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· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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Bow and weapon swap bugs: ZOS please acknowledge!

ZOS, please confirm you are aware of this and working on a solution! Myself and several friends have /bug reported these issues, however it doesn't seem we have an official word yet that there's a solution in the works.

Problem 1: Using bow will randomly break enemy health bars.

After the first bugged hit with a bow (Snipe and morphs seems to do this most), ANY subsequent damage will not properly update. Even swapping to your other weapon, it is impossible to tell how much health the enemy has left. Even when dead, they will often show a grey bar with 2/3 health remaining. This makes bow essentially unusable on boss/elites, and if it happens against other players, I can't even imagine what this would do to PVP.

Problem 2: Weapon swap/gear change bugs visuals/animations.

To see this all you have to do is stand there and swap weapons repeatedly 3-5 times. You intended to make it faster, but if the "fix" is going to cause this I would rather have the .3 seconds it saves back!

This one is causing all sorts of problems as well, with no real pattern other than things just get wonky. For example, while weapon swapping in stealth, one weapon will often become locked, at which point you are unable to change your current active weapon with any other in your inventory. (You can change the inactive weapon.) Weapon swapping will then not work properly until you exit stealth.

Also, any spell effect on weapons isn't working correctly. Evil Hunter from Fighter's Guild cast on bow will detach from the weapon and stay there floating in the world if you switch to daggers, and then swapping back you will have the dagger effect stuck to your bow!

Also, gear often gets visually "stuck," so that if I change clothes I will randomly still be wearing the previous set even if I have sold it or put it in the bank. Or weapon swapping to daggers will cause me to swing my bow around with dagger abilities and vice versa. Only relogging appears to fix any of these problems.

EDIT: Mounting seems to fix the visual weapon bug, but NOT the bow bug.

The first bug in particular with the bow I consider to be a game breaking bug. it would be very nice to see a confirmation you are aware of it and working to resolve this and the other issues I and others have mentioned.

Everything else looks great so far!
Edited by Phinix1 on August 6, 2014 8:15AM
  • rzupparo
    Having same issue along with my weapons visually glitching. If I switch to my bow it sometimes shows I still have my two handed mace. When I shoot I throw the mace, it hits target and comes back to me. Makes me feel like Thor lol. And when I go to my mace I holding my bow on the shaft with both hands and club the guy over the head with it
    I wanna be a Daedra :(
  • tipperofcow_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am seeing the same broken enemy health bar issue when using my bow. It looks like I am not doing any damage and then they suddenly die. This needs to be fixed.
  • Phinix1
    48 hours just to get guild access back and we still haven't even seen a confirmation they are AWARE of this game breaking issue with bow?

    My confidence wanes...
  • Pendrillion
    Happened to me today too. I stopped using weapons swapping for the time being. I also filed a Bugreport with Screenie ingame...
  • c0rp
    Wanted to respec back to bow/dw and try it out with the "grace week" for respecing. Looks like that WONT be happening at this point since ZoS has not even acknowledged this issue or an ETA to fix it.
    Edited by c0rp on August 6, 2014 1:26AM
    Force weapon swap to have priority over EVERYTHING. Close enough.
    Make stamina builds even with magicka builds.
    Disable abilities while holding block.
    Give us a REASON to do dungeons more than once.
    Remove PVP AoE CAP. It is ruining Cyrodiil.
    Fix/Remove Forward Camps. They are ruining Cyrodiil.
    Impenetrability needs to REDUCE CRIT DAMAGE. Not negate entire builds.
    Werewolf is not equal to Vamps/Bats.
  • Phinix1
    This just keeps getting worse...

    When the bow bugs and stops registering all attacks on enemy health bars, if you attack a critter, you will be locked in combat and unable to log out. Even if you change zones, the only way to exit the game is to kill it from task manager.

    Ground control to ZOS, please respond...
  • Grim13
    I've noticed that if you stand up from crouch... then swap back and forth several times... it fixes the issue.

    I'm serious, least it's not a relog / quit.
  • the_bham
    Soul Shriven
    when i equip my two handed hammer with no weapon in my second slots it looks fine.

    when i then equip a one handed mace in my second slot it looks fine.

    then when i equip my shield my shield is invisible and my two handed hamemr turns into a two handed mace.

    no combination of having a two handed in one slot, and mace and shield in other slot is working.

    i glitched it so bad trying to get to to look right eventually my two handed hammer ended up in my inventory under apparel...
  • Meary
    I cannot use any type of staff. It takes the assignment but the staff point down at the ground between my legs when fired - visual is my bow and no elevation control at all. I had it once where if I put the staff on Slot 1 and Bow on two it worked and I though OK I'll have to switch my thinking but I can work with this.... Today even that does not work ! Staff in either slot - worthless ! I am a VR9 with one weapon.
    - WORKAROUND: I loaded my staff then exited - even quit the launcher. Upon relaunch my staff worked ! I just better never want to change my weapon in game :(
    Edited by Meary on August 6, 2014 5:33AM
  • Anath_Q
    I am having the same problems with the bow posted above and elsewhere. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for them to acknowledge this in forums, instead be sure to bug report it in game. Or, you may want to petition it and try to get some communication through support channels. I've had good luck with this approach for past problems and am hoping for the same again with this latest issue.

    | GM Cheesemongers of Nirn |
  • olsborg
    The more people reporting ingame the higher the priority it gets and the higher chance the right kinda people reads about it.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Lunerdog
    Had the issue with the bow and mob health bars not registering damage.

    Also after leaving a dye station and then doing a weapon swap, your helmet magically appears, have to go into settings and enable/disable helmet again to fix.

    On swapping to dual wield from staff, the staff stays in your hand and swords are invisible, on sheathing weapons the staff stays in your hand, have to un equip and then re equip all weapons to fix. I always wanted to be able to bap an enemy on the noggin with my staff but this isn't quite what I had in mind...

    And the game appears to be eating memory again :(
    Edited by Lunerdog on August 6, 2014 6:35AM
  • Alysta
    I've had both the weapon swapping issues, and the issue with bow damage not displaying properly. To expand on my bow experience, actions seem delayed. I use Draining Shot to knock them back, but they often times do not visibly knock back, or it is extremely delayed. Soon as I switch to my dual wielding, I am fine and all attacks are fluid, though if I opened with bow the enemy health bar is still bugged out. I have died several times due to the problems with bows.
  • Citidel
    Pretty sure they confirmed this as an issue and were working on a fix.

    May not be 100% in detail your issues but there are issues noted by other players and many that I know have sent in tickets about similar issues. In most cases pointing it out here and or posting in the issues thread will get it noticed by the community team. However if they posted in every thread people would just assume that it's an automated reply and call for more blood.

    I'm sure the issue is known by now and if it's an "easy fix" it will be fixed soon. If it's highly technical bug or a larger issue we only see a snippet of that may take a hot minute to fix.
    Officer of The Noore
    Leader of the Water Cu

    "Posts and comments are not necessarily the feelings of The Noore or Water Cu as I am my own person with my own opinions"
  • Mix
    Also witnessed the bow health bar bug but not until I equipped a bow! I was with a friend who uses a bow and he would shoot mobs and say their health bar wasn't moving, but I could see it go down each time they shot it. To further test this I equipped a bow and shot at a mob and its health bar didn't move, then it just died. I unequipped the bow (not a weapon I use), but then I was able to witness the bugged health bars of the mobs my friend was attacking.

    We tried to narrow down exactly what was doing it, but it didn't seem to be happening 100% of the time. On some occasions the health bars would drop down as normal and other times the bars would stay full or partly full until the mob died - even then sometimes the health bar would still have health on it.

    My friend said it is awful in PvP. His health stays at full and he has no idea an archer is shooting him and then he is just dead with no ability to react to the damage taken.
  • ThisOnePosts
    I'm not just having these issues with Bow, it's at least 4 weapon sets. Dual wield, bow, destro, and restro. I tested the two staves out (DW in 1st slot, destro in 2nd, bow in 2nd, and also restro in 2nd on my VR12 NB). When I switch in combat and even "usually" out of combat, it bugs and I can't use weapon abilities (but I can use other abilities, like class etc.). It makes a weird animation, it doesn't show my weapon set switching between 1 and 2 and gets stuck on 2. I sent in a bug report, but I'd like to be able to use my character in full and not be limited to 1 set, please look into this @ZOS_GinaBruno‌ or anyone @ZOS ! Other than that, when it works, I love the basically instant weapon swap! :grinning:

    Edit: BTW, I did try to /reloadui, relog, restart client, remove all items (that stuck weapon that keeps displaying in the 2nd slot won't remove btw), but nothing works. It seems some time out of combat --- not crouching, fixes it. I haven't gotten it to fix while crouching but maybe it would with enough time. Regardless, it needs a fix. Thanks for taking the time to read this!
    Edited by ThisOnePosts on August 9, 2014 7:26AM
  • Epona222
    the_bham wrote: »
    when i equip my two handed hammer with no weapon in my second slots it looks fine.

    when i then equip a one handed mace in my second slot it looks fine.

    then when i equip my shield my shield is invisible and my two handed hamemr turns into a two handed mace.

    no combination of having a two handed in one slot, and mace and shield in other slot is working.

    i glitched it so bad trying to get to to look right eventually my two handed hammer ended up in my inventory under apparel...

    Similar happened to me, I was switching between destro staff and sword & shield, the animations glitched out, and when I unequipped the staff it showed up in my apparel tab instead of my weapons tab.
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Seravi
    Same issue here for me with the staff, bow, dual wield and sword/board. I sent in a ticket and they told me to put my staff in where the other weapon was and that didn't fix it.

    My characters actually fire off skills that I don't have in the 1-5 slots. Something happened with the update this month causing this problem. The fact that it fires off skills you are not using anymore tells me their game is not updating in real time and somewhere it isn't flushing out old skills/weapons with new skills/weapons.
    I've done four respec's and four repairs and still the same issues. I did the respec to show ZOS that the system is NOT clearing out old skills. I had zero skills in my 1-5 slots after a respec yet I could fire off skills I had before the respec.

    This and the memory leaks need a hot fix now, not put on the back burner until the next patch. Nothing more irritating than thinking you are using pierce armor but instead you fire off shards and you don't even have shards from a sorcerer on your skills bar.......
    Edited by Seravi on August 9, 2014 10:00AM
  • Korinth
    Same issues with switching between my bow and primary weapons.... really breaks the game.

    Thanks for "Fixing" the weapons swapping Zeni...really...thanks (end sarcasm)
    Guild Officer
    Tamriel Transport Co.
  • Bemmel
    Soul Shriven
    1 Year l8er and still the bugs not fixed with 2 handsword and bow + the buged weapon buffs. just a shame from this company
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