Regardless of the method used, how often do you trade with other players?
Let's see how active ESO's market is.
If "rarely buy things" is selected, it is implied that your characters are self sufficient, make their own equipment and rarely need things from the market.
If you buy and sell things for your guild, forget about that for this poll and only consider your personal trading habits.
If multiple options seem to fit you, choose the one where you feel most of your trade volume comes from.
I feel an "I just want to see the results" option is not needed here.
Feel free to discuss trading methods or the merits of different tradegoods in the comment section.
Edited by Rodario on October 13, 2014 9:14AM
Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
What are your trade habits / How often do you buy or sell things in ESO? 163 votes
I never sell or buy anything
I rarely sell or buy things, except for motifs/recipes I still need, or find and don't need.
I rarely buy things, I sometimes sell excess materials
I rarely buy things, I often sell stuff (produced goods, farmed mats, ...)
I sometimes buy things, I rarely sell anything
I often buy things (personal use), I rarely/sometimes sell stuff
I often buy and sell things (personal use/personally produced or farmed goods)
I often buy and sell things (playing the market, buy low then sell high)