorc - Man Of Potato - V16
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    I'm an ESO plus member and I vote No also.
    This game isn't too hard to level and exp in, especially if you came from Everquest.
    Please lets not get to WOW standard where you can get from 0-100 in a matter of days.

    In my experience you tend to miss content if you level too fast.

    Be safe

    On your 3rd or 4th char youre sick of repeating the same content.
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Ruben
    Give us a +100% xp buff for every VR16 char we have. Please, and thank you.
    DK Stamina DPS
    DK Magicka DPS
    DK Tank
    Templar Healer
    Sorcerer Stamina DPS
    Nightblade Magicka DPS
    Nightblade Stamina DPS
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Ruben wrote: »
    Give us a +100% xp buff for every VR16 char we have. Please, and thank you.

    Id settle for 20% per character :P
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Volkodav
    Maybe I did not make my statement clear: if you ALREADY have a vr16 toon (it means you already went thru all the stuff, bla, bla, bla). Then I really wonder: what advantage? A pve advantage? And what is it about? Ok. Let's give a permanent CHOICE (I love those saying: How can I quest anymore with so much xp?? I have to unsub..... - JUST DO NOT EAT THE CAKE!) to have a cake to all that have at least 3 vr16. Happy? Ahahaha. You moan like kitties. :smiley:

    Why should only those with 3 v16 get the cake and not anyone else?Is it because YOU might have 3 v16 toons already?
    I think the cake should be something that randomly shows up occasionally for everyone.As it is now,in the momentos. Something to look foreward to and never knowing when it will be there.
    Edited by Volkodav on April 12, 2016 5:27PM
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