ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just to give you all a quick update, we're still working on activating all the codes and still intend to send everyone an email once everything's good to go. Thanks for your patience!
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
I could never understand the enjoyment of watching some other person play. I just dont get it. Some would rather watch someone else play then play themselves.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Im still scratching my head wondering how activating codes can be such a process. Ive seen brain surgery take less time.
dlboyds_ESO wrote: »
Let me restate this for you.
I have no idea how technology works. I've never worked in an industry like this, nor have I had to deal with policies and processes in a technological business such as this, but in my view this is taking too long.
Doctor's study for years to learn how to do brain surgery. Once they learn how to do it, they have to practice over and over learning more and more every time they do it. Not only that, but the doctor must pore over all sorts of information about that particular patient, so that he can get in and out of that surgery as quickly as possible.
TL;DR Your ignorant statement is ignorant.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Update: The time for the mailers to go out and all PC/Mac-to-console transfer codes to be active has shifted. We'll have another update for everyone at 5PM EDT.
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Just to give you all a quick update, we're still working on activating all the codes and still intend to send everyone an email once everything's good to go. Thanks for your patience!
Peekachu99 wrote: »Just got off the phone with PSN customer service and they verified my code, but said: no codes would be activated until the game goes live tomorrow. Can you verify or deny this please?
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Update: The time for the mailers to go out and all PC/Mac-to-console transfer codes to be active has shifted. We'll have another update for everyone at 5PM EDT.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
That's a bit unclear and potentially (but not intentionally) misleading, @Peekachu99. A couple questions, if you don't mind, and we could better answer your question.
Did you purchase the PC/Mac-to-console transfer?
What time zone do you reside in?
Peekachu99 wrote: »
How hard are the logistics of this to arrange, really, when people who order brand new off the PSN store (or Live) can be preloading and in some cases playing right now? Meanwhile, the persons who supported this game through its painful infancy get absolutely no priority or support.
Is it true that PSN codes won't go live till tomorrow? Is that the new goalpost?
Peekachu99 wrote: »
How hard are the logistics of this to arrange, really, when people who order brand new off the PSN store (or Live) can be preloading and in some cases playing right now? Meanwhile, the persons who supported this game through its painful infancy get absolutely no priority or support.
Is it true that PSN codes won't go live till tomorrow? Is that the new goalpost?
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Hmm so the people who coded this game didn't study for years to learn how to do it? Also you have to study for years to send out some codes? Really? Sending codes to you is as complicated as brain surgery? Meanwhile ZOS has all the info they need about you as the doctor has. They have had months to get this right. Like everything else they do tho its a hot mess.
Peekachu99 wrote: »I purchased the PC>PS4 transfer the day and hour it was announced. I have the PSN voucher code listed in my ESO account. I live in Canada. They verified that my code is legit and said it would not be live until after the update tomorrow. I double-checked this with 2nd tier support and was told the same information.
Peekachu99 wrote: »
How hard are the logistics of this to arrange, really, when people who order brand new off the PSN store (or Live) can be preloading and in some cases playing right now? Meanwhile, the persons who supported this game through its painful infancy get absolutely no priority or support.
Is it true that PSN codes won't go live till tomorrow? Is that the new goalpost?
dlboyds_ESO wrote: »
You made the false equivalence, not me.
Unless you've coded a game and dealt with all of the policies that the different console manufacturers put forth, and understand anything about Cost/Benefit Analysis, and everything else that they have to deal with that we have no idea about, I would say that you are wholly unqualified to put forth any opinion on this.
It's not like they sit back and say, "I wonder how we can *** off our customer base as much as possible."
dougpmb16_ESO wrote: »
How is this a glitchy start? lol....smh...
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
Thank you. As of right now, we are still working with first party to get all PC/Mac-to-console transfer codes active today (not tomorrow.) If that changes we will update everyone in this thread the moment we know.