Do you plan on getting the Imperial City DLC?

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  • Phinix1
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    I was offended how they giggled about people being ganked in the ESO live episode like that would be some fun thing. These guys dont have a clue what they are doing.

    That was essentially my impression as well.

    It feels like a "this is the game that - I - always wanted to make" more than a "this is a game loyal to the Elder Scrolls namesake.

    If you want to make a hardcore 1980's corpse-looting gank fest go make World of Twitch craft somewhere else. Don't take away from an Elder Scrolls RP universe by imposing your personal desires to force everyone into a play style that only 10% of the global gaming population don't despise.

    Whatever. See sig. Fallout is coming.
  • Draghorn
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    So, I'm mainly interested in solo PvE (exploration) and very small group PvE (As in things that can be done with just my brother and I). Is there anything for me here? Doesn't sound like it, but thought maybe I should confirm it with you guys.

    If everything is PvP and standard group stuff then - naw, not really interested in spending money on that.

    By the way I'm extremely new. I haven't actually played the game yet, and probably won't get around to it until a month or two from now. So if it sound like I don't have a clue about anything, that is why. Got the main game bought and waiting for me though. ^_^
    Draghorn - The Business Dragon (Platform: NA-PC)
  • ZigoSid
    I'm on the fence about it - need more information
    I will wait for players reviews. If it's too much pvp and that we can't do anything safe without being ganked every time I will not buy it.
  • J2JMC
    Not buying it unless there is a reason for people below vr14 to go. Even then, probably still not buying it. Might wait to see if they do what other mmos do and package it in with the next expansion.
    Knee Jerk, L2P, Obtuse, Casual, Entitled, All The Best, unnecessary mention of CoD

    Battle leveling for pve content defeats the idea of progression. Remove CP

    "Apparently the players are more informed than we are"-Richard Lambert

  • Pangnirtung
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Going to give it a try on the PTS.

    As a primarily PVE player if there isn't enough interesting and rewarding content I'll pass on it.

    Being a ganker or gankee isn't my thing neither is PVP.

    As always your dollar speaks louder than your words.
  • Danikat
    I'm on the fence about it - need more information
    I want more information before I decide. I'll try it out on the PTS, read reviews and the other announcements (I assume there will be others) before I decide if I want it.

    I'm also in no rush to get it, my highest level character just hit level 16 so I've got plenty to do before I need to worry about extra content.
    Flaminir wrote: »
    I don't get the whole 'gated behind pvp' stuff either.... yes you have to go in there once to discover the areas... but after that there are 2 new normal dungeons, and two new vet dungeons that you can access without even having to go back there if you don't want. Along with all the new sets that are being introduced, and build options... etc etc. There's a lot here for PvE'ers too, without them having to PvP much / at all.

    I think the complaints about it being gated behind PvP are mainly referring to the fact that they said the city would only be accessible if your alliance controls the majority of Cyrodiil (although the specifics haven't been worked out yet). So you yourself may not need to do much PvP to get it, but you could be locked out if your alliance happens to be doing badly at PvP at that time.
    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
  • Pangnirtung
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far

    Funny enough, the most bitching / uproar are from the "Keep the 100% loot!" / "Hardcore PvP'er" crowd.

    This one thousand times!!!

    I am not surprised at the mentality of those who resort to calling others names when they disagree on each others views and it always seems to be those on the same side of the argument.

    I won't deny PVPers their content but some of them need to understand just because we aren't "hardcore" that we're carebears. This is a game not real life.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    My current plan is to 'rent' it with a short subscription renewal then buy it outright with the Crowns I'll accrue if I enjoy it sufficiently.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
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  • Soulshine
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Until this is up on PTS and I have a chace to participate in testing I am not making any buy decisions. I still sub and have no reason to buy outright, though if it proves to be for once a decent update I may buy the DLC anyway just to own it, Tamriel knows I have more than enough crowns since I don't spend them on anything.
  • Audigy
    I have crowns left over from my sub, so I might get it. But this I need to see, as what I heard at ESO live sounds very good, but the PTS will make things clearer for me.

    No matter if I will buy it or not, its a content update that is needed for an AVA based game. We all knew what we got into when we bought the game, to complain now about pvp is like complaining about orcs at WOW.

    Draghorn wrote: »
    So, I'm mainly interested in solo PvE (exploration) and very small group PvE (As in things that can be done with just my brother and I). Is there anything for me here? Doesn't sound like it, but thought maybe I should confirm it with you guys.

    If everything is PvP and standard group stuff then - naw, not really interested in spending money on that.

    By the way I'm extremely new. I haven't actually played the game yet, and probably won't get around to it until a month or two from now. So if it sound like I don't have a clue about anything, that is why. Got the main game bought and waiting for me though. ^_^

    You do have 50 levels and 14 Veteran Ranks to explore, before you even need to consider going to that pvp area. I don't know how often you play, but there are people playing since Beta who have not yet reached Veteran Rank 14 ;)

    There are three factions, hundreds, probably thousands of quests, crafting, 4 player dungeons up to 12 - its a massive amount of content.

    Don't worry too much about those who complain, they had a lot of content updates for their kind since April 2014, they are just salty that a different type of player finally gets something and they only receive a few quests and two dungeons. :D
    Edited by Audigy on July 18, 2015 6:56PM
  • Sixsixsix161
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    First of, it's nice that PvP players are getting some more content.

    Personally, the only game with PvP that I played was WoW, and I did participate there, but not the rated PvP, just the unrated stuff.

    Reason is that I'm lousy at PvP and can't see myself getting really frustrated by losing constantly. And that's what would happen to me in IC. So the odds of me getting and keeping any stones would be nill.

    No reason to spend money on something that would cause me issues.

    I will try some PvP in Cyrodil (don't know if I spelled that correctly), but same rule applies. If it's too one-sided, I will leave.

  • Haqikah
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Tested Cyrodil and it seems I am very far from ready for that. Reasons for that are numerous: my main is merely V8, and I haven't PvP-ed at all (thus being a totally noob in PvP), gear is also only V8 (but specced for PvE) and finally having far less CP.

    This makes any PvP DLC off-limits for me.

    Nevertheless I must say the stuff ZoS has shown in the ESO Live stream looks exciting. So I hope the PvP crowd will have fun with it. Personally I wait until the next PvE DLC arrives which gives me an alternate way of leveling so I can skip the Gold questline.

    Hmm, reading my post it does not quite fit the poll-choice. I should have chosen the option "I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)", as I think the theme and concept of IC seems great. It is just not content meant for me.
    Edited by Haqikah on July 18, 2015 7:49PM
  • GreySix
    I'm on the fence about it - need more information
    Probably not.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Id like to point out again the only thing I have against this expansion is losing ALL your stuff if you die. There are exploits, lag spikes and all kinds of things that can force you to die. You should not be punished so severely for death in a video game. You should lose NONE of the things you have looted. How about having your gear take damage from player kills as well? Nothing like losing everything you managed to get.

    I have no problems dying to another player. I know I am not super good at pvp. I just think its preposterous for the person to be able to loot all my stones because they have more time to play than I do.
  • Coatmagic
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    Been here since beta, finally got bored a few months back, so no longer a sub, and until they release more content that interests me, meh.
  • Xqluded
    I will buy - I like what I have heard so far
    It's more content. Good or bad you can never have too much content
  • Neirymn
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Robo_Hobo wrote: »
    Might as well. I'm not a PvP'r so I doubt I'll use it much, but I'll get it anyway just to have it.

    Thank you! xD
  • Grimnaur
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    PVE content without the PVP mixed in is all I want.

    I would like others to vote on this, and give opinions.
    “Laugh whenever you can. Keeps you from killing yourself when things are bad. That and vodka.” - J.B.
  • jeevin
    I will not buy - I don't like what I have heard so far
    I haven't played in months. Imperial City looks like just another reason to stay away. Increased levels and a random currency that can only be found in game by buying this dlc.
  • dsalter
    I will buy - I hope some things get changed though (Discuss)
    gotta lower that rate to 40-50% drop rate so everyone semi prophits, and make it so it's split on how many different attackers hit you BUT only the killing blow awards it. so zergs will lose since the guy who lands the blow will only get say... 2% of the reward if they used 100 people to hit you (not quite but examples are legit)
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • PBpsy
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Bacon. Learn to ESO poll forum ....noob.
    Edited by PBpsy on July 19, 2015 6:31AM
    ESO forums achievements
    Proud fanboi
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  • AH93
    I'm on the fence about it - need more information
    On the fence, I will see the reviews first and what other players say about it generally.
  • Lava_Croft
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    I will only buy it because after a year of paying a subscription fee and getting basically nothing in return but abysmal PvP quality, I finally want something positive.
  • notimetocare
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    It is simple. Two types of people are saying they won't buy it: liars and trolls. If you plan to keep playing you will buy it or sub.
  • notimetocare
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    Remove the loss of stones I will buy it. We should not lose anything just like you dont lose anything now if you die in Cyrodill. This whole open pvp/corpse looting thing is outdated. I was offended how they giggled about people being ganked in the ESO live episode like that would be some fun thing. These guys dont have a clue what they are doing.

    Awww.... look at the carebear.... They are modifying pvp to make ganking harder. What more do the carebears need?
  • Personofsecrets
    I'm that one guy that says my option isn't up there and the poll is a fail (Discuss)
    I will buy it, but I don't like the majority of what has been presented so far.
  • Grunim
    dsalter wrote: »
    gotta lower that rate to 40-50% drop rate so everyone semi prophits, and make it so it's split on how many different attackers hit you BUT only the killing blow awards it. so zergs will lose since the guy who lands the blow will only get say... 2% of the reward if they used 100 people to hit you (not quite but examples are legit)

    I really dislike when the award goes to the killing blow, what a great way to punish the healers in a group.
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • leepalmer95
    I in two minds, i'll wait until the updates from pts are anounced, with the ways things are i won't even be able to enter it, as a DC member we don't normally have our keeps because of faction imbalance, also we are still outnumbered even with AD and EP having buff servers which are being taken, so my guess we'll be zerged 24/7 as the buff members will end up coming the to actual pvp server and out number us even more.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • dsalter
    I will buy - I hope some things get changed though (Discuss)
    Grunim wrote: »

    I really dislike when the award goes to the killing blow, what a great way to punish the healers in a group.

    i do my fair share of healing and i can share the feels, problem is without said thing, zergs get the whole cake by being mindless. this setup ensures zerging = low reward for large effort
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

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