Since new patch 1.6.5, constant crash reporter.

I have had an open ticket before this latest patch with escalated tech support(Lloyd) on a crash report error that occurred anywhere from 5 minutes of play to 2 hours. Wasn't consistent. After much back and forth, I decided to do a fresh instal of Windows 7 OS on a new SSD, and a reinstall of ESO on another SSD. Problem was solved, I could play with no crashes.

Now I update to the new patch, and the same crash is back...but even more frequently. I'm just pissed off now. It most certainly has to be the patch this's time as I went through 2 weeks of troubleshooting with tech support before thus patch and they found nothing with my config that could cause it. But a fresh OS install did the trick. Obviously nothing has changed on my PC other than the new patch, it's a fresh install that had a perfectly working game yesterday.

I tried the following:
close the pos launcher while playing.
Change the usersettings numofthreads entries from -1 to 0
I tried repair after the patch installed.

None of these helped.

I want to know what has changed between 1.5 and 1.6 that could cause this?

Symptoms are, run by a player character...get a stutter....crash report. Mount horse, ride by a player character...crash report. It's hinestly to the point where I'm ready to throw in the towel. I'm tired of sending msinfo and ESO game reports, because all I get back is basic bs 101 troubleshooting steps.
▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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  • Uberkull
    Update. I sent my crash reporter file, msinfo file, and the game consultant file to Lloyd from escalrd support.

    My concern is, I had a completely fresh install of the entire Wondows 7 OS, not a upgrade and a new SSD drive and was running ESO 1.5 just fine. Before the fresh install, I was on Win XP and had these same crashes.

    So now the new Win 7 install, the only thing that's changed is the new ESO patch. I mean there is literally nothing I can troubleshoot. Worked flawlessly on 1.5, crashes every two minutes on 1.6.5.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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  • Myril13peb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem here. My OS Windows 7 is clean, installed one month back. After 1.6.5. patch game unplayeble for me, crashing every few minutes.

    On previous patch my game sometimes crashed too, but very rarely.
  • Keepercraft
    1. Game crushes.
    2. Audio leaking or play with delay, in combat it is so much irritating.
    3. Looooong loading screen when i change a little my graphic settings, with out using HDD, Network or CPU.
    Still waiting for Sithis.
  • Grampa_Smurf
    Same problem here. My OS Windows 7 is clean, installed one month back. After 1.6.5. patch game unplayeble for me, crashing every few minutes.

    On previous patch my game sometimes crashed too, but very rarely.

    Sounds the same as me, really annoying atm

    Life isn't measured by the breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
  • Synik
    Soul Shriven
    This just started happening to me with 1.6. Never crashed with a popup box before. Running Windows 8.1
  • Bad_LeroyBrown
    Soul Shriven
    Crash with reporter for me on Character load every time so broken for me as of the install of the 1.6.5 patch. on Win 8.1 64

    Help! Verification checked out fine btw
  • Myril13peb18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Same problem here. My OS Windows 7 is clean, installed one month back. After 1.6.5. patch game unplayeble for me, crashing every few minutes.

    On previous patch my game sometimes crashed too, but very rarely.

    Ok, i'm trying reinstall game (on secondary disc)., update windows, check graphic drivers. After download patch - Error 209, run as administrator. I'm trying too turn off all addons.....Problem persists

    Here is crash report:
    eso has stopped working.

    version = 0.01

    ProductName = eso
    Version =
    branch = live
    char.account = Khaztroll
    char.alliance = 2 = Khazir Kokotár
    client.executablebits = 32
    client.mode = teleload
    client.renderertype = D3D11
    client.session_start_timestamp = 2015-03-05T11:57:37.033Z
    client.time_since_load = 124
    client.timestamp = 2015-03-05T12:01:02.535Z -frme 15023-
    client.uptime = 205.6 = KHAZTROLL-PC
    computer.user = Khaztroll
    cpu.arch = 0
    cpu.count = 4
    cpu.level = 6
    cpu.type = 586
    data.depotid = 4001
    data.dir = F:/Program Files/The Elder Scrolls Online EU/depot/
    data.syncm = databuild
    data.version =
    exe.buildnum = 1127846
    exe.opt = release
    exe.reltype = public
    exe.type = client
    gfx.description =
    gfx.deviceid = 4544.894309464.161
    gfx.driver = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
    gfx.vendorid = 4318
    globby.address =
    globby.port = 24507
    loc.wloc = 43 705282 31559 326194 42.54 = Cyrodiil
    loc.worldid = 43 = Cyrodiil
    login.address =
    mem.current = 1709
    mem.peak = 1710
    mem.physical = 3543
    os.osbits = 32
    os.platform = windows
    os.version = 6.1.7601.Service Pack 1
    ptime = 1
    realm.depotid = 0 = 4001 = EU Megaserver
    reportfield.ver = 3
    version.major = 1
    version.patch = 6
    version.subpatch = 5
  • Uberkull
    Update on the things I've tried.

    - reinstall graphic drivers. In my case, nVidia 347.52 or oddly, older version but newer date 340.20. These are both the 32 bit versions, if updating search by your nVidia card.
    Result - this helped lengthen the time between crashes.

    - running a small program called CleanMem. It monitors memory usage and automatically purges any hung or leakng memory. It uses the Windows API to make the memory cleanup calls, so it seems safe.
    Result - ESO seems to stay within its limits and not present a memory leak over a long gaming period on a 32bit OS.

    - Don't run the game from the ESO game launcher, run the ESO exe directly. It's a known issue that having the ESO game launcher run n the background causes game stutter on some systems. If you do start the game from ESO game launcher, just close it once the game starts.
    Result - For this 1.6 patch, this solution doesn't help resolve the crashes on my system.

    This definitely isn't a user pc issue, this has something to do with the 1.6 patch. I'm pointing at the patch notes and the blurb about having to have 2gig of VRAM to run in Ultra. It's not that we need 2gig of vram to resolve the crashes(I have 2gig btw and still crash), it's that the crash issue is hidden in this change because we now have a lot more NPCs / Guards in towns because of the Justice system and I'm seeing a majority of my crashes in the towns.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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  • 1ne2woBe
    Having same problems. Had same problems with patch 1.5 and contacted support. Report escalated up to 3 techs and still nothing had been fixed. Support eventually just stopped replying to my email replies. 1.5 created crashes mostly when logging in/out of toons when I reached my 4th toon. Now it crashes after each login.

    I believe my problem is that I'm running win7 32 bit, and the game is just too much for it even though I exceed the minimal requirements.
  • Bad_LeroyBrown
    Soul Shriven
    Well I had two cards in my system a GT 640 I used for Physx and a 760 GTX my main card; removed the 640 and seems to be working okay now? Still had a one in game crash but maybe unrelated.
  • StrangerFull
    After patch game always crashes after loading screen if I try enter outlaws quarters in Belkarth. In other zones I don't try but think problem same. Even with all addons disabled crashes persists.
  • Glow88
    Soul Shriven
    I just returned to the game yesterday and have also been getting crashes mostly in towns; the screen goes black but I continue to hear audio just fine and then a few seconds later it crashes. It's happened about 5 times since I started back up last night.

    I'm using a 980 and made sure the drivers are up to date this morning.
  • Pileon
    Soul Shriven
    I posted in another thread, which much like this thread, seems to be being ignored by "the powers that be."

    I've tried most of which has been posted here.

    I've changed the video setting from low to high. Full screen to windowed full screen (which is my preferred format).

    I've uninstalled the game, deleted the folders, cleaned up the registry, and rebooted before re-installing.

    I've started the with and without the launcher. I've configured both the launcher and eso.exe to run as administrator, and as administrator and in compatibility mode choosing XP SP3.

    I verified that my video drivers were the latest and even checked to see if a beta driver was available (there wasn't one).

    My most recent attempt to fix this issue was to go back to the previous driver, which was from mid January this year, and then I ran repair.

    Logged in and as soon as an NPC walked by and was highlighted the game crashed.

    I work in IT and I know for a fact that we always don't have an answer to the problem that crop up, but at least we recognize that there is a problem and are working on it.

    I've not seen that here.
    Edited by Pileon on March 5, 2015 8:25PM
  • StrangerFull
    Update. Game crashed always when I teleport to any other location from graglorn by wayshrine and other. This problem since patch and I don't know what to do with this.
  • stewhead2ub17_ESO
    Many people (including myself) are having this crash issue. I'm sure it's something on their end.
  • Sprotch_16_ESO
    I have the same problem. I also tried many things (update/reinstall drivers, repair,.....) But no other program or game has issues. And version 1.5 ran flawlessly. It is something with the patch 1.6.

    I made a ticket 150305-001815
  • Uberkull
    Pileon wrote: »

    Logged in and as soon as an NPC walked by and was highlighted the game crashed.

    I work in IT and I know for a fact that we always don't have an answer to the problem that crop up, but at least we recognize that there is a problem and are working on it.

    I've not seen that here.

    I'm pretty sure, as I stated in my posts, it's the addition of the Justice system and the extra NPCs. I do crash out when exploring, but very seldom. But if I'm in town, I can stand there and spin my camera, spin you character in a circle like a top and watch how your action bar slots now enable, and disable as you spin, because of all the npcs you can now engage and kill. The game will then stutter, or drop sound, and eventually it will smooth out. However, it will eventually crash the longer I stay in town and run around, or interact with NPCs.

    The one other area where I can always crash is during the Rifts events (w/e they're called), just seems I can solo it but when someone comes to join, crash reporter.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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  • dawnhawk
    Not having this issue (thankfully), but a couple other potentials to try:

    1) Update sound drivers. I know graphics are the immediate goto - but I have had to update wayward sound drivers in the past specifically for ESO and most it seem don't think to check that.

    2) Drop your graphics settings and see if that helps (a lot of people found that the patch upped their settings without them realising it and in some cases it upped them to a point the computer flat out can't handle - whether due to memory, graphics card or other).
  • HiP
    Update. Game crashed always when I teleport to any other location from graglorn by wayshrine and other. This problem since patch and I don't know what to do with this.

    got the same issue since PTS, and i reported it.
    i downgraded my nvidia drivers to 347.25, and i could port or change zones.
    though, i have to reboot every time the problem comes back... :smiley:
    this patch is a joke...
  • Uberkull
    dawnhawk wrote: »
    Not having this issue (thankfully), but a couple other potentials to try:

    1) Update sound drivers. I know graphics are the immediate goto - but I have had to update wayward sound drivers in the past specifically for ESO and most it seem don't think to check that.

    2) Drop your graphics settings and see if that helps (a lot of people found that the patch upped their settings without them realising it and in some cases it upped them to a point the computer flat out can't handle - whether due to memory, graphics card or other).

    Yea, my sound drivers are bundled with nVidia graphic drivers as I'm using the hdmi out from my graphics card to go to my 50" TV. I think you are right though, I'm 'hearing' a lot of sound quirks and the crashes can almost be predicted after a sound drop.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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  • 1ne2woBe
    The only way I can prevent MOST of the crashes is changing the (graphics 7) line in usersettings.txt to "opengl". But when I do, the resolution is bad, there is no "high" graphics quality" in settings, and I lose framerate or something to where it feels like stop-motion. It just is not that nice smooth feeling when moving around. It hurts my eyes when I try to play, it's hard to run or ride a horse on a narrow bridge, aiming is always off, etc...

    I've pieced together a really nice system for 500.00 shipped from newegg. But I'd hate to spend all that money just to upgrade to a 64bit system in order to prevent these damn crashes, and still have an enjoyable playing experience.
  • Keepercraft
    I was make some tests about game performers about graphic and audio.
    So i find relationships between audio lagging and graphic settings.

    Texture size parameter have a little impact to audio lagging. It is connection if i change armor and audio shutter for a moment.

    But the most effect to audio quality have shadow quality parameter. If it is higher then low, that start shutter audio in combat or other activity with many sounds. I have lot of memory and HDD no used, so i don't know why graphic quality make so big effect about audio performers!

    Any one of ZOS (@ZOS_ShannonM) can push that tip further to developers, to fix that issue?

    And when i change my shadow quality,, its take a 5min to reload file cache, with no use CPU or HDD.
    Why it take so much time with no use PC resources!
    Still waiting for Sithis.
  • Uberkull
    I pretty sure I know the root
    I was make some tests about game performers about graphic and audio.
    So i find relationships between audio lagging and graphic settings.

    Texture size parameter have a little impact to audio lagging. It is connection if i change armor and audio shutter for a moment.

    But the most effect to audio quality have shadow quality parameter. If it is higher then low, that start shutter audio in combat or other activity with many sounds. I have lot of memory and HDD no used, so i don't know why graphic quality make so big effect about audio performers!

    Any one of ZOS (@ZOS_ShannonM) can push that tip further to developers, to fix that issue?

    And when i change my shadow quality,, its take a 5min to reload file cache, with no use CPU or HDD.
    Why it take so much time with no use PC resources!

    You are on to something for sure. If I switch my shadow setting, let it cook the shadow file, and keep swapping the shadow levels(medium, high, ultra). I'll eventually get the crash reporter I created this thread for.

    Seriously, fix this.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
    ▬▬▬ஜ ஜ▬▬▬
  • Lyrander
    HiP wrote: »
    Update. Game crashed always when I teleport to any other location from graglorn by wayshrine and other. This problem since patch and I don't know what to do with this.

    got the same issue since PTS, and i reported it.
    i downgraded my nvidia drivers to 347.25, and i could port or change zones.
    though, i have to reboot every time the problem comes back... :smiley:
    this patch is a joke...

    i crash all the time! since yesterday!
    mostly while teleporting or changing zones.
    i dont know why - ive tried everything.

    you think downgrading the driver to 347.25 is working?
    i'd try it.
  • Bad_LeroyBrown
    Soul Shriven
    Crashing continually only fix is to reboot computer and reload game then once it crashes again reboot again.
  • Paulhewhewria
    My crashes mainly when I alt-tab and it only started after 1.6
  • HiP
    Lyrander wrote: »

    i crash all the time! since yesterday!
    mostly while teleporting or changing zones.
    i dont know why - ive tried everything.

    you think downgrading the driver to 347.25 is working?
    i'd try it.

    it definitely helped me play. i installed 347.25, rebooted and launched the game as the first thing, then i can play.
    when i quit the game, i have to reboot to be able to travel again though. it's a pain.

    i'm trying with 341.44 now
  • Keepercraft
    uberkull wrote: »
    I pretty sure I know the root
    I was make some tests about game performers about graphic and audio.
    So i find relationships between audio lagging and graphic settings.

    Texture size parameter have a little impact to audio lagging. It is connection if i change armor and audio shutter for a moment.

    But the most effect to audio quality have shadow quality parameter. If it is higher then low, that start shutter audio in combat or other activity with many sounds. I have lot of memory and HDD no used, so i don't know why graphic quality make so big effect about audio performers!

    Any one of ZOS (@ZOS_ShannonM) can push that tip further to developers, to fix that issue?

    And when i change my shadow quality,, its take a 5min to reload file cache, with no use CPU or HDD.
    Why it take so much time with no use PC resources!

    You are on to something for sure. If I switch my shadow setting, let it cook the shadow file, and keep swapping the shadow levels(medium, high, ultra). I'll eventually get the crash reporter I created this thread for.

    Seriously, fix this.

    Yes, that don;t fix graphic issue, but can fast fix audio issue.
    Still waiting for Sithis.
  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    Since 1.6 I am experiencing crashes... either the game simply freezes without any error message at all - or - I get the crash reporting window.

    My NVidea driver has been updated quite recently, and before 1.6 I had no crash issues.
  • Uberkull
    Latest crash reporter - At dye station and clicked a dye color, went to apply it to boots....crash reporter.

    Seriously, ZOS acknowledge that patch 1.6 has a problem and that you are working on it. Otherwise this thread will go on.
    ▬ஜ Seeds of War, Piles of Skulls ஜ▬
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