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Official Discussion Thread for "Update 6 Guide: The Justice System"

Community Manager
This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Update 6 Guide: The Justice System."

Find out what to expect from this new system that brings crime—and its repercussions—to Tamriel in Update 6!
Jessica Folsom
Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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Staff Post
  • Equinox
    Legerdemain... nice skill line name =O
    ********************~For the Queen!~********************
  • rosarose
    Guess I know what my wood elf will be doing ;)
  • DeathDealer19
    Skill line sounds awesome. I was not interested in the justice system at all until I just read this guide. But tell me, will there be a way to get some more skill points sometime in the future? Between healing, dps, pvp, crafting, and off spec situations abilities, my 270 skill points run out so quick. Another skill line is just gonna stretch me so thin or have to respec nearly daily

    GM of We Wipe On Trash
    NA Server AD Faction
    VR14 High Elf Templar
    VR14 High Elf Dragonknight
    VR14 High Elf Sorcerer
    VR14 Imperial Dragonknight
    VR9 Bosmer Nightblade
  • Lunachik
    OMG, so excited! Nobody's pockets are safe! >:)
    **Mara's Moxie * The Sidekick Order * Azura's Guidance *Hallowed Holes of Tamriel **
  • randolphbenoit
    So will there be a skill line for Bounty Hunters?
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • Sharee
    So will there be a skill line for Bounty Hunters?

    Probably once the other half of justice system is implemented. Since bounty hunters cannot hunt criminals if there is no justice system pvp in yet.
  • dermottib14_ESO
    Can we kill other players? My ultima online dreadlord days are calling!!!
  • wizardhood2003
    AWESOME! Now, if we can only do what you guys have been telling us for the last few months.
  • Vendrath
    So if we can kill NPC's in towns, does that mean if I happen to inadvertently use an AOE damage skill in town, I might start a fight?
  • Vendrath
    Can we kill other players? My ultima online dreadlord days are calling!!!

    From what has been announced previously, once they put the rest of the justice system in, those who are flagged as justicars can attack those who are flagged as criminals.
  • SlayerSyrena
    My Bosmer Nightblade is ready ...
    PC/NA, Level 50 * Current Champion Points: 1600+
    Cyndril - Bosmer Vampire Nightblade - Dual Wield Blades and Bow

    ***Member of the closed early beta group, The Psijic Order***
    Guest on first ESO Live
    My ESO fan art and comics
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    Sadly ZOS won't leave it like this, without PVP Justice could be a good idea, with PVP it'll be grief-ville :(.
  • Sindala
    I like the fact you can be fined heavily if caught with stolen goods, but you can only fence a small amount each day.
    They have taken a great idea and whittled it down to a Daily quest....
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • roguexxxmenb14_ESO
    In stealth; my Khajiit Nightblade can walk in front of enemies in any cave, crypt or dungeon near the opposite; and no one sees him. And the enemy will be facing him! They will never see Montaro coming!
  • Elder_III
    ^it's realistic, and you have to be caught to have any penalty anyways. You want a life of crime with zero consequences?
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • Bethruz
    Vendrath wrote: »
    Can we kill other players? My ultima online dreadlord days are calling!!!

    From what has been announced previously, once they put the rest of the justice system in, those who are flagged as justicars can attack those who are flagged as criminals.

    Hopefully PVP will never be possible anywhere else than Cyrodiil.. I used to quit WoW because of ganking... Not that there would be something like that in ESO PVP.. Don't know as haven't tried it :blush:
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    It looks nice, will be interesting to see how it plays out. I'm concerned about the longevity of the system (it remaining relevant over months/years for players), let's hope it's something that will last the test of time in that regard.
    So will there be a skill line for Bounty Hunters?
    I can't help feeling that it's not so much a 'justice system' as an 'injustice system'. As almost every player interaction and game-play addition of the update seems to be all about doing evil, there's no mention of anything a player can do if they'd like to align their character on the right side of the lore. And I'm not just talking about PvP interactions (which will come at a later date as we've been previously told, but PvE interactions with unlawful NPCs.

    I believe there is in fact scope to add another skill line that can help lawful players spot, catch, and detain, outlaws. Right now; It feels a little one-sided, hopefully this will change with time.
    Edited by Rev Rielle on January 26, 2015 8:13PM
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Navaya
    One day after 1.6 live launch... The people of Tamriel are starving, all the food have been stolen.
  • DaggerfallSoldier23
    Soul Shriven
    What day is the patch going live?

    I have to say it would be awesome if they do a future patch and involve the various Daedra and Aedra through an alignment tree of sorts with special perks for killing or protecting certain NPCs.
    Edited by DaggerfallSoldier23 on January 26, 2015 8:26PM
  • LonePirate
    The Alliance War skill Rapid Maneuver and its faster morph, Retreating Maneuver, are suddenly going to be very popular in Tamriel.
  • wolfblasshgb16_ESO
    Is it just me or are there others that think that thieves are going to gain an unfair advantage with getting their skill line first If you are going to remain lawful you have to wait for your skill line to go hunting and killing the unlawful beggars
    Edited by wolfblasshgb16_ESO on January 26, 2015 8:46PM
  • Talek
    Without PvP part i'm not even interested with this "content", it's gonna be boring for most of the players after first week, you'll kill whole town and then what? guards aren't enemies you can take down empty keep in cyrodiil with group of 2-3 ppl, i don't think that town guards gonna be much stronger than cyro guards.
  • Feynn
    I am very excited about this but also somewhat worried for what it might entail for roleplay (RP). Does it mean that there's a chance our cities will become ghost towns, as other players go on killing all of the NPCs? Will NPCs by instanced individually? Will the update introduce new killable NPCs but still keep previous NPCs as essential? How often will NPCs respawn? These are all questions which need to be answered for those of us who are interested in RP and immersion.

    Secondly, about houses and breaking in. The game does not currently offer player housing. This means that many RPers have taken up the habit of occupying houses in the game and considering them "their" houses for RP purposes. One of my characters moved into one such house with his significant other, for example. Will it still be possible to use these locations for RP after the update, or will we need to worry about incurring into a bounty?

    Thank you for your clarifications!
    Join us on Stormhaven RP! The largest TESO roleplay community of the Daggerfall Covenant, EU Megaserver.
  • Lord Xanhorn
    Lord Xanhorn
    Anything with the word 'system' in it is not really going to add enjoyment outside of a flash in the pan. Once the novelty of assigning your champ points and stealing some apples wears off, your still going to be looking for daily pledges and grinding nirncrux.

    Where's the new fun content?
    I'm kind of a small deal!
  • LonePirate
    Where's the new fun content?

    It's behind a paywall that won't be erected until July or later due to greed, laziness and a complete disregard for current PC players.
  • Darlgon
    This is the official discussion thread for the web article "Update 6 Guide: The Justice System."

    Find out what to expect from this new system that brings crime—and its repercussions—to Tamriel in Update 6!

    @ZoS_JessicaFolsom Dev Tracker mark for this thread?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • ljhopkins_1
    Soul Shriven
    When is Rev 6 going live?? with the March Release??
  • Aeladiir
    Can't wait. Implementing justice system was one of the best decisions you have made to date. The whole concept is amazing just as well. Great job, Zenimax, keep it up! :wink:
  • CodexMMO
    Can we steal from other players? Or just NPCs? Also can you recover your standings and become "good" again? Or once a criminal, always a criminal?
  • Tanis_HalfElven
    Soul Shriven
    As a lawful citizen, can I report crimes committed by others?
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