The Armchair Developer Comes to ESO Live

  • spoqster
    • Show enlightenment in the buffs section in the character sheet.
    • Find some practical way to show the new standardized buffs (endurance, brutality, etc.), maybe in the character sheet, maybe somewhere else. Experienced players know how the mechs work and that you can't have two buffs at the same time. But how is a new player going to figure out that it is useless to use momentum and a weapon damage potion at the same time - since both grant major brutality - if they get no visual feedback for it?
  • spoqster
    Bigger and smaller potion improvements
    • It would add a great amount of convenience to the game if you added individual names and icons for individual potions. Currently tri-stat potions have the same name and icon as traditional health potions, and the same goes for all other tri-stat potions. The best way in terms of immersion would be to create fancy new names such as you did for provisioning, but also a lighter version would do nicely.
    • Please remove non craftable level potions, such as lvl 29 or lvl 34, that don't stack with the other ones from the game. Or simply make them stackable within a certain level range. It is very inconvenient to have 4 or 5 stacks of stamina potions of varying levels on your character, all of them in stack sizes of 3 or 4, then having to re-adjust your quickslots after consuming one stack.
  • Sublime
    Making siege engines stack in the inventory.
    Edited by Sublime on March 24, 2015 11:42PM
    EU | For those who want to improve their behaviour: the science behind shaping player bahaviour (presentation)
  • Ajaks
    Hmm... this one seems like a great topic to let our imagination fly, while waiting to download the updates for the game. I will gradually add some ideas, that I always wanted to see developed in an MMORPG, and that (in my eyes) can boost the sustainability of the end-game player-base a lot, but for now let's start with a couple of these:

    1 - Secondary properties and update system for the sets, that we build: In my opinion this is something that needs to happen, because the current set-creation and update system was most likely meant to let players build whatever they want in a relatively fast way. That being awesome and stuff, the product actually lost one of it's main hooks that MMORPGS develop for their players - the constant need to work for your gear in order to make it versatile on the battlefield. We currently have the stacked set bonuses, that are awesome and diverse along with the ability to easily upgrade these with 100% chance of success on the forges, thus increasing their battle quality, but it seams to me that this is not enough. It is not enough because it brings an equalizer for casual and "ultra" hooked players, leaving the second ones with nothing to strive for in the long-term period of their gaming experience. Now what I would like to see is an ability, where players who log in every day can complete certain amount of repeatable quests during every day in Tamriel (Solo ones - earning less points, because they are easier / Dungeon ones - earning more, depending on the time/resources they consume for players), that will qualify them to receive unique items, allowing them to increase the success rate of using special forges... For example - one player uses a two-handed yellow sword with critical rate as primary property... What this special forge can do with this sword however is to: 1 - add a random secondary property for the sword (for example "increase of the attack speed by 2%" or "further increase of the damage with 2%" or "life-stealing 1% of the damage done with this weapon" etc...) and allow the player to gradually update it with 5% chance of success for ... let's say a set amount of gold or farmable resources. The people who log in every day however will have an increased interest to complete quests and be active - by doing so, they will receive "participation/hero points" that will allow them to purchase special scrolls, increasing the chance for update of this secondary ability with a set amount of success rate for every level reached. Let's say that we divide the secondary property update system on 5 levels, and we have added 2% life-stealing ability to our sword on the first level of this system. By default our chance to update this property to "4% life-steal" will be 5% and will cost us 3000 coins to be done... However we have completed 10 quests today and thus we can get our special scroll, that will increase that chance with 25% - thus making the success rate 30%... If we fail to update, the secondary property will remain at 2% and we will be able to try the same thing tomorrow, when we complete another 10 quests ... If we succeed however, we will start preparations to reach the 3rd level of upgrade, that will allow us to grow the "life-steal to 7%". Chances with no scroll here will remain 5%, but using a scroll this time will only grant us 20% of success rate... The fourth level will make the attacks with that weapon to life-steal 10% of the damage done, but the chances with no scroll will be only 3% and the scroll will add only 15%... Finally the 5th upgrade level will allow us to build up our sword with 15% life-stealing of the damage done, but the chances for success with no scroll will be reduced to 1% and the scroll will add only 10% of success rate.

    So what is this system solving?

    1 - It adds another layer of diversity to the builds that players develop, so that they can become even more unique and personalized with their style of playing;

    2 - It adds up to the player's motivation to be constantly involved with the game, to log in every day, to do quests, to PVP and to "work" within the product for additional resources in order to be able to improve his gear in unique ways;

    3 - It balances the gold amounts within the player-base, thus reducing the inflation rate of the monetary system in the two mega-servers and through it - it keeps lower leveled players able to actually get the stuff they need at normal prices - instead of just watching the interstellar ones in the auction houses ...

    4 - It is not a punishing, but a rewarding system - meaning that if the player fails to update, he won't lose the item quality, that he already invested in. But he will have to log in tomorrow and re-do some quests, kill some players in PVP, do some dungeons, gather some materials etc. in order to try to update his gear again.

    (5 - and this should be implemented with extreme caution) - Lower success rate increase scrolls can be available for purchase within the crown store, that add up half the chance of the normal ones for each upgrade level, that will be available. Thus players will be motivated to purchase the ESO+ membership, without ruining the balance of the game in ridiculous ways - turning it into a pay-to-win product.

    I am done for the moment guys, but I will add some more ideas gradually. Kudos for the topic. :)
    Edited by Ajaks on March 25, 2015 1:28AM
  • Tyr
    The Ability For A Master Crafter To Change the Trait On Any Weapon or Armor Piece of Equipment Bookmark
    Mentioned in the thread here:
  • Heishi
    I'm onboard with this idea. I would l like to hear more of "This is something we're considering/not considering" as well as explaining pros and cons, but this is a great step either way.

    I think the biggest things for me are:

    Unarmed Combat- (skill line) I suspect this one to require minimal work, the biggest part mainly in balancing.
    Underwater Exploration- I suspect this would take a major overhaul amount of work.
    Utility skills- Things like the old detect life, underwater breathing, pick lock spell, night eye, ect. Maybe set to a rotodial like potions/consumables/trophies.
    Vampire bite animation which looks more "traditional" like reusing WW bite animation.
    Poison system that was mentioned sound good. Maybe have weapon coating and thrown.

    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
  • Caroloces
    A simple element that would add so much:


    ESO is a great game with very dynamic combat scenarios, but it's weak point may lie in the predictability of how these combat scenarios actually work. I can't count how many times I've seen chatter about learning the mechanics of bosses and mobs so they may be defeated. That is all fine and necessary, but what would make ESO rise above it's current state and become a superb MMO would be introducing a certain amount of unpredictability.

    One of the key factors in making this possible is to make certain areas of dungeons, delves, etc. devoid of light. I mean darkness so thick and foreboding that the only way to make one's way through is by the use of torches. Monsters, mobs, bosses would remain cloaked by darkness, but revealed by the light of a torch. Perhaps, if there was a group involved, the healer might be able to carry a resto staff in one hand and a torch in the other. The torch would reveal a certain radius around the torch-bearer, but would be limited, and the outer fringes of light would go increasingly towards shadows and darkness. Monsters would be revealed (and activated!) the more that the torchlight revealed their presence.

    Why is this unpredictable you might ask? Combat mechanics would still play a part in what ensues when the monsters are revealed, but it's in the very nature of discovery and the sheer terror of what's revealed that provides a certain simulation of unpredictability. When something leaps out at you from a dark area, you jump and your heart races. That is the experience we seek.

    I also believe that dark areas and torches offer new strategies that will make gameplay very compelling. The idea of sending a scout out to a dark area to see what lies within while the rest of the party waits would be AWESOME! Imagine being that lone scout with a torch (Nightblade?) sneaking through the ruins and reporting back to his party. What would happen if the scout failed to return? Unpredictability!!!!

    One final note: Torches that are carried should have the capability of being mounted on torchholders that are scattered about a dark area. Not all of the time, but when battles become very intense, players might want to establish consistently lit areas to aid in the management of the battle.

    Thank you for your consideration of this idea!
    Edited by Caroloces on March 25, 2015 2:09PM
  • Celless
    It was only a matter of time before I found this thread.

    Could you show us more screenshots or provide details of the Champion System that did not make it to Live? I think there was the screenshot with the Steed that had things like Flame Boost or Physical Mastery. And some perk where you could feed horses twice a day.

    Plant Placement:
    If a new plant were introduced, would the plant be added to a loot table and have a chance to spawn in existing plant locations? Or would the plant need to be manually placed.

    Player character gore. I personally dislike it, but here goes. If ESRB / PEGI / others were not an issue, how difficult would it be to implement gore such as decapitation or being utterly destroyed by siege weapons with the current system? Are the animations and code already present? Would it need to be developed?


    I'm sure there is a lot on the discussion board for the Twitch. Will space some questions for next time based on responses to the ones in this thread.
  • Neizir
    What would it take to add underwater exploration or even combat? Underwater exploration is a part of alot of RPGs, so why not in ESO?
    Neizir Stormstrider

    EU Megaserver

    I have a fancy signature.
  • lastofinsectseb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Wouldn’t it be nice to have... special events on daedric princes' summoning days (for example: 21st of First Seed for Azura, 2nd of Sun's Dusk for Boethia) with proper benefits like a daedric artifacts that exsists for 2 weeks and disappears after. I think it would be interesting and very competitionly events for entire community.

    And more...Please, guys, gimme a function to convert any armor to disguise/costume. I hardly need a khajiity heavy armor cosume :D
  • nimander99
    Would love to see housing, underwater environs, whole PVE zones in Daedric Realms with coinciding quests from the Princes/Princesses etc...

    Edit: I removed my previous pessimistic comment.
    Edited by nimander99 on March 25, 2015 6:58PM

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • Aldmera
    What would it take to implement the ability to repair our own equipment, to craft repair kits, to have full outfit Repair Kits, or take enchantments off gear?

    Repair Our Own Gear:

    Would it have to be done at a crafting station OR could it be done on the go like charging enchantments as long as we had the mats in our inventory, not the bank?

    How I envision it working (Each additional Ingot, Sanded Plank of Wood, Leather or Cloth would add X% to the durability, and would cost the same amount of materials as the initial crafting of the item cost to go from 0% to 100%, but you wouldn't use any more of the improvement materials and would of course keep your enchantments, traits, and racial style).

    Crating Our Own Repair Kits:

    Would it have to be done at a crafting station? (so either in town or at a Set Crafting Location)
    Would it be good for any type of item or would they be separated out by material type?

    How I envision it working If they would be like the merchant bought ones, I think you would need to use the average amount of materials for that type in all three stations, for example for lvl 26-34 gear you would use up 3 Sanded Beech , 2 Cotton Cloth and 2 Leather hide (since they are both for the same tier I divided the average amount of an Armour item between the two), 3 Orichalcum ingots. Then you would be able to use it to repair just like the purchased ones.

    Full Outfit Repair Kits:

    Nothing to say except that when I need 1 repair kit, I need 9 repair kits cuz I go hard in the paint.

    Taking Enchantments OFF Gear:

    1st off, Why is this NOT a thing?

    If it WAS a thing, Would this destroy the item and give you 100% chance to have the Glyph but nothing else, or would you deconstruct the item in order to have a chance to get back the Glyph plus the other materials that went into it?

    How I envision it working : Glyph Removal would be a secondary option within the deconstruction UI, where it would be a 50%-100% chance based on an enchanting passive to remove the Glyph and you would also have a smaller but still increasing chance,( based on your Extraction/Unraveling Passive for the type of item it is), that the item would also yield some of the regular materials given by normal deconstructing but not the same amount. This way the game would know that you were more intent on getting the glyph back than the raw materials....

    In a game where pickpocketing, theft and MURDER are possible, and being caught is a very real possibility, I feel it is completely necessary to make rockclimbing/climbing a reality as well to give the players who take part in these activities the chance to do so inconspicuously, or if not, then at least to escape when caught in the act.

    How I envision it working : Rocks; trees; mushrooms; roofs; LADDERS. These should all be interactive/climbable. Like with boobytraps where in sneak you can disarm them, with climbing, you should be able to see specific spots/handholds/footholds in sneak mode and eventually make your way to the top by focusing on these spots and selecting "E" to move to it, be it up, down or over. These spots should only be visible when within arm/leg reach and definitely not when in regular run/walk mode. These prompts would not show up otherwise so they would be like a secret path/not annoying people with glowing spots all over their screen.
    Because you would be in sneak, climbing would deplete your stamina just like moving in sneak does, and if you attempted to move to the next spot without enough left, you would come out of stealth, falling down to whatever point the landscape would catch you at, possibly injuring yourself or falling to your death just like it is now.

    P.S.What would it take to add some greater realistic texture to the environment instead of just visual texture so that we could really interact with it?
    Edited by Aldmera on May 8, 2015 1:13PM
  • Fissh
    Trial gear - Optimized. Currently, the gear is of little to no value aside from Twin Fanged. Some simple changes to add wpn/spell damage to the sets would do the trick. Can this not be done in a relative time window as to not lose anymore endgamers interest?

    Trial Lockouts - .12 people only can enter the second door (door to begin time on Trial). Thusly, negating the need to nerf Trial XP due to exploits.
    Lock the xp value of mobs/bosses in Trials. Therefore, 2-4 man OR 12 man farms give the same XP values per mob to individuals, thusly negating the need to nerf Trial XP due to exploits.

    Insanity/Nightmare Mode for Dungeons - step above Veteran. Complicated to implement? Along with new tier of gear?

    Housing. Need I say more? Man, this would be amazing. My bank and bank alts would love the relief :)

    More guild features, much more. To name one: What would it take to be able to see when members joined the guild? MOTD window pop-ups upon login? (allow this one to be disabled for the people that despise such popups)

    What would it take to reduce the amount of guilds allowed? 5 guilds makes for commitment issues on many levels. Guild Leader nightmare. 3 would be more reasonable. 5 creates a washout of options.
  • WhimsyDragon
    New systems:
    1. Creating a barbershop/makeover system
    2. Implementing a housing system for players/guilds
    3. Character journal system - add entries in game w/screenshots and auto-uploaded to a web journal. Viewable by players in game and via web browser.
    4. Adding armor preview
    5. Monthly/seasonal events
    6. PVP arena matches
    7. Physical library in game where player can see all the books they've collected (by this I mean an actual interior space decorated like a library with interactive books) -- possibly in conjunction with player housing?
    8. Add gift shop to the Crown store -- low cost items that can be sent directly to other players if desired such as tokens of affection, gag gifts for friends, items with unique charges/temp effects for fun, etc.
    9. Change armor/item appearance system

    General stuff of interest:
    1. Pipeline process of adding a new zone (different phases of completion)
    2. From concept art to finished product (creating armor or new mobs, etc)
    3. Adding new social animations for avatars
    4. Add trophies and disguises to collections and other inventory management upgrades
    Edited by WhimsyDragon on March 26, 2015 7:51AM
  • Savetti
    I would like to see what it would take to add a feature like vendor bags to the game. I do not mean bags for your inventory, but bags so you can sell multiple items on the guild store at one time.

    For instance, say you are a blacksmith and you want to sell an entire set of heavy armor fully crafted with traits, enchants, and all. You could place all of these items into the bag and sell for one price instead of having to find someone who is looking for this or sell each piece individually. This will also free up slots on the store for you to sell more items. Even enchanters could sell full sets of glyphs for armor and weapons instead of someone having to buy each glyph individually. I think this would bring a whole new element to the game and I would like to see what it takes to implement a feature like this.

    Thank you,
  • TiberiusTryton
    Hmmm okay.... how hard would it be or how would it be done to make PvP rewards worthy of cleaning out my inbox?
  • Tendrielle
    I know that would take quite a while, but if you would ever announce it, I would for sure stay with the game until I could test it: Mounted PvP Combat
  • wraith808
    When you capture a Keep in Cyrodiil and claim it for your guild, the Quartermaster in the keep gives access to your Guild Store. This is a little used and little known feature that could be awesome in linking together PvP and PvE in a meaningful way. But because it's obscured, it's not often used, and because of that fact, it gives no advantage over the guild kiosks.

    1. It should be obvious when a guild claims a keep and that the guild store is available. In contested keeps, you could make a killing on PvP items. There could also be a systematic gain that there is a tax paid by the resources captured for that keep that gives additional revenue to the guild for items sold.

    2. The second idea is a bit more half-baked, but I think could be enhanced to be awesome. One of the problems with trading and war is logistics, but the only place I've seen it modeled is in EVE. If the resources became centers of logistics for the war effort, supplied by the guild that owns the keep, and useable by anyone of the alliance for services that they might normally have to return to a keep for- for a discount for members of the owning guild- then it seems like it would add more of an infrastructure around PvP. Then if you put in the added complication of the supplies for the resources being a carryable item- and more importantly a lootable item- either dropped when killed like the scrolls, or indeed, just lootable from the body.

    I know that neither of these is fully fleshed out, but I thought that they were solid ideas to build on to make Cyrodiil a more dynamic place, still built around PvP, but with other objectives that support the greater war.
    Quasim ibn-Muhammad - VR 12 Redguard Dragon Knight
    Taladriel Vanima - VR 5 Altmer Nightblade
    Ambalyo iyo Bogaadin - VR 1 Redguard Sorceror
  • kyrowski
    Companions & Housing
  • Iluvrien
    Adoryn wrote: »
    New systems:
    1. Physical library in game where player can see all the books they've collected (by this I mean an actual interior space decorated like a library with interactive books) -- possibly in conjunction with player housing?

    Or if it being in conjunction with player housing s too difficult, maybe it could be a room (or instanced room) accessible from the Mages Guild (possibly in Eyevea?) that everyone could access but you would only be able see/access the books/scrolls/notes that you personally had found. That way they would only have to develop a single asset and everyone would get access to the functionality.
  • Airik32180
    I personally think as a avid vampire player, the vampire could use a tad of a re-hash. For example new quests, new skill lines and possibly adding a vampire guild a kin to the fighters and mage;s guild to which only vampires can join. These of course would be in every city and likely need to be well hidden perhaps a mausoleum in a graveyard being it's entrance. This would open daily quests for vampire players to carry out and add to new story lines to keep vampire players enthralled to the game. The same should be done for werewolf characters as well adding some type of pack allegiance.

    Let's use the blood thrall NPC encountered in the dominion, they can teleport sort of like the sorcerer's bolt escape, along with other powers that vampire NPC's have that a player vampire does not.

    A way to add these powers should be added.

    A few new powers would be nice to have as for myself I came to elder scrolls online only because it is the only online mmorpg that allows for vampire player characters.

    Adding an entirely new skill line, such as vampire lord, or Vampire scion or what have you that only vampires can obtain by possibly a vampire guild or clan just like the fighters guild or the mages guild.

    Powers could be telekinesis,
    Summon a blood fiend, or blood thrall ( lets face the fact The blood Matron does tell you to form families so having a summonable underling would make sense, and would have to be acquired as a result of killing a humanoid to raise it as such through a new power... Also this pet could not enter a city if it did, it would of course cause guards to attack the vampire controlling it. It could morph from lets say thrall, to blood fiend...

    Claws, lets face the fact that when you encounter a vampire they try to claw at you.

    Some sort of crowd control ability like memorize,

    An ultimate form could be that of either the vampire lord form, or that of a giant bat, something to that effect.

    Also those whom further their vampirisim of course need a balance, For example when in stage 4 lets be honest, you don't look normal, guards in cities should be aware of this and as a result of staying in stage four guards track you down like you were caught stealing. Also in cities your stages could go faster due to certain holy items or shrines in the city that would effect vampires to stage faster than normal which would cause the need to feed in some manner while in the city. Vampires should have a friendly feed option when in cities if this would be implemented, similar to stealing, vampires would have a x option to feed on mortals and face a penalty for getting caught doing so, if you get away with it, it helps further experience in a new trait line. Also sneaking into houses by picking locks to feed on sleeping npcs.....The same could be of werewolves, on full moon nights they need to feed outside the city or they start to appear hairy which tips off guards.
  • lonewolf26
    Some of my suggestions are echos of others. Things that I feel would be interesting to explore are:
    • Player Housing
    • Guild Halls
    • Stacking food and drink buffs
    • Multi-player emotes: hugs, high-fives, etc.
    • What goes into adding classes or skill trees: Perhaps drawing from the Bard's College as an example of something not implemented, or Legerdemain as something more recently added.
    • Enhancing the client to run as a 64-bit application (interesting for us CSE folks at least.)
  • Robotukas
    Flying mounts. This one of reason why I like WoW because it have flying mounts. It so nice to see everything from birds eye. And is total different experience than you from ground. You have so nice buildings, lands, places. Just let people to fly over land. For it make pleasure to see world from different corner.

    Artefact or Mystic gear (Heirloom system). This one good of end game futures. You collect gear for next your character. These items is good if you start to play from beginning with another character. This items level up together with you. So you don't need often to change gear. In other way is levelling boost.

    Forts. To be honest I like more Forts than houses because you can add more futures like invasion, building defences, making some flying mounts or carriage for trading, collecting gear for guards and more thing. You can give tasks for your Fort people like to collect some materials. You can add more NPC to fort by doing quests (like your freed them, or you found injured and saved live). Also give to NPC training like to became Guards (Marksman, Swords, ...), train them to do jobs like Alchemy, Blacksmith, ...) . Is just would be small nice boost to professions. I would love to see in Forts all my characters walking around or helping to defend my fort. That would be nice. You give some basic skills which with higher level you can train them more interested skills. Or you just can assign some five skills (which already is) follower automatically use them.

    Followers. I would love to play with my second character as follower. I can hire follower in Tavern, in your fort or by doing quest. You follower will be with same armour and gear and same level as you last time geared and played. So if you follower is lower than you so you have to level up by playing as character or hiring as follower. Another reason why I like follower because sometimes you just want to be just alone but with follower.

    Profession - Treasure Hunter. This is I think most interesting professions for players which like to know more about lore, about burred artefacts, hidden dens and caves, undiscovered world. I think follower or party will suit this profession.

    Job - Guards job. We have some like law system. I think it would be nice to have job like guards. You have hunt players who made crime. Guards have additional skills like it can detect player in some distance. Also guards can protect caravans for traders.

    Job - Traders it would be another job. They can carry more goods to sell between cities (similar to silkroad).

    Profession - Scientist. This profession unlock benefits and futures to you all characters. Scientist can examine animals, demons (and other mobs) structure, location and behaviour. So studying them you can learn some skills, get like damage bonus, drop rate for materials and where to hunt. To learn this thing you have to do some quest and examine them. Also scientist can discover new recipes for your professions by studying and examine items.
    Edited by Robotukas on March 27, 2015 6:22PM
  • Tarrian
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to see a much larger Cyrodil area with more strategic based campaigns. If you look at World War Two online, that has a map covering southern England, Northern France, Belgium, Holland and much of North Germany. So it can be done but might need a separate game engine to which players port.

    The basis of that campaign is taking tactical points - villages - which block lines of communication so you cant raid beyond the front line - although paras can launch raids beyond the need to co-ordinate with ground forces or they lose all supply.

    With three factions fighting it would introduce strategy and tactics to the campaign and possibly a formal alliance system. Campaign victory would be taking and holding strategic objectives that could vary from campaign to campaign.

    It would also mean that there would need to be dedicated high commander groups to direct the campaign for each side. That is done in WWII online by having the commanders decide where to attack with attack objectives. Unless a village is an attack objective it can't be attacked. Similarly bridges can't be destroyed unless High Command allows it.

    IMHO the campaign is bunfight atm and while I enjoy it I think it could be expanded to be much more interesting.
  • b_archaonpreeb18_ESO
    Make Craglorn, group dungeons and trials cross-faction: Larger player pool --> easier grouping. Also able to quest with friends from other alliances.
  • Caroloces
    Hmmm. Was this actually a part of yesterday's (3/27) show? I watched pretty much the whole show and I don't recall any segment on the Armchair Developer. Maybe when I took a bathroom break they whizzed through it. It that's the case, can anyone tell me at what point in the video stream I could find it?
  • Gidorick
    I just finished the show and it wasn't in the show EXPLICITLY. I don't know if they are planning an actual separate segment or if they just worked the concept in. We got a pretty good insight into why siege towers aren't in the game... and that kind of took the form of the concept outlined in this "armchair developer" idea.

    I guess we will see on April 10th if it's actually PART of the show.

    Until then I'm going to keep beating the drum for the Auction Horse / Bartering Mule / Jobber Guar!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Caroloces
    In a new segment in our biweekly Twitch show ESO Live called “The Armchair Developer,” we want to take a closer look at these feature requests, explore the pros and cons of implementing them and all the work involved – from concept and artwork, to building and balancing, all the way to the live patch.

    Hey, ZOS_GinaBruno! I watched the ESO live yesterday, looking forward to The Armchair Developer segment, but I didn't see it! So what happened? Will it be in the next ESO Live?
  • bravotwozero
    Soul Shriven
    As a non programmer, I assume that deposits in guild banks involve both item id and player id on the back end, what would be involved in making the guild banks automatically stack (similar to personal banks)?
  • bravotwozero
    Soul Shriven
    What would be involved in developing a guild recruitment notice board in game and would it be a feasible mechanism both as a game element and in reducing guild zone chat spamming?
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