Rook_Master wrote: »Are all your crafted sets v16 with tri-stat enchants?
Great vids, by the way.
all v16 but with normal Stamina Enchantments
Rook_Master wrote: »
Is that intended, or would you switch it if you had the gold?
I have questions about the mechanics of being in WW form if you have time, haven't really played with it yet
The 'average/good' player is not meant to complete this. ZOS said it was intended for the hardcore PVEers who really enjoy a challenge.
So, there's that.
Ye just ask, or ask me ingame @drugcontrol on EU server
This might be true, but have you tried as a stam class or DK/Templar in general? I know you are a very good Sorc..Sorcs/Nbs (as shown on the leaderboards) have an way easier time then DK/Temps
And well, in the end the only thing I consider really OP is the Crematorial guard which kills me no matter what I do as stam char. no shields n stuff you gonna get rekt hard. Unless I missed smth yet.
I haven't tried any stamina stuff since I don't like playing stamina, but I can imagine it would be harder.
I've completed it on pts with sorc, dk and templar, all magicka.
saw Arena yesterday for the first time, tried it with my new Templar char, wasted a bit of time for learn some stages but completed it with over 480 souls. without using a broken WW ulti that skips 90% of fights mechanics and without using any powerups before stage 8. No, it's not easy, but average players shouldn't have any problems completing it.
Sweet, thank. I'll be able to test myself later tonight, but if you already have the answers I wouldn't have to waste time lol
So having not used WW at all, I can assume having higher weapon dmg/stam on the bar with it slotted will increase the dmg of the skills while in ww form, have you tested it with 2pc moleg kena before activating, or proccing it while in WW form? Or is the cost increase too much to sustain while bursting?
Another is it looked like you were mostly doing light attacks then cancelling the animation with a quick howl and the occasional leap to gap close and hircines rage to keep up major brutality for the 20%, is infectious claws/claws of life not even worth putting up?
And I think my past question is about major savagery, would having it slotted on the same weapon bar as it increase your crit while in WW form, if not some crit, health and stam pots might be preferable while transformed?
Any other info or advice on it would be appreciated.
Wow, thanks for the quick response. Answered before I even edited my first post lol
Ah, you're a stam sorc as well! Then you can answer one more, is WW better than our non magicka overloads?
DId you do it on magicka or stamina char? Yet so far I have only tested those with Stamina Chars because I do not have the magicka gear yet.
And Sorc Overload still stronger than WW ult...
Good to know! I'm on console, testing *** is like 10x harder. You just saved me a lot of time lol. I've just been spending millions of gold on new sets and practicing to get ready for taking that #1 sorc spot with stam instead of magicka lol
magicka templar, cannot use a glass cannon build:Pso dmg is not high as stamina one, for example on stage 6 you have to reset boss dmg 2 times,on stage 7 you can't go melee , and on stage 9 you can't just ignore gold spectre or ignore summoners,are bit different fights. but all stages were doable without using powerups, no idea about 9, i was a bit tired and clicked them just for be sure to end asap lol.
sorc overload got an awesome damage,true, but WW ulti got something that doesn't works at all, try to test it versus a char with 40k res and armor and you will see what's wrong with it XD
Yeah, watching fengrush do it twice last night it seemed like he only died if he let it wear off (or *** rng on guards/ poison)
I was planning on leveling a high elf sorc to grind it out faster for the weapoms, but now that I'm really looking at it I don't think that will be necessary. I'll find out in 2 weeks lol.
i tested it on myself and yes, i've capped armor and resistance in pvp + dmg reduction of cyro, max dmg i can take is 7-8k from imba stamina players. ww hits me for 20k+. tested mutiple times with a guy but dunno if it ignore armor or simply got a wrong value on it's skill. btw i don't think it makes the difference in your fights, i mean yes you skipped some tactics but at 99% you were able to do them also without ww. regarding the crematorial guard, the splitted fire is slower than your running speed, so running around it in circle = 0 dmg taken XD anyway i will neither try with a stamina DK, surely dodgerolls blocks bash helps in much fights, but without the heal/shields sustain it's a shame :PThe reason why I have to use WW on last boss is because no matter what I do, the crematorial guard barbecues me no matter what I do...I cant even block/Heal trhough the dmg with my stam heals, it just kills me.
On my last try I really needed the gold spectres to bring the crematorial guards "to sleep" IF 1 crematorial guard spits fire at me..I am 100% dead. Will show you soon when I upload my stam sorc boss stages.....but then again, maybe I am just doing smth else wrong, but seeing that like out of the 100% of ppl that completed arena, maybe 10% are Stamina, tells me a lot >.>
You think WW ulti ignores armor? did you test it?
How was the feeling in general, like the difference in classes? DId you go with a full dmg setup or did you have to change Gear according to class?
i tested it on myself and yes, i've capped armor and resistance in pvp + dmg reduction of cyro, max dmg i can take is 7-8k from imba stamina players. ww hits me for 20k+. tested mutiple times with a guy but dunno if it ignore armor or simply got a wrong value on it's skill. btw i don't think it makes the difference in your fights, i mean yes you skipped some tactics but at 99% you were able to do them also without ww. regarding the crematorial guard, the splitted fire is slower than your running speed, so running around it in circle = 0 dmg taken XD anyway i will neither try with a stamina DK, surely dodgerolls blocks bash helps in much fights, but without the heal/shields sustain it's a shame :P
why do youjump down willingly during the boss fight? to clear the crematorial with buffs and without the boss there? or is there another reason?
I used the exact same gear setup for each first class completion, which was 2 nerieneth 5 julianos 3x willpower and maelstrom flame staff/resto staff.
Every class has their own pros and cons, their own benefits and downsides. All I had to do was adapt tactics to benefit each class strength accordingly.
For magicka sorcerers you have your hardened ward and crit heal buff, overload too which makes things a lot easier and allows for priority targets to be singled out fast.
For magicka dks you have your reflective scales to deal more easily with ranged adds, and lets not forget magma shell + battle roar, making you immortal in cases where you otherwise might've died, also giving you all your resources back.
For magicka templars you have your puncturing sweep which functions as a great single target and aoe at the same time, also giving very strong heals depending on how many targets you group up. Tactic with templar is basically round 'em all up, jabjabjab and repeat.
For the lack of a proper class shield on dks/templars I substituted with healing ward from resto staff, which fullfills its job more than admirably.
Needless to say I had a lot harder time with DK/templar, considering I've never played either classes on endgame and have only ever leveled them on the side (my dk is like lvl 34, and my templar vr3 or so). Overload also makes it a lot easier.
REGARDLESS of these facts, I completed it with a DK on the second try (forgot enchants on my gear on first try) and with templar on the first try. It's really not that difficult. Tactics and knowledge of the arenas (mechanics, spawn locations, etc) are the most crucial, above all.