Limited Bags, Crafting Bags & Encumbrance: Concepts

In light if the controversy the unlimited crafting bags for ESO+ members seems to be causing I thought it would be nice to re-visit this concept. I personally believe that the below concept for "Crafting Material Bags" could work in conjunction WITH the announced bags and would give non-ESO+ members the options they desire. The below "No-Restriction Inventory Bags" would also be able to be used by ESO+ members to increase their non-crafting inventory space.

Inventory continues to be an issue in ESO, but this doesn’t mean that everyone can’t be given an opportunity to benefit from a few items that could be added to the crown store.

The general rule for bags are as follows:
  • Will consume one inventory space.
  • Cannot contain other bags.
  • Can be moved between the Bank and Inventory while full.
  • Cannot be sold to or traded to another player.
  • Cannot be "destroyed" unless they are completely empty.
  • Should be able to name bags for easy reference and organization.
  • Right clicking items in a bag and selecting "Remove From Bag" would place the bag back into the main inventory.
  • Backpacks should be able to be equipped if desired, creating a visible backpack on the character model. This could be accomplished by allowing backpacks to be equipped in the costume slot OR in the accessory slot as described HERE

Bag Suggestions
  • No-Restriction Inventory Bags: These bags provide a set number of inventory spaces. These bags should, by default, fall under the Miscellaneous Category and maybe players should be allowed to "assign" a category to the bag so that the bag appears in that inventory tab. Buying more than one of these bags will give the player multiple bags. These are not Character Bound.
    1. Large Backpack (2000 Crowns): Provides 30 Inventory Spaces
    2. Medium Backpack (1500 Crowns): Provides 25 inventory spaces
    3. Small Backpack (1000 Crowns): Provides 20 inventory spaces
    4. Heavy Sack (750 Crowns): Provides 15 inventory spaces
    5. Sack (500 Crowns): Provides 10 inventory spaces
    6. Small Sack (250 Crowns): Provides 5 inventory spaces
  • Lock-Boxes: These little portable lock-boxes are for players who would like a way to prevent themselves from accidentally selling or deconstructing items. Placing an item in a lockbox will keep it safe! Buying more than one of these boxes will simply increase the total inventory available in the box. These are Character bound.
    1. Locked Box (1000 Crowns): Provides 10 inventory spaces
    2. Locked Purse (500 Crowns): Provides 5 inventory spaces
  • Thieves Bags:These inventory bags can only accept items that are stolen and not yet laundered. Buying more than one of these bags will simply increase the total inventory available in the bag. These bags are account bound. Empty bags can be placed in the bank.
    • Bag of Holding (1000 Crowns): Provides players with a 20 space inventory bag. When a player steals an item, and there is room in the bag, the newly stolen item is automatically placed into the bag of holding. The maximum number of spaces should be quite large. Perhaps even as much as 100 spaces.
    • Burglar's Bounty (2000 Crowns): Provides players with a 5 space bag. Placing an item in this bag will prevent the item from being taken if stopped by a guard. Max number of space should be large, but not as large as the Bag of Holding. Perhaps 25 spaces.
  • Crafting Material Bags: These bags have enough spaces to hold one stack of every type of material for the specific craft. Only the specific craft’s materials can be placed within the corresponding bag and those materials should automatically be placed into the bag if picked up while the player has the bag in their possession.
    1. Alchemist Satchel (1500 Crowns)
    2. Blacksmith’s Haversack (1500 Crowns)
    3. Clothier’s Tote (1500 Crowns)
    4. Enchanter’s Purse (1500 Crowns)
    5. Provisioner’s Knapsack (1500 Crowns)
    6. Woodworker’s Duffel (1500 Crowns)
  • Fisherman's Tackle (1500 Crowns): Provides enough room to carry a stack of each type of bait and a stack of each type of available fish. Fishing materials should automatically be placed into the bag if picked up while the player has the bag in their possession. (a nod goes to @Tommy1979AtWar for this concept)

Over-Encumbrance: This new inventory mechanic will allow players to pick up MORE than their inventory space permits. This allows players to temporarily over-burden themselves so they are not strictly limited to their inventory space. Since Over-Encumbrance only occurs when a player exceeds the number of inventory spaces they have available, players are able to purchase bags and immediately relieve themselves of their Over-Encumbered status.

There are three stages of Over-Encumbrance. Players are only prompted of their Over-Encumbrance during the third stage, Heavily Over-Encumbered.
  • Slightly Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying up to 5 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”
    • Paying to travel to a Wayshrine costs 5X more than normal and players can use Wayshrines.
    • Player default speed is the normal running speed. If players press the sprint button they will spring but will receive the prompt “You are Slightly Encumbered”
    • Players can use their mounts normally
  • Moderately Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying up to 6-10 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”;
    • Paying to travel to a Wayshrine costs 10X more than normal and players can use Wayshrines.
    • Players default speed is reduced to walking speed. If they press the sprint button they will run, consume stamina, and will receive the prompt “You are Moderately Encumbered”.
    • Players can use their mounts, but cannot sprint. They can run normally and if they try to sprint they receive the prompt “You are Moderately Encumbered”.
  • Heavily Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying 11-15 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”,
    • Players cannot pay to travel to a Wayshrine, but can still use Wayshrines.
    • Player speed is reduced to walking speed. Players cannot run and if they try to run faster wish the sprint key, they will receive the prompt “You are Heavily Encumbered”.
    • Players can use their mounts. Mount speed is reduced to walking speed and cannot sprint. If they try to sprint they will move at regular running speed and will consume stamina. They will also receive the prompt “You are Heavily Encumbered”.
  • Greatly Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying 16-20 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”, cannot pay to travel to a Wayshrine, or use a Wayshrine.
    • Player speed is completely removed. If they try to move they receive the message "You are Greatly Encumbered." Players cannot sprint or run normally, but they can walk by using the sprint key. They will also receive the prompt “You are Greatly Encumbered”.
    • Players can use their mounts. Mount speed is reduced to walking speed and cannot sprint. If they try to sprint they receive the prompt “You are Greatly Encumbered”.
  • Over-Encumbered
    • Players who are carrying 20-25 more items than their inventory allows
    • Players cannot use “go to”, cannot pay to travel to a Wayshrine, or use a Wayshrine.
    • Player speed is completely removed. Players cannot sprint, run normally, or walk. They cannot move normally, or by sprinting. If they try, they will receive the prompt “You are Over-Encumbered”. Players are stuck right where they are.
    • Players can use their mounts. Mount speed is reduced to walking speed and cannot sprint. As they walk, they will consume stamina and they will recieve the message "You are Over Encumbered." If they try to sprint they just receive the message “You are Over Encumbered.".

This might be simpler in chart format.

Potions for Over-Encumbrance
  • Potions of Feather: These potions allow a player who is over-encumbered to alleviate the symptoms of being burdened. ZOS could include these as craftable items or purchasable through the Crown Store. Potions can be stacked so a player who is Heavily Encumbered can use one Bargain potion and one Cheap potion to relieve their Encumbrance. If a player uses more than one potion of the same quality they increase the duration of the potion.
    1. Bargain Potion of Feather: Relieve one level of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes
    2. Cheap Potion of Feather: Relieves two levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes.
    3. Quaity Potion of Feather: Relieves three levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes.
    4. Advanced Potion of Feather: Relieves four levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes.
    5. Superior Potion of Feather: Relieves five levels of over-encumbrance for 10 minutes.
    6. Exclusive Potion of Feather: Relieves ALL levels of over-encumbrance for 5 minutes.

I believe these additions will give players what they desire, more inventory, while providing ZOS with another means for revenue. Thoughts?
Edited by Gidorick on May 31, 2016 4:25AM
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  • pecheckler
    If the crown store starts to offer these bags as you suggest, or bank space, then I want a refund of the hundreds of thousands of gold back I've spent on the upgrades.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Gidorick
    pecheckler wrote: »
    If the crown store starts to offer these bags as you suggest, or bank space, then I want a refund of the hundreds of thousands of gold back I've spent on the upgrades.

    These offerings wouldn't change that mechanic or prices. They would be in addition to what we currently have.
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  • Gidorick
    Originally I also included stamina buffs and fall damage protection in the Potion of Feather but I thought it made them needlessly complicated. :neutral:
    Edited by Gidorick on April 3, 2015 12:23PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Laerania_ESO
    kiss principle
  • Gidorick
    lol. Exactly. I kept it simple...
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Gidorick
    I was thinking today that if this option gets added then it would open up the possibility of a "Burden" spell/potion effect to where the player gets hit with burden and their max number of inventory slots is reduced. Of course, this would be an artificial reduction for a period of time to where a players max inventory can go from 100 to 80 but their absolute max would stay at 112.

    Could be an interesting mechanic... especially for guards to use.
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  • Elder_III
    I like the concept of "Feather" since it used to be a staple of TES games. However, the game has larger issues to work on then inventing a brand new system like that. So just putting some Inventory Space Increase items on the Crown Store would be GREAT in my opinion. I'd have a reason to keep subbing then. Right now the only reason for me to sub is to have 3 days cut off my last few Craft Research Timers. :neutral:
    Semi retired from the trading aspects of the game.
  • Gidorick
    Elder_III wrote: »
    I like the concept of "Feather" since it used to be a staple of TES games. However, the game has larger issues to work on then inventing a brand new system like that. So just putting some Inventory Space Increase items on the Crown Store would be GREAT in my opinion. I'd have a reason to keep subbing then. Right now the only reason for me to sub is to have 3 days cut off my last few Craft Research Timers. :neutral:

    This is, by FAR, the most frequent response to concepts I post on this form. The game will ALWAYS have "larger issues"... at some point the game growing needs to take priority.

    A system like this would create regular, steady income for ZOS and include a mechanic that is pretty much a staple in TES games. It's also a system that would make immediate and regular money for ZOS, which is good for the longevity of the game.

    ESO is a year old... content and growth has already been stifled because "larger issues" have taken priority. Besides, the people working on many of these issues (lag in Cyrodiil) and most likely not the same people that would work on stuff like adding inventory bags.

    Edited by Gidorick on April 6, 2015 12:53AM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
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  • Sinthrax
    And just to think we could have had all this for $15 a month. People didn't want to pay that but would spend a small fortune on all mentioned above. I must not be human because I will never understand.

    People raised heck and and refused to buy the game with a sub only to come here afterwards and suggest more expensive things to buy. Again, I must not be human because I will never understand.
  • Gidorick
    I'm right there with you @Sinthrax. I have suggested a slew of concepts over the past 6 months or so (I didn't feel the need to suggest ideas and whatnot until September) and I really need to go back and say "and this is how they can be monetized"... So many of the future design decisions are changing because the game needs to make money off of the crown store now and I would personally prefer to keep the integrity of the game and pay for things like bags, potions of feather, more character slots, etc... than have things like Fire Horses running about for absolutely no reason.

    I wasn't really dreading the whole buy-to-play transition but the day ESO got the Crown Store and I saw multiple fire horses and Drauger polymorphs running about I kind of felt like ESO lost something... something that was special.


    ANYWAY! That's behind us now. Time to move forward! Onward and upward and it's suggestions like these that will help ESO make money for the future AND will keep the spirit of ESO intact.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • LIQUID741
    Honestly surprised at the limited items in the Crown Store. It's all fluff...I'm against P2W, but not having XP potions for just lvling to max (Not CP people), having name change, race change, bag slots, bank slots, just boggles me. I understand "all in due time" but sometimes it feels as they don't want money. I would throw money at them for the right non P2W items/services.
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • Valymer
    The Crown Store is still in its infancy, just wait until after console launch then you will see the speed at which items get added
  • Betahkiin
    Reminds me to DDO.

    Collapsed portable hole, bags of gems, ingredients and collectables, load capacity and its effects on the mobility of the character.

    Might work, but it would be good to improve the management system of these bags because in this game, move the contents in the a bag to the personal inventory or bank space is a headache ...

    in DDO the load capacity is related to the statistical Strength.

    As for load capacity, in TESO should be associated with the amount of stamina of the character.

    Thus characters with as much stamina could charge more weight.

    Como referencia:
  • Cernow
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Inventory continues to be an issue in ESO

    Can I stop you right there? Inventory does continue to be a major issue in ESO. But they need to address this, properly and fix the underlying issues, not apply some band-aid bought from the cash shop.

    It's a slippery slope. If they start offering extra bag space for real money, where's the incentive to fix the underlying problems? And what's to stop them simply adding heaps more junk for people to carry around, better still heaps of extra junk that doesn't stack.

    There's two fixes which should be implemented which would go a long way to fixing most of the problems. These are things which are standard in most major MMOs, but not here for some inexpicable reason.

    1) There needs to be a materials bank.

    2) All trophies / toys need to go to collections (i.e. a trophy cabinet).

  • TheShadowScout
    Between backpack upgrades and horse carrying capacity, I am generally content with my characters personal inventory.
    The only thing I'd wish for was disguises turning into costumes upon completion of the matching quest, and vanishing from my inventory to be added to the costume tab and available from there (as pure cosmetic choice for roleplaying support, without disguising effect)

    Bank space however... why does it have to stop at 240??? I need to store so much more crafting stuff... and have some left over to fill with gear-to-be-trait-researched-later...
    Buying extra bank spaces is something I would spend my crowns on.
  • maryriv
    Sinthrax wrote: »
    And just to think we could have had all this for $15 a month. People didn't want to pay that but would spend a small fortune on all mentioned above. I must not be human because I will never understand.

    People raised heck and and refused to buy the game with a sub only to come here afterwards and suggest more expensive things to buy. Again, I must not be human because I will never understand.

    The vast majority of us did not like the payment method change, it still doesn't set well with us.
  • osaceeub17_ESO
    I refuse to spend crowns on fluff pets.

    saving my crowns when i can get more bank space or inventory space.
  • Lirkin
    I like the more space but don't like the idea of becoming encumbered.

  • Gidorick
    c00lmon wrote: »
    I like the more space but don't like the idea of becoming encumbered.

    That's what so great about this concept is you don't HAVE to be over encumbered! Just don't exceed your inventory space. Easy peasy. :wink:
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  • Gidorick
    I refuse to spend crowns on fluff pets.

    saving my crowns when i can get more bank space or inventory space.

    I would think this concept would allow players to place their bags inside their bank. Spend 3K crowns on 2 Blacksmith’s Haversacks and never worry about having enough room for your blacksmithing needs again!
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Heromofo
    Waiting on my fluffy bunny costume and unicorn of power. lol
  • idk
    To complicated and part of your suggestion (similar incumberence to skyrim) is thankfully not in this game. Not sure why someone would suggest trying to provide more space yet in the next breath want to make it more complicated.
  • Moonscythe
    I'm up for the crafting bags even if they only hold one stack they free my personal inventory for other stuff I pick up. I can see the ire of players who have spent mega gold for storage but at lower levels players don't have mega gold and they are the ones scurrying around on resource runs. I have had players steal the chest contents when I had to destroy something in inventory first. It was my chest, I opened it but there is nothing I can do.
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
    Lalin del Sombra - Bosmer Sorcerer (alchemy/enchanting)
    Angevin Sarkany - Bosmer Dragonknight
    Alkemene Velothi - Dunmer Warden (Morrowind)
    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • Gidorick
    To complicated and part of your suggestion (similar incumberence to skyrim) is thankfully not in this game. Not sure why someone would suggest trying to provide more space yet in the next breath want to make it more complicated.

    Lol. This is actually simplified from my original suggestion. It's actually not very complicated... carry to much, you slow down. Potion of feather allows you to ignore the encumbrance status. Simple!

    So, I'm wondering, you prefer the current system where you are just "full" and can carry no more?
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • Divinius
    I honestly don't like any of the ideas presented.

    Bags as items, the "encumbrance" system with potions... They are all very overly-complicated ways to solve a simple issue.

    If they want to make money off of the people that want more inventory space, all they need to do is to simply offer upgrades that can be purchased for crowns instead of gold.
  • Gidorick
    Divinius wrote: »
    I honestly don't like any of the ideas presented.

    Bags as items, the "encumbrance" system with potions... They are all very overly-complicated ways to solve a simple issue.

    If they want to make money off of the people that want more inventory space, all they need to do is to simply offer upgrades that can be purchased for crowns instead of gold.

    Apparently, you guys don't care about this feeling more like a TES game. These mechanics would add immersion and would add mechanics to the game, making a richer experience.

    It's not complicated, it's immersive.

    But you're free to dislike the idea. Thanks for the input. I just personally see a problem in the game (inventory) and I ask what would be the best way to solve this issue for all those involved. This concept gives players multiple options on how to manage their inventory and it gives ZOS multiple items for the crown store which would translate to more regular revenue than if they were to just at 10 inventory slots in the crown store for 1000 Crowns.

    A player's out adventuring. They become over encumbered. They don't want to drop anything, crown store portion of feather is available! if they want to spend more, bags are available.

    Oh and bags could be moved from inventory to bank and back making them more versatile than straight inventory space.

    But, that's just how I see it.

    Edited by Gidorick on April 27, 2015 5:21PM
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
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  • baratron
    This idea is awesome. So reminiscent of Oblivion <3.
    Guildmaster of the UESP Guild on the North American PC/Mac Server 2200+ CP & also found on the European PC/Mac Server 1700+ CP

    These characters are on both servers:
    Alix de Feu - Breton Templar Healer level 50
    Brings-His-Own-Forest - Argonian Warden Healer level 50
    Hrodulf Bearpaw - Nord Warden Bear Friend & identical twin of Bjornolfr level 50
    Jadisa al-Belkarth - Redguard Arcanist looking for a role

    NA-only characters:
    Martin Draconis - Imperial Sorceror Healer (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Arzhela Petit - Breton Dragonknight Healer (Daggerfall Covenant) level 50
    Bjornolfr Steel-Shaper - Nord Dragonknight Crafter & Not-Much-Damage Dealer (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
    Verandis Bloodraven - Altmer Nightblade Healer & clone of Count Verandis Ravenwatch (Aldmeri Dominion) level 50
    Gethin Oakrun - Bosmer Nightblade Thief & terrible Tank (Ebonheart Pact) level 50
  • istateres
    WAY too complicated! If ZOS wants to make money on bag space, they should try this:

    +5 Bank space for each concurrent month of ESO Plus (all bonuses lost when membership expires)

    That would make them some real money!!
  • Heromofo
    istateres wrote: »
    WAY too complicated! If ZOS wants to make money on bag space, they should try this:

    +5 Bank space for each concurrent month of ESO Plus (all bonuses lost when membership expires)

    That would make them some real money!!

    So if your credit card bounces one month because unkown reasons trust me it happens had an error happen.
    You lose all of your built up space? Why not just have it increase and stay that way even someone earns 300 bag space then good on em thats alotnof subbing.
  • c.p.garrett1993_ESO
    I like the idea of crafting material bags.
    This alone is more than enough. If I had an extra bag for crafting materials my bank would be practically empty and my inventory problems would be gone.

    I don't care for the backpack options unless they are permanent, account-wide options. I would not want these to take up inventory space and have to deal with an inventory inside of an inventory. Especially multiple ones.

    Over-encumbrance is better off gone.
    It never made sense to be able to carry 10,000 KG no problem, then pick up a single feather and you can't walk.
    The concept of inventory space is much easier, especially if upgrades and crafting bags were to be offered.
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