While I certainly understand the hue and cry to make the faction veteran zones easier, I think it is a big mistake.
My static duo playing partner and I were looking forward to the increased difficulty of the veteran zones, since we pretty much decimate everything in the core 1-50 content. We will now have nothing to look forward to in ESO gameplay for a long time, if we last that long.
It is questionable as to whether we will stay on with ESO; this game is great as a single-player game. Not so great as a multiplayer game; and that is what we like to play.
I am sure lots of folks will be happy with the change (if they do not get mind numbingly bored from the easy-mode repetitive questing). To those folks, I wish you well.
Kind of sad. I suspect I know what my partner's response to this news is going to be.
While I certainly understand the hue and cry to make the faction veteran zones easier, I think it is a big mistake.
My static duo playing partner and I were looking forward to the increased difficulty of the veteran zones, since we pretty much decimate everything in the core 1-50 content. We will now have nothing to look forward to in ESO gameplay for a long time, if we last that long.
It is questionable as to whether we will stay on with ESO; this game is great as a single-player game. Not so great as a multiplayer game; and that is what we like to play.
I am sure lots of folks will be happy with the change (if they do not get mind numbingly bored from the easy-mode repetitive questing). To those folks, I wish you well.
Kind of sad. I suspect I know what my partner's response to this news is going to be.
1) its soooooo slow to gain vet ranks. you have to complete everything in one zone just to get to the next rank. and that is just for the first 5 VR. starting from V5 onwards even doing everything would get you close to the next rank. i like to quest usually but Vet content made me hate it and love grinding instead.
Sadley numbers matter more and you don't really matter when in the long scheme of things of getting subscribers to play this game. Honestly most go my the creed of reward being in time risk or difficulty. This games VR has failed to provide an enticing reward to keep those paying to play and them returning to their old MMO to keep investing in them.
BTW If you are worried content is too easy - take some armor off / don't use pots or food / and keep healing spells off your skill bar to increase it - increasing difficulty is easy for an individual player to do.
Casuals always win.
until you have experienced how broken vet content is currently then don't make rash judgments. there are good reasons why many people would rather grind for hours in craglorn than have to put up with vet zones as they are now.
here are some reasons vet zones are just bad:
1) its soooooo slow to gain vet ranks. you have to complete everything in one zone just to get to the next rank. and that is just for the first 5 VR. starting from V5 onwards even doing everything would get you close to the next rank. i like to quest usually but Vet content made me hate it and love grinding instead.
2) you get much better rewards from the craglorn grind. its very similar to farming public dungeons in that i can get lot of blues and purples. very rarely would i get a blue from the vet quests and never any purples.
3) storm atronachs, gargoyles, and other mobs are just too powerful. hope you love dying because you will do that alot in vet. you go from decimating mobs to getting decimated. everything is faster, hits harder, and is tougher to kill.
4) because of 1-3 you don't see alot of people in vet zones. prepare to just accept the fact that group of mobs are going to kill you and try to avoid them or run thru them as far as you can before they kill you. again you are going to die alot. bring stacks of soul gems.
While I certainly understand the hue and cry to make the faction veteran zones easier, I think it is a big mistake.
My static duo playing partner and I were looking forward to the increased difficulty of the veteran zones, since we pretty much decimate everything in the core 1-50 content. We will now have nothing to look forward to in ESO gameplay for a long time, if we last that long.
It is questionable as to whether we will stay on with ESO; this game is great as a single-player game. Not so great as a multiplayer game; and that is what we like to play.
I am sure lots of folks will be happy with the change (if they do not get mind numbingly bored from the easy-mode repetitive questing). To those folks, I wish you well.
Kind of sad. I suspect I know what my partner's response to this news is going to be.
nawlinzbilly wrote: »
Jessica said, that "SOLO" play in veteran zones would be easier. If you're going to make post about how you don't like it, at least state all the facts!!
nawlinzbilly wrote: »Jessica said, that "SOLO" play in veteran zones would be easier.
While I certainly understand the hue and cry to make the faction veteran zones easier, I think it is a big mistake.
My static duo playing partner and I were looking forward to the increased difficulty of the veteran zones, since we pretty much decimate everything in the core 1-50 content. We will now have nothing to look forward to in ESO gameplay for a long time, if we last that long.
It is questionable as to whether we will stay on with ESO; this game is great as a single-player game. Not so great as a multiplayer game; and that is what we like to play.
I am sure lots of folks will be happy with the change (if they do not get mind numbingly bored from the easy-mode repetitive questing). To those folks, I wish you well.
Kind of sad. I suspect I know what my partner's response to this news is going to be.
AlienDiplomat wrote: »
Simply not true! Have you actually done vet content after they raised all the XP levels? I hit vet 6 just doing solo delves and dolmens while skyshard hunting in the first tier. You do NOT get more XP from craglorn. The anomalies and other group evens give an average 22k XP. You get an average 50k to 80k XP or more from doing a SINGLE solo dungeon boss achievement in vet content. ~50k the first time you do a dolmen. 50k to 80k for each world boss.
If anything I level too fast! I was going to make a new set of gear at vet 7 but just running around skyshard hunting I am already 2/3 to vet 8.
There are one or two types of mobs that you actually MIGHT have to get one or two other players to help with in an online game, and that is perceived as a DOWN side? Seriously, I solo veteran 10 world bosses at veteran level 7 using an ultimate and a crowd control ability. I can't believe this is really what the industry has come to, that if ANYTHING requires getting a couple people to help with in an ONLINE game, we have to remove the fun and challenging aspect of the entire game. But that's just me. I used to LIKE online games.
1) It is summer vacation.
2) Several long-anticipated rival games just released.
3) Craglorn is no more populated than the veteran zones.
I WAS worried about this easy mode BLAH! But I think....they tested the water with this post....and as you can read....quiter alot was against it.
those who where for it....had intersting reasons.
" I want faster lvl for my alts" ....... thatss thinking about the game right? heh