Well, that's going to be interesting. I have a character on the EU server with the same name as a character on the NA server who's already on the PTS... I wonder if that'll cause a database error of some kind?
as they said, they are deleting NA from PTS ( we will need to use templates) and then loading EU...
Well, that's going to be interesting. I have a character on the EU server with the same name as a character on the NA server who's already on the PTS... I wonder if that'll cause a database error of some kind?
Edit: Hang on a minute, what's going to happen to our Guilds? I know for a fact that there's a Guild on the European server with the same name as my Guild on the North American server, since we're from the same site.
frank.bindb16_ESO wrote: »A prefix won't be useful without changing the field length.
Characters Tim and Tom will be NAm and NAm after "prefixing".
suffix would be the same problem too, if 2 chars has the same name only with a difference in the last 2 letters.
frank.bindb16_ESO wrote: »A prefix won't be useful without changing the field length.
Characters Tim and Tom will be NAm and NAm after "prefixing".
suffix would be the same problem too, if 2 chars has the same name only with a difference in the last 2 letters.
I'm sure he meant NA_Tim and NA_Tom, or something like that, but yes.. if they set the database field length for name to the same number of chars they allow us to use.. well.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »I would think they'd be able to effectively merge the databases for PTS purposes.
Simply put, if you have a character on your Megaserver only, it should get copied over. If you have one on both, then the most recent copy takes precedence.
This would allow NA and EU to have their own characters available always, in addition to the templates (via DELETE).
Rollbacks are one thing - I get that it's the PTS, but fully wiping characters when there is nothing to overwrite seems unnecessary and impedes testing further.
I understand from a database perspective, it's easy to move the whole thing than to merge, but it seems counterproductive from a testing standpoint for those that exist solely on one megaserver or the others.
This way EU wouldn't have to wait, neither would NA. Period copies from live could update accordingly then.
I'd rather they provide proper templates, with crafting materials, traits researched and such as well.
Please, if it isn't too hard, allows us to get other raid / dungeon sets of armor. Those of us that Theorycraft are very interested in running additional tests. Maybe make all vr12 - vr 14 gear (not crafted) avaliable on a vendor for 1 gold per piece?
The problem is as said that merging databases at this level of complexity is far from easy, you have to consider that in both these copies will be characters, guilds, etc. sharing the same name as well as the guilds having the same vendor hired, and lots of other weird small things that seem insignificant .. but really aren't, from a technical perspective.
I'd rather they provide proper templates, with crafting materials, traits researched and such as well.
Merlin13KAGL wrote: »
@pppontus , agreed, there is much complexity involved and it's the subtle things that would make it difficult.
Personally, I'd be willing to (have the option to) forgo certain functionality in lieu of being able to continue to test (remove my PTS'd character's guild status, for instance.)
Obviously the side effect of this is that certain things get tested and others do not. It's a catch 22.
A check box to link to the EU/NA database on PTS adds just as many issues as it 'fixes.'
I hate that only one set gets to test their live copies at a time. Our friends across the pond shouldn't have to wait either though.
On a side note, saw your video on Praxin fight. Glad (?) to see we weren't the only ones that got obliterated by spirit spiders.
Have you had any luck with Vet Group Dungeons since? I know you've had success with some 1.6 Trial runs.
You shall rue this day...You're welcome (greetings from EU)!