Which area of Tamriel you want to see next after Orsinium?

Orsinium is located on top of Bangorkai so with this dlc we have the High Rock area completed, what i want to see next is the Summerset Isle mostly for geographical reasons because its not on the mainland but a big island we should get it earlier to finish the quests there. i couldn't find


The current playable areas (without Orsinium)


Old TESO Player
  • Ra'Shtar
    Everything that is left of hamerfell, after that i would love summerset isle or elsweyr
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • Digielf

    sorry for very extended spaces on the images i used it first time on this forum

    Old TESO Player
  • ontheleftcoast
    All of it. For claiming to be "Tamriel Unlimited" it's surprising, you know, limited. :disappointed:
  • Vrienda
    OCD demands that highrock be finished so we have two full provinces in the game.
    But mostly I wanna see more of morrowind and hammerfell.

    Definitely NOT Blackmarsh, shadowfen is the zone I hate most in the game.
    Edited by Vrienda on October 20, 2015 9:43AM
    Desperate for Roleplaying servers to bring open world non-organised RP to Elder Scrolls Online. Please ZOS.
  • Shinra
    I want Summerset Isle. Years ago, when I read in Oblivions books about the Island of the High Elves, I always wanted to go there.
  • Nifty2g
    They teased so long ago we could go to black marsh, i want that expansion
  • Jitterbug
    Black Marsh

  • TheShadowScout
    All of it. For claiming to be "Tamriel Unlimited" it's surprising, you know, limited. :disappointed:
    Eventually, yes, all of it.

    But for next... well, we already know Murkmire will come after orsinium... but for plans after all they have in current development... hmmm...

    My personal favorite is Vvardenfell and surroundings... hey, what would you expect from an incorrigable dunmer fancier? ;)
  • PoseidonEvil
    I'd love to see more Black Marsh as well
    In-game ID: alchelvly
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  • TheShadowScout
    I'd love to see more Black Marsh as well
    ...Murkmire IS in black marsh... -BING!- Wish granted ;-)
  • PoseidonEvil
    Wish not granted because I can't go there RIGHT NOW...Lol :p
    In-game ID: alchelvly
    Phixeon Maghi -- Breton Healer
    Harrow the Souleater -- Breton Necro Healer
    Krogyle dro-Smoketh -- Orc Stamdk
  • Resipsa131
    Shameless bump for Morrowind
  • Birdovic
    I think Murkmire or Clockwork City(Sotha Sil without his mask?!) will come next, but can't wait for especially Mephalas Realm :smile:
    Edited by Birdovic on October 20, 2015 1:55PM
  • Gilvoth
    i want Vvardenfell, morrowind
  • OreoTheDj
    I want Morrowind but it needs to be fully imagined...no half shows. I'm just not sure how they'd throw it in with new lore i wasn't into reading it during those days but it'd be interesting to see the floating city of Vivec in a new glory.
    "Ahh... The beauty of the naked form. These Dunmer are rather prudish, are they not? Of course, there is an island you can reach filled with wonderful, naked, glistening bodies. It only appears when the moons are full, the rain falls, the seas run red, and it's M'aiq's birthday."- M'aiq the Liar
  • Gilvoth
    i want Vvardenfell, morrowind

    and by the way, if you do add Vvardenfell morrowind expansion zenimax, then i begg you PLEASE do NOT add any voice acting to it, totaly ruin the entire place for me. the only people who could understand that request would be if they have lived in morrowind for the past 10 + years like i have and become accustomed to that raspy dunmer voice and culture.
    that cannot be duplicated by anyone else but juib! his voice would have to dominate the entire region.
  • Marrtha
    More Morrowind!
    Use @Marrtha when replying!
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    I want to see Crystal-Like-Law, so more of Summerset, and more of Elsweyr too. :smiley: After that I'd like to see Whiterun and visit the Skyforge and maybe drop in on the Graybeards.
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  • Young_Archiebold

    and by the way, if you do add Vvardenfell morrowind expansion zenimax, then i begg you PLEASE do NOT add any voice acting to it, totaly ruin the entire place for me. the only people who could understand that request would be if they have lived in morrowind for the past 10 + years like i have and become accustomed to that raspy dunmer voice and culture.
    that cannot be duplicated by anyone else but juib! his voice would have to dominate the entire region.

    Yooou n'wahh!

    Completely agree
  • Wollust
    I don't wanna see more regions. I wanna see working regions. Especially Cyrodiil :lol:

    Zerg Squad
  • Victus
    I would like more Elsweyr or Hammerfell after what has already been planned.
    Edited by Victus on October 20, 2015 3:16PM
    Throm the First - Redguard Dragon Knight - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Xendyn
    More Khajiit! More Elsweyr!
    Lag is ruinin' my 'mershun!
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  • GuyNamedSean
    I'm a Dunmer for life and by Azura I want to go to Vvardenfell!
    Former Guildmaster of the Legion of Mournhold
    XBL: GuyNamedSean
    PC: GuyNamedSeanPC
  • Ezareth
    This part of Tamriel:
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  • Giraffon
    Water!!! I want to swim UNDER water!! Oh...and everything on the map...I want to go there too.
    Giraffon - Beta Lizard - For the Pact!
  • Huggalump
    i want Vvardenfell, morrowind

    this is the literal only answer
  • Gern_Verkheart
    Anything but Elsweyr.

    I hate the cats.
  • ladyonthemoon
    Wollust wrote: »
    I don't wanna see more regions. I wanna see working regions. Especially Cyrodiil :lol:
    And I want them all, working. ;)

  • Sausage
    I wish they could add sea, I think it'd make this game more open world than themepark, it'd tie the zones to each other better.
  • ScruffyWhiskers
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