They are the biggest problem in the arena, I'll give you that.
no. i mean just press ''A'' or ''D'' and round him all the time without sprintingXD his fire will never touch you:P and meanwhile spam wreck or jabs or whatelse. crematorial makes dmg only when 3-4 mobs are stacked and you are bodyblocked as hell.Well When I run away from Creamtorial guard BYEBYE Stamina and then I get rekt.
DId you do it on magicka or stamina char? Yet so far I have only tested those with Stamina Chars because I do not have the magicka gear yet.
And Sorc Overload still stronger than WW ult...
What is the damage of your overpower ability in that gear setup? Just go give me an idea of where my damage stands in comparison
mr_wazzabi wrote: »Any advice for a stam nb dps?
no. i mean just press ''A'' or ''D'' and round him all the time without sprintingXD his fire will never touch you:P and meanwhile spam wreck or jabs or whatelse. crematorial makes dmg only when 3-4 mobs are stacked and you are bodyblocked as hell.
Scyantific wrote: »Yo @Alcast , do you think Corrosive Armor would be a viable ult to use on bosses for that 100% armor penetration?
what do you mean? Overpower ability?
what do you mean? Overpower ability?
I just finished my stam NB run and it was actually easiest of all to get through with.
I ran 5x Hundings, 3x AGility (2x Wepa dmg 1x stam rec) 1x Kena, 2x Nightmothers, 1x Master dagger
Serpent Mundus.
All CP in Mooncalf.
taht gave me like 1,6 k stam rec as Kahjit and like 3,6k weap dmg iirc..
Siphoning strikes very OP ***. Will upload bossfights soon so you can see.
AND use BOLSTERING DARKNESS...60% dmg reduction is crazy stuff
Ok haha nice trick xD
Not for the 100% (actually was buggy and did not work, not sure if they fixed it) BUT for the 10s free invincibleness
Great work @Alcast . Would you mind sharing your gear set up for your Sorc?
I will do a video tmr for all 4 classes what setups I used.
Awesome. I only had a short go at Vet Arena the other day and for some reason was having way more difficulty staying alive on the second stage with the spinning aoe blades. Blade Cloak is a great idea there. Still not sure why one blade passing through me does 15k+ dmg compared to your video where you seem to take little dmg at all, but I will see after giving Blade Cloak a try.
I have to disagree with that. I have no idea what you're hitting for but Watching you kill the final boss...your DPS is through the roof compared to mine! I'm running 100 CPs into elemental with 49 CPs into Elfborn as well with Major Sorcery and 3200 spell damage. It takes me @300 Ultimate to get the boss from 100 to 70% in his first phase but you melt his ass like chocolate. I don't envy you having to melee those daedroth though ( =
DUTCH_REAPER wrote: »Were you wearing 5 PC heavy on stage 2?
Had my first crack last night and got rekt on stage 6 boss. I was having two issues - roll dodging throough the shrubs near the center pillar would always result in me becoming stuck and also found that the templar's purifying ritual wouldn't remove the DoT she puts on me (the one that slows you down, lasts 28 seconds), purge removed it, but not the purify. Obviously the first one isn't an intended mechanic (I'd still be stuck after reviving and have to die again to wayshrine) but what about the second??? If Purge works why isn't purify??
Hm, my Overload crits with 40k at the endboss (3,8k spelldmg buffed). I guess it is a way better than WW.
No, always 5/1/1
Kill the spider that throws webs at you, otherwise you will end up with a 90% snare. I did not know its purgable...but it makes also no sense if then purifying ritual does not work lol...
WW Howl crits for like 32k..+I have no shields+only crap shelfheals+bb resources
With overload shields+no resources disappear...more dmg
To be honest: I agree with you, Sorc is easy mode. My Hardened Ward absorb 25k dmg and I run without any selfheal ( ok, 8% Health for each fragment).
DUTCH_REAPER wrote: »I am on my magic DK and stuck on boss spider fight stage 6...Again. I just can't execute a good strategy. I can get her to 50 when the big add comes out but that's as far as I have made it. Any pointers? I'm all ears.
I havent done it on magicka bc I do not have the gear. What I hear most magicka DKs go in with full dps setup and when the big mob spawns standard+ focus the big mob + always reflect up so spiders attack gets reflected. For the start you could try to get the defensive+ofensive sigil to boost your dmg and reflect most attacks.
Check out this vid, random fight stage 6 i found on YT: