- you can see the price per month 499 RUR, its official ZOS subscription price for Russia, if you will register new account and write "Russia" in the country field
- 16.12.2014, exchange rate 499 RUR=8,77 USD
- and exchange rate still falling, and will fall alot more, im sure about it, because of oil prices.
- so in the near few weeks/months you can buy cards for two month of subscription like for $15 or less!
- you can just google russian sites for buying time-cards, using translation tools, etc
- you dont need a new account, just go on the russian sites and buy cards 999 RUR=$17,56 for two month!
- Profit!
P.S. its not exploit or smthing - its official, legit method, allowed by ZOS.
Edited by QuadroTony on December 16, 2014 3:46PM