heavy works fine for my DPS guy.
You take the armour suited to the stat you need upping. Traditionally in a lot of games Casters have been denied access to Hvy Armour. I guess its all the arm waving stuff they do.
Does heavy armor need a buff, absolutely.
I would like to point out though that one cannot compare 7% melee damage with 42% spell penetration as those percentages are based on complete different numbers and mechanics.
CapuchinSeven wrote: »No you can reach the SOFT cap, there is nothing wrong with putting more into a stat already at softcap (even more so if it's free), you're just not getting the same gains anymore.
If you're hitting the HARD cap, then you have a problem. While you wouldn't want to keep spending lots of points in something at softcap, there is nothing wrong with going well into the softcap when you're getting that for free. It does make a difference, and armour is one place you can see that difference.
Cheatingdeath23 wrote: »I am stubbornly wearing 7/7 heavy armor because I like the look of it and think that is how my character WOULD wear armor as a tank.
That said, everything I have read/seen/discussed is that light armor is the best and I just need two rings to get armor protection.
It is frustrating, I think they need to come up with some way to make heavy armor better. I've fully specced out into heavy armor and it feels like a waste-- even adding a "chainmail heavy" would help, which would have less armor than current heavy (more than medium) but provide stamina regen in addition to the health regen of current heavy.
Funny, i just switched to light armor from heavy and im dying a lot less in PvP now.OK you want to be a better healer, with magicka regen, pool and etc with heavy armor than with light.
This is like say why I can't eat better my pasta with a spoon that with a fork!! whyy!!! cry cry etc
You can eat your pasta with a spoon, but don't expect that it has to be the same that with a fork!
Heavy armor is for tank, pasives are different from light armor, and of course you can enchant your armor with magicka and magicka regen. You will heal and you will be more tanky.
But somebody with light armor, will heal more, will have more magicka, but will not be so tanky.
Is all about what you want, but you can't have all the good things, every decision will have pros and cons.
ESO gives you the option to build what you want, you have no restrictions, but the choises you make will have positive and negative results.
The 1% absorb (in stamina/magicka) while blocking was put in game finally or not? If yes maybe they should maybe try 2% or even better let it like that but drain 1% if blocking while wearing light or medium armor.
Maybe this should solve the problem of perma blocking light armor caster wich are a pain in Cyro for me.
Its not while blocking, just simply being hit. If you are hit, you gain 0.15% of your max HP as stamina and magicka per piece of heavy armor worn(comes out as 1.05% in full heavy), with a 2 second internal cooldown.
AsweetRoll wrote: »Heavy armor really does need some love I think heavy armor should be built more for people who want to use magika and stamina but also sustain in health. To call it useless is not true though. Some of my DK buddies can block forever with potion cooldowns, 7/7heavy armor, sword and shield, juggernaut+warlock set. It's not that viable to 1vX or do group play but not useless just needs love.
I am PVPing in Heavy because it is my leveling/pve equipment, and one thing I notice is that combining heavy with Hist Bark is pretty tremendous - the dodge while blocking really helps control stamina (as it makes those blocks use 0 stamina) and I think I am a lot more survivable than people expect me to be, especially as I am only V11.
I fought a 1v4 today after being sniped off a horse, and managed to kill one of them before dying just by dropping my standard and using talons - they stayed in the standard expecting to kill me before they died, but I didn't die until the standard wore and managed one kill and nearly 2 for my trouble. My opponents were all V12-14, though not high PVP ranked.
Heavy is definitely not well positioned, but it can have some strengths - as a pure health build in heavy, snipers are really not an issue - I have been sniped off my horse, survived the 2 second CC, popped my wings and then proceded to kill the archer, as their burst only accounted for about 2/3 of my health in the 2s window - the reflect damage + invasion/talons/whip was enough to finish them rapidly when they started their rotation a 2nd time.
I find myself wanting to run Elude to spike my dodge rating and help control my stamina usage, but I agree that heavy really needs some additional help with resource management.
Agrippa_Invisus wrote: »One other combination that works well with Heavy Armor is the Arena set.
With 5 pieces of heavy you are looking at 60% off CC breaks, which makes the phenomenally cheap. Add in the fact that a HA wearer is likely to have a very high stamina pool and your CC breaks are going to consume less than 200 stamina per break.