reasons to remove vet ranks :
- lack of content
- lack of exp in pvp
- lack of exp in dungeons
- pvp community who feels entitled to be in endgame in 5 minutes
- cadwell's silver and gold breaking immersion
making it lvl 51, 52 ect. would feel strange for new players, lvl 49 -> 50 100k exp. lvl 50 -> 51 850k? wtf a increase of 8.5 times the exp is strange.
hydrocynus wrote: »...would there still be such a big hooha about the veteran ranks?
I honestly do not understand what the fuss is with them. To me they are just level extensions past level 50, and for me there is no difference between level 49-50 as there is from VR1-VR2 (except maybe the difference in XP required but that is easily fixable - they already reduced it once).
Somebody please give me a good reason why the VR's have to go? i just dont understand it. This cant be the only MMO that adds levels when it adds new content? It just makes sense to me to add levels?
this is not a troll thread - i genuinely want to know what the fuss is about and why they cant stay.
Now ask yourself the same question if you play 8 characters.
Now ask yourself the same question if you play 8 characters.
hydrocynus wrote: »
Lack of content - how is this a VR level issue? makes no sense
Lack ov XP in PVP - but you are battle levelled and can enter from lvl 10 - how is this a VR level issue?
Lack of Exp in Dungeons? Again you scale to the level you want - why is this a VR level issue?
pvp community - why is this different from point 2
Cadwells silver and gold - I agree that is pointless, but why is this a VR level issue? I havent done it on all my V16 chars - levelled in many other ways. How is this a VR level issue?
hydrocynus wrote: »In fact what you are saying is that VR levels are not the problem - its the XP per level that is the problem. So VR levels can stay just make them have proportional XP requirements to those levels before them and the system then works?
The wall of XP is one issue, the need to repeat in on alts is another, and the need to grind-on-rails through Caldwell's is yet another. The hope is that removing VR addresses all three.
hydrocynus wrote: »
So what is the difference between getting your 8 characters from 40 to 50, and from V1 to V16? Is it just the XP per level? Is that all? you are happy to have to grind yourself silly to get them all to 50 and accept it, but V1 to V16 you dont? what is the difference?
In fact what you are saying is that VR levels are not the problem - its the XP per level that is the problem. So VR levels can stay just make them have proportional XP requirements to those levels before them and the system then works?
I'm not talking about getting 8 characters to level 50. I'm talking about getting 8 characters to VR16. Under the new system every character you have who's level 50 benefits from you leveling any other character. So if you want to shelve your healer and play your tank for 2 weeks, both characters are leveling at the same time. You don't have to go back to the healer and re-do all the content you just did on your tank.
that is why i make my point. the levels themselfs aren't the problem the road to them ...
hydrocynus wrote: »
Yeah i understand - that seems to be the thing - the amount of XP requied.
If 49-50 needs 100k, then maybe it would be more accepted if V1-V2 is 120k, then V2-V3 is 150k, etc etc.
hydrocynus wrote: »
Yeah i understand - that seems to be the thing - the amount of XP requied.
If 49-50 needs 100k, then maybe it would be more accepted if V1-V2 is 120k, then V2-V3 is 150k, etc etc.
Saint314Louis1985 wrote: »If ZOS was smart they would just keep the vet levels and charge for race changes and even class changes in the crown store. They have reduced exp for vet levels and its really not that hard to reach vet 16. Yes, it takes a little while. The question should be, how bad do you want to be v16? And shouldnt be, how easy are they going to make it for me to level up my alts?
So, games are supposed to be fun. I pay a sub to have fun. Grinding 100 million XP across my alts is not fun. Why keep it?
vamp_emily wrote: »
You don't have to grind. Just play and have fun.
hydrocynus wrote: »...would there still be such a big hooha about the veteran ranks?
I honestly do not understand what the fuss is with them. To me they are just level extensions past level 50, and for me there is no difference between level 49-50 as there is from VR1-VR2 (except maybe the difference in XP required but that is easily fixable - they already reduced it once).
Somebody please give me a good reason why the VR's have to go? i just dont understand it. This cant be the only MMO that adds levels when it adds new content? It just makes sense to me to add levels?
this is not a troll thread - i genuinely want to know what the fuss is about and why they cant stay.
Removing vet ranks isn't suddenly going to make content. In fact, I kind of feel that, instead, having the player level suddenly stop at 50 is going to make people feel like they hit the end game faster and have zero avenues to progress (even with the Champion system). It's like taking away 16 levels, and going "Well, you've done it! You're at the end!"reasons to remove vet ranks :
- lack of content
Removing vet ranks isn't suddenly going to make content. In fact, I kind of feel that, instead, having the player level suddenly stop at 50 is going to make people feel like they hit the end game faster and have zero avenues to progress (even with the Champion system). It's like taking away 16 levels, and going "Well, you've done it! You're at the end!"
Now, I get the end goal is to have Level 50 coincide with defeating Molag Bal, but... yeah. Content will still be dead. Cadwell's Silver and Gold is going to be infinitely worse because you're going to have NO REASON to even bother trying to do it now. Silver and Gold exist to give a bit of a buffer. Remove VR, and Silver and Gold have no reason to exist. And that "lack of content" wall will feel like it's even closer.
The only reason people will go for it is to nab Skyshards.
What is the REAL (I repeat: REAL) difference between regular levels and VR? They both give you 1 skill point and 1 attribute point and enable to use higher levels items (corresponding to the level/VR gained), etc. Much slower acquisition of VR than of regular level? Yeah, that's why it's called VETERAN ranks!