LadyDestiny wrote: »Seriously? This costs gold now? Is it intended or a bug? I can't believe with the high cost of everything and the complaints that they would do something like this. They must be sitting back having a good laugh. Good job ZoS, this just keeps getting better and better.......I used to be nice person but this company has brought out the worst in me.
your toon looks like its cheeks are puffed out
making people pay for /stuck is a terrible design choice by the way
So, you're one of the botters then? They are the only ones with any reason to be glad for this, since it opens up an even bigger market for the gold sellers.
This was exploited to all heck, so I'm glad they put in in.
Has anybody tried it with no gold? Does it result in a death or free ride ? or are you stuck until a gm/cs helps you out?