The solution is extremely simple. Put PvP on a separate server.
@yodased , agreed. Somehow I suspect they're moving more data back and forth than is necessary. Many things could be handled client-side once the initial trigger was in place. We all don't need exactly the same view, just the illusion of it.It wouldn't be magic, it would be optimizing code and changing the game engine to one that wouldn't render individual particle effects for each player x every player.
Thats not magic, although science sometimes seems like magic.
Regardless that isn't going to happen, sure as *** not by tuesday, so they simply need to make it worth peoples while to not zerg or make it detrimental to zerg.
Positive or negative reinforcement, whichever they want to do is needed, but it has to happen right meow.
I have been in business a long time and it is very easy to see what is being said here. Let me translate..........We are not going to be putting anymore resources into Cyrodiil. It is up to the players to fix it themselves. It's done. They don't know how to fix it or don't want to spend the money to fix it. Sad.
Rook_Master wrote: »No, what's unreasonable is people screaming "UPGRADE YOUR SERVERZZZ!!!"
Disincentivizing large zergs and encouraging people to spread out to different objectives in Cyrodiil would be a good change anyway.
People holding out for some magical fix to the lag caused by large zergs have their heads stuck in the sand.
How bout pull you head out... this kind of pvp worked perfectly years ago in DAoC with a heck of a lot more people at sieges then we see here, if it could be done 10 years ago, with the tech we have now they sure as heck can fix the issue or should never have had the issue since DAY 1.
I could not draw the same conclusion from what was said. I think when we over speculate on official statements we will make ZOS hesitant to make any official remarks in the future.
How bout pull you head out... this kind of pvp worked perfectly years ago in DAoC with a heck of a lot more people at sieges then we see here, if it could be done 10 years ago, with the tech we have now they sure as heck can fix the issue or should never have had the issue since DAY 1.
I have been in business a long time and it is very easy to see what is being said here. Let me translate..........We are not going to be putting anymore resources into Cyrodiil. It is up to the players to fix it themselves. It's done. They don't know how to fix it or don't want to spend the money to fix it. Sad.
I imagine a lot of it is due to technical issues with their "not really, we promise" tweaked version of Hero Engine. Still though, it'd be nice to participate in PVP as advertised one day...
How could you not see what was said, rephrasing it, he said we can not fix the problem so we are going to change you the player and AGAIN make you do what we want you to do "not play as you want to" and we are going to change your mind from large scale PvP which was one of our MAIN SELLING POINTS besides the fact that you could PLAY AS YOU WANT TO which we are not letting you do that now...
Pretty much sums it up.
You understand a console is essentially nothing more than an optimized/streamlined PC, right?Bfish22090 wrote: »I wonder what PvP will be like on console... Me thinks it won't be as much lag