- Use Caltrops
- Stand in Caltrops field
- Damage from siege weapons = 0
SwampRaider wrote: »
Pretty much. It's disgusting.
I even tried this:
Enemy throws caltrops down on themselves
I throw caltrops on enemies caltrops.
They take damage from my caltrops, but not my siege weapons.
SwampRaider wrote: »They take damage from my caltrops, but not my siege weapons.
This needs to be fixed asap. This is worse than any of the vamp, bolt, or talons issues. Craglorn should be put on a back burner even for this. Between the AoE caps and this the large groups are invincible.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »The state of PVP has completely imploded. Once this gets into widespread use on Wabbajack (and I expect it to today), then that's it, there are no more servers where it won't be flooded with cheaters and the honest players are driven out.
ZOS needs to fix this RIGHT NOW.
You're a little late on that. I was playing last night and everyone was spamming caltrops on all factions. Fought fr 2 hr without using siege weapons. It was the worst PvP experience so far, right behind pre-50's bring useless in PvP and batswarm spammers.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »Some of the worst abusing of these exploits that I could think of were used heavily last night by a certain group to completely run the map on the server that we use for PVP last night. Later in the evening as the population dwindled -- mostly logging in disgust -- they started pulling worse tricks out of their bag such as jumping into defended inner keeps.
It was bad. Really bad, and it completely breaks the game. PVP is now unplayable since the exploit has now taken over.
Censorious wrote: »Where were you during the Middle Ages?
Oil pots have always been used to defend from above, for very obvious reasons.
The fact that it's difficult to make a game where damage affects people properly doesn't negate the fact that it's highly unrealistic.
Some would say 'immersion breaking' (there - I've said it)
If you start making distinctions about what skills are 'meant' to do and how much damage they are 'meant' to produce you really need to consider more carefully what the game is supposed to represent.