What time on June 8th are they sending out codes ?

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
I was just wondering what exact time are they sending out the codes to start downloading the game for those of us who paid the 20 buck to transfer to console. Its a huge download. i want to get started as soon as possible on the 8th.
Live and die a Redguard
  • Rhazmuz
    I think I read early afternoon EST somewhere.
    Rhazmuz - Nord DK tank
    PS4 - EU
  • Heromofo
    With any luck at 0000 hours tonight buuut who knows
  • Raheem
    I just hope its early so I can get it downloaded.
    Live and die a Redguard
  • phairdon
    Will it be 8th June US time? Or do they release the game based on world time zones?
    If the game goes live US east coast time, it will be 4pm NZ time tomorrow and anywhere from 2-5 hours later for Australia.
    Edited by phairdon on June 7, 2015 11:10AM
    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Ojustaboo
    Posted Friday
    While we don't have an exact time, you can expect these to be ready on June 8th in the early afternoon (eastern time). We'll send out an email to everyone eligible as soon as they're ready!
  • RAM2191
    wont be downloaded before midnight launch either way haha Oh well it only cost £12/$20 so cant complain :)
    Ram V6 Imperial Templar (AD)
    I am the hope of the Universe. I am the answer to all living things who cry out for peace. I am protector of the innocent. I am the light in the darkness. I am truth... ally to good, nightmare to you.
  • Darkonflare15
    Ojustaboo wrote: »
    Posted Friday

    Very disappointing. I guess I will not be playing until Wednesday. :(
  • Nathrandir
    I'm almost certain I'll be at work when the codes go out, so I've made sure my PS4 is set to download purchases from sleep mode. All I'll have to do is redeem the code on the PS web store as soon as ZOS sends it out, start the download to my PS4 from the web store and hope it downloads quickly.

    I tested it last night with a small download initiated from my phone, and by the time I got up, the game had downloaded, installed and patched itself with the latest update. Here's hoping the codes go out early enough for all that to happen with ESO's monster sized download before I get off work at 11 PM.
  • Raheem
    I am a little dissappointed but oh well I am bringing over a some vet characters so I will just be solo grinding most of the time anyway. so no biggie. I have two xbox 1's so my wife and I can both play. after I download it on one ill have to do it again on the other. I wont be able to play while the other is downloading without horrible lag. so it may be a couple days before I am actually on anyway
    Live and die a Redguard
  • DragonSamurai360
    I have a college final project presentation to go to tomorrow, but because I'm in the USA PST time zone I have a chance to get it in the morning before I leave, which I hope I do because I can get like 5-7gb downloaded while I'm gone.
  • JoffyToffy69
    Less than 11hours till Launch here in South Australia, and still no code to pre download.
    Fun comes from diversity, balance kills diversity.
    Former Empress Serabii
  • Sausage
    Are we there yet.
  • Gidorick
    Just a little further...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • Raheem
    Its 130 am here. I prolly won't be able to sleep well until I know it's downloading lol
    Live and die a Redguard
  • Mirra_Halfelven
    I wouldn't expect anything till around noon-3pm EST , but in reality we prolly wont be getting them till 5pm+ EST. ZOS got thier cash from us already, they have made it more than clear with the way they have handled all this, thats all they care about.
    Mirra Halfelven, Templar Troublemaker
    Daggerfall Covenant - PS4 NA
    PSN: Scooby_609
  • Snippit_Thomas
    almost 5pm on the 8th and no code..... not my fault I live on the right side of the world
  • ItsRejectz
    Bet they didnt have the codes yet, nothing to do with not being allowed to give codes our prior to the 8th... my opinion anyway
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • Heromofo
    Only a few hours till the console servers are up and running for us Aussies and still no code i hope it does end up comming earlier than expected.
  • Raheem
    5 am here and no code yet :(
    Live and die a Redguard
  • JoffyToffy69
    It's now 7pm here. 5 hours now and counting before launch. I am seriously annoyed about this!

    I hope this is enough time to pre download....

    Fun comes from diversity, balance kills diversity.
    Former Empress Serabii
  • Ilawynde
    Gina said mid afternoon EDT USA so I'm guessing 3PMish EDT

    Long day lol
  • Heromofo
    It's now 7pm here. 5 hours now and counting before launch. I am seriously annoyed about this!

    I hope this is enough time to pre download....

    Then your not gonna be happy because we dont get the code till the afternoon 8th of June ESTand we are like 12-14 hours ahead of it.
  • JoffyToffy69

    Annoyed doesn't begin to describe how I am feeling.
    Less than 5 hours till launch. How am I meant to pre install in that time?

    Dear Mr ZOS...
    Fun comes from diversity, balance kills diversity.
    Former Empress Serabii
  • Heromofo
  • JoffyToffy69
    Do you think we will receive an apology at least?
    Fun comes from diversity, balance kills diversity.
    Former Empress Serabii
  • NadiusMaximus
    Get use to waiting for stuff, it's the biggest feature of the game.
  • Sausage
  • ItsRejectz
    Do you think we will receive an apology at least?

    Not in the slightest
    Xbox EU - GT: o69 Woody 69o

    VR16 Sorc: Vlad V Impaler
    VR16 Sorc: Yes it's Woody
    VR16 NB: Prince of Wallachia
    VR16 Templar: Sir Lancelot the Brave
    VR16 DK: I'm Better Than You

  • LadyDestiny
    2 p.m. here for me. Somehow I keep expecting to get a mail or a new announcement stating "We are sorry, but Zos can't mail out those codes due to some other technical issue.....". Its just a gut feeling lol
  • Ojustaboo
    ItsRejectz wrote: »
    Bet they didnt have the codes yet, nothing to do with not being allowed to give codes our prior to the 8th... my opinion anyway

    So both MS and Sony are witholding their codes for Zenimax? And both will give to Zenimax at the same time.

    Call me sceptical but I don't believe that .
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