Removing vet ranks isn't suddenly going to make content. In fact, I kind of feel that, instead, having the player level suddenly stop at 50 is going to make people feel like they hit the end game faster and have zero avenues to progress (even with the Champion system). It's like taking away 16 levels, and going "Well, you've done it! You're at the end!"
Now, I get the end goal is to have Level 50 coincide with defeating Molag Bal, but... yeah. Content will still be dead. Cadwell's Silver and Gold is going to be infinitely worse because you're going to have NO REASON to even bother trying to do it now. Silver and Gold exist to give a bit of a buffer. Remove VR, and Silver and Gold have no reason to exist. And that "lack of content" wall will feel like it's even closer.
The only reason people will go for it is to nab Skyshards.
They are boring and tedious, full stop. Many people left the game because they saved the world with their character and were then told they had to do it again, twice, before they had actually beat the game. When you make a product and part of that product drives your customers away then it might be in the best interest of the company to remove that part of the product.
Imagine you produced the best soft drink in the world, but packaged it in a can that cut people's lips. Do you tell your customers "No pain no gain! You have to work for that awesome flavor!" or do you just start packaging in plastic bottles? Which one do you think keeps customers coming back and makes more money in the long run?
Removing vet ranks isn't suddenly going to make content. In fact, I kind of feel that, instead, having the player level suddenly stop at 50 is going to make people feel like they hit the end game faster and have zero avenues to progress (even with the Champion system). It's like taking away 16 levels, and going "Well, you've done it! You're at the end!"
Now, I get the end goal is to have Level 50 coincide with defeating Molag Bal, but... yeah. Content will still be dead. Cadwell's Silver and Gold is going to be infinitely worse because you're going to have NO REASON to even bother trying to do it now. Silver and Gold exist to give a bit of a buffer. Remove VR, and Silver and Gold have no reason to exist. And that "lack of content" wall will feel like it's even closer.
The only reason people will go for it is to nab Skyshards.
Waffennacht wrote: »
Why if they don't like silver and gold do they do it?
Im v16 over 120 CPs.... and have done 0 silver and gold. And IMO the only grind I have done was for TV stones.
I 100% agree with you and I'm surprised how some people try to argue that it won't be like that.
In practice, it will be nothing else like removing 16 levels! I treat CP only as a supplement/addition to the proper levelling system. If after 50 level there will be only that, the game will be so dull and extremely boring! We will be deprived of many aspects of the game that give us pleasure and left only with CP...
hydrocynus wrote: »...would there still be such a big hooha about the veteran ranks?
I honestly do not understand what the fuss is with them. To me they are just level extensions past level 50, and for me there is no difference between level 49-50 as there is from VR1-VR2 (except maybe the difference in XP required but that is easily fixable - they already reduced it once).
Somebody please give me a good reason why the VR's have to go? i just dont understand it. This cant be the only MMO that adds levels when it adds new content? It just makes sense to me to add levels?
this is not a troll thread - i genuinely want to know what the fuss is about and why they cant stay.
Deprived of what? I'd really be interested to learn.
Other than a number going up once ever few hundred thousand exp, absolutely nothing will have changed for you. A number going up by 1 isn't progression. New gear, new experience and areas, interesting quests, capturing keeps... that's the real progression.
In fact, with a new lvl 50 toon, you'll have more options for what you want to spend time doing with your character because you're not gated by VRs.
reasons to remove vet ranks :
- lack of content
- lack of exp in pvp
- lack of exp in dungeons
- pvp community who feels entitled to be in endgame in 5 minutes
- cadwell's silver and gold breaking immersion
making it lvl 51, 52 ect. would feel strange for new players, lvl 49 -> 50 100k exp. lvl 50 -> 51 850k? wtf a increase of 8.5 times the exp is strange.
this comment is stupid, here is an explanation why:
lack of content: this is so untrue, everybody knows it, doing quests in other factions is a HUGE content, get a veteran 1 character with 0 exp, do EVERY QUEST in the other alliances zones,cyrodiil and craglorn, and come and tell us if you end up veteran rank 2 or 3 or 16 plz oh and guess what.. DLC quests give exp.
lack of exp in pvp? i dont remember leveling from PvP.. well i used to gain ranks in Battlefield 4 and BFH by kills, but ESO is an MMO,, not FPS,
lack of exp in dungeons: well placing a correct sentence between 4 wrong sentence doesnt make the whole paragraph correct.
.... whatever...
cadwell silver and gold are awesome. in an MMO.. they are awesome. in ESOTA story line.. they are more awesome.
ESO is still RPG and levelling, by gaining levels, skill points and attribute points, is of the essence as in the other game of that type. By gaining CP's I don't feel like levelling and progressing since the extent of changes made by each CP is unnoticeable. Slower levelling is not a problem for me cause, as you said, I do quests, capture keeps, and after it all, I gain one VR which I feel that I deserve it.
doing cadwell silver takes 6 hours, you want the leveling system in the MMO TESO-TA change because of that 6 hours is bothering you?
hydrocynus wrote: »
Lack of content - how is this a VR level issue? makes no sense
Lack ov XP in PVP - but you are battle levelled and can enter from lvl 10 - how is this a VR level issue?
Lack of Exp in Dungeons? Again you scale to the level you want - why is this a VR level issue?
pvp community - why is this different from point 2
Cadwells silver and gold - I agree that is pointless, but why is this a VR level issue? I havent done it on all my V16 chars - levelled in many other ways. How is this a VR level issue?
doing cadwell silver takes 6 hours, you want the leveling system in the MMO TESO-TA change because of that 6 hours is bothering you?
reasons to remove vet ranks :
- lack of content
- lack of exp in pvp
- lack of exp in dungeons
- pvp community who feels entitled to be in endgame in 5 minutes
- cadwell's silver and gold breaking immersion
making it lvl 51, 52 ect. would feel strange for new players, lvl 49 -> 50 100k exp. lvl 50 -> 51 850k? wtf a increase of 8.5 times the exp is strange.
Now ask yourself the same question if you play 8 characters.