This is starting to happen more and more. Entire teams will leave the match now. Why you might ask?
PvP has issues, that's why.
I've watched where 1 person can take 3 ults and have 3 30+hp player hitting them and not take a lick of dmg...then go on to feel like they one shot all 3.
I've seen where 1 player can basically take on both enemy teams and win. That to me seems to go way beyond skill. These ppl will go 24-0 in a BG.
Skill, exploitation, etc? IDK
What I do know is that it should never be possible for 1 player to 1v4 against pvp oriented players and not even take a single point of dmg.
I've died to 1 player bombing. Fine. I've died to 1v3 when we didn't coordinate or they use LoS like a boss. Fine.
I do NOT accept 1v4 brawler taking ULTS, meteor/dawn and just laugh it off. This isn't a single class thing.
I am not great at PvP. I suck compared to great PvPers. That said, I've been in IC with a group of 10+ actual PvP players and watched as 1 person kills us. 1 person taking 3+ ULTS at one time, no dmg, and starts killing everyone while we wail on them. That's not skill. Something is broken. That one person didn't even bother with LoS....
So I ask, what is going on?
If this type of thing is allowed, I beg one of you to give me the build so I can join in.
Is it actual exploitation? If so, what the f ZoS? This is rampant in the game Help us. Save us. Tell us what the f to do. We'll help you help us.
Is it just gear, if so what are they wearing?
HELP A PvP wannabe out!!!
(I have every class and I've tried a ton of internet builds. I admit I'm not great at pvp and could us all the help I can get, but I stand by my assertion that something isn't right with PvP.)
Urzigurumash wrote: »OP is right and the root of it is the MMR. All the time these days I get two level 500s on my team and the team of 4 level 2500s is happy to repeatedly zerg me down while the 500s are doing Dagon knows what, capturing empty flags or relics or something.
All the balance stuff is related, yeah it's a semi instagib meta, but fundamentally I believe it's the MMR.
We find out tomorrow what's in store for BGs, so this topic is probably moot.
Yet NOT ONE OF YOU share your build.
Fine. You all say it's perfectly fine. Nothing is broken. No exploits. You are the best PvPers ever.
Share the build. Exact build.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
But OP isn't talking about MMR, OP is convinced that it's a build issue while we're telling OP it's a skill issue.
This is starting to happen more and more. Entire teams will leave the match now. Why you might ask?
PvP has issues, that's why.
I've watched where 1 person can take 3 ults and have 3 30+hp player hitting them and not take a lick of dmg...then go on to feel like they one shot all 3.
I've seen where 1 player can basically take on both enemy teams and win. That to me seems to go way beyond skill. These ppl will go 24-0 in a BG.
Skill, exploitation, etc? IDK
What I do know is that it should never be possible for 1 player to 1v4 against pvp oriented players and not even take a single point of dmg.
I've died to 1 player bombing. Fine. I've died to 1v3 when we didn't coordinate or they use LoS like a boss. Fine.
I do NOT accept 1v4 brawler taking ULTS, meteor/dawn and just laugh it off. This isn't a single class thing.
I am not great at PvP. I suck compared to great PvPers. That said, I've been in IC with a group of 10+ actual PvP players and watched as 1 person kills us. 1 person taking 3+ ULTS at one time, no dmg, and starts killing everyone while we wail on them. That's not skill. Something is broken. That one person didn't even bother with LoS....
So I ask, what is going on?
If this type of thing is allowed, I beg one of you to give me the build so I can join in.
Is it actual exploitation? If so, what the f ZoS? This is rampant in the game Help us. Save us. Tell us what the f to do. We'll help you help us.
Is it just gear, if so what are they wearing?
HELP A PvP wannabe out!!!
(I have every class and I've tried a ton of internet builds. I admit I'm not great at pvp and could us all the help I can get, but I stand by my assertion that something isn't right with PvP.)
Yet NOT ONE OF YOU share your build.
Fine. You all say it's perfectly fine. Nothing is broken. No exploits. You are the best PvPers ever.
Share the build. Exact build.
But if you add one player on each opposing team that is of close skill level, unless I farm their teammates and they do the same to mine and avoid me that player is going to create enough of a threat with enough DPS and well timed ultimates with CCs that wouldn't allow me to just run over people.
StaticWave wrote: »
Exactly. All it takes is 1 player that knows how to play the game at a semi-decent level. He doesn't even need to be very close to my skill level. He just needs to be min-maxed, knows the basic CC combo and DPS rotation, and knows the basic survival mechanics to be a huge threat.
If OP thinks those players are cheating, then I can’t imagine what he would say back when the game had less damage for an average casual player. The same players he’s claiming to be “cheating” were MORE lethal and nigh unkillable several years ago lol.
I've already stated that I'm not great at PvP.
I'm fine with you all telling me it's perfectly normal for 1 person to take on entire teams and win.
That's fine.
I've already left this thing. I was done with it.
Less than a month now, then pooof...just like the rest of the pvp ppl that left the matches which is the entire point of this post.
The new PvP update may be given a chance, but highly doubtful anymore because I'll never have the skill to take on 10 ppl at the same time and win all while jumping up and down. I'm just not gonna keep punishing myself. You all win. I won't play anymore.
CameraBeardThePirate wrote: »
Why are you acting like it's our fault? You made this post to ask how people were doing it. We told you that it's a matter of learning how to defend yourself, and you're getting upset acting like we're all keeping some giant secret.
Instead of a defeatist mentality, why not take the advice we give? Practice blocking during the right moments, learn what animations mean you should dodge, and build in a bit more sustain so you can actually hang in fights for longer?
I've already stated that I'm not great at PvP.
I'm fine with you all telling me it's perfectly normal for 1 person to take on entire teams and win.
That's fine.
I've already left this thing. I was done with it.
Less than a month now, then pooof...just like the rest of the pvp ppl that left the matches which is the entire point of this post.
The new PvP update may be given a chance, but highly doubtful anymore because I'll never have the skill to take on 10 ppl at the same time and win all while jumping up and down. I'm just not gonna keep punishing myself. You all win. I won't play anymore.