Hello fellow TES Lore-mongers! I came across
The Guilds Act recently and would like to discuss how it could benefit ESO.
In the book
History of the Fighters Guild, First Edition we find the following:
"n the 321st year of the 2nd Era, the Potentate gave his approval to the Guilds Act..." which sanctioned the following guilds:
- Mages
- Tinkers
- Cobblers
- Prostitutes
- Scribes
- Architects
- Brewers
- Vintners
- Weavers
- Ratcatchers
- Furriers
- Cooks
- Astrologers
- Healers
- Tailors
- Minstrals
- Barristers
- The Syffim (Soldiers aka Fighters)
We have 18 different guilds here and 16 that do not yet exist in the world of ESO, but could since ESO takes place a few hundred years after the Guilds act was written. While I don't expect these to have the same presence as the Mages and Fighters Guilds I think they could be introduced as time marches on. For example, The Minstral Guild could be introduced with the Bard's College in Solitude. The Prostitute's Guild could very well be similar to the Minstral Guild and provide similar support style buffs. Not having combat-guild skills but could offer social buffs and a passive Guild Skill of "Beguile" which would act like intimidate and persuade.
Many of these guilds are for crafting professions so it might not make sense for them to have their own guild-skill-tree. I am not sure what a weaver could do in combat. These guilds could, however, be a vehicle with which ZOS could create a more dynamic player-driven economy.
Do you have any thoughts on how some of these guilds could be implemented in game? Should they all be joinable by the player with accompanying storylines and skill trees?
Edited by Gidorick on March 22, 2015 1:47PM
What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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