Hi All, we have a brief update for you on this issue. We are continuing to plug away at investigations related to the performance issues highlighted in this thread. After a call with our leadership team, we have a few more criteria for our engineers to look at. So we need some additional information from you. Some of you have provided some of this information before, but we have a few new questions to ask. Please make sure to note the information in the order listed below. Makes it easier to send feedback when it is formatted the same way.
Additionally, we are working on getting some of your questions in this thread answered. This will take some time, so no ETA at the moment. Thanks again for your patience as we continue to work through this.
Rishikesa108 wrote: »Since the launch of Golden Pursuit, I've been experiencing a few moments where the ping gets to 999+, the character stops and can't interact with anything. It happened to me once yesterday during a dungeon, luckily it then unlocked allowing me to finish the dungeon itself; and once today, when I was just interacting with my bank, but for a few moments everything stopped and I couldn't do anything.
Booted from server right after harvesting the first node of a survey
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
They are at their lowest count in years and people are still having problems? I suppose it's not server overload then....
Maybe ZOS should try fully disabling all add-ons for a week, see if that helps. Or atleast helps with the lag/delay/disconnects some are experiencing.
PS: I feel these should all be fully disabled in PvP anyways.
Maybe ZOS should try fully disabling all add-ons for a week, see if that helps. Or atleast helps with the lag/delay/disconnects some are experiencing.
PS: I feel these should all be fully disabled in PvP anyways.
Server capacity is a leased asset and obviously costs money.
You assume server capacity is at least equal to it's 2018 state.
It may very well be, but we don't know it hasn't been reduced as population drops.
There are claims that ZOS/Bethesda temporarily increases server capacity for events, it's not a stretch to assume that the server capacity could be reduced to match inevitable predicted reduced population as games age. It's entirely possible that they can reduce capacity slightly faster than predicted population is actually dropping at any given time. It took them years to schedule timely hardware replacement even before Covid caused supply issues.
I don't claim to have inside knowledge of the inner workings of ZOS or Bethesda, but business is business, costs are a factor in any business and are adjusted all the time as conditions change.
Maybe ZOS should try fully disabling all add-ons for a week, see if that helps. Or atleast helps with the lag/delay/disconnects some are experiencing.
PS: I feel these should all be fully disabled in PvP anyways.
Why don't you spend some time on performance and bug fixes instead of adding new content for a while?
There are fewer and fewer people. This issue as well as the 2024 update was so poor (housing and BG) that it was very discouraging. And the strike of ZeniMax employees against Microsoft. The list of problems is endless.
Can we expect anything else?
Maybe ZOS should try fully disabling all add-ons for a week, see if that helps. Or atleast helps with the lag/delay/disconnects some are experiencing.
PS: I feel these should all be fully disabled in PvP anyways.
Nope. It's not a "to many people are playing" problem... it's something deep within the Engine (I make this claim based on a few assumptions and talking with friends who are network engineers and sprinkling in my years of being a Senior Software Engineer).
I think it's fairly safe to say it's not something on the surface at a code level or a hardware issue that could easily be replaced. So that leaves the engine itself or Akamai. Honestly, I'm now leaning towards the Engine being the cause and it's showing itself as an Akamai issue. In short - they are trying to add a new corvette engine (Akamai) into a beater honda and it's just not working - which honestly this could be said for any new system being added to the game.
Because it's such a deep level and if it truly is an Engine issue... this isn't something they can fix without swapping engines (which I can't see any reasonable person in leadership checking off on this investment given the remaining lifespan of this game... I mean I wouldn't if I was in their shoes).
Which leads to the last point. What do they do about it. Do they come out and say it's the engine and they can't do anything about it? If they did this... those on the fence of ending their subs would pull the trigger so they clearly can't outright come out and do it.
So then what? All that I can see remaining is playing the string along game.. which no disrespect...ZoS has mastered over the years. Given this is 7 months old... 80+ posts.... ~2.5k replies and ~110,000 views... I think we have entered that stage.
Say just enough to give hope but not enough to give answers.
This post is in NO way throwing shade/disrespect at ZoS or anyone who has been handling these issues. This is just a raw...transparent..honest perception of things as I see them through my own experiences of playing this game non stop since beta.
@ZOS_Kevin again... ZERO disrespect... did I sum things up accurately at all or am I way off base?
@ZOS_Kevin how come the updates have just stopped. How many weeks/months does it take to get leadership to answer some questions? The "vibe" for many months has been that ZoS is just waiting for this thread to die down so it's not a problem you all have to address anymore. Continued lack of action and failure to really address anything 7 months in is not helping shift that narrative.
If we wanted the thread to die, we would have closed the thread months ago, so please know that we are working on this. No one wants this to go unanswered. I just had a meeting with a new set of engineers yesterday who are now taking lead on this investigation. They are reviewing data that we have gotten from you to see if they need anything else to aid their efforts. As for the questions, will circle back with the team who is taking point answering them.
We just don't have any current update outside of what we have given already. Trust me, once I have new information, this thread will be the first to know.
If we wanted the thread to die, we would have closed the thread months ago, so please know that we are working on this. No one wants this to go unanswered.
I just had a meeting with a new set of engineers yesterday who are now taking lead on this investigation. They are reviewing data that we have gotten from you to see if they need anything else to aid their efforts.
As for the questions, will circle back with the team who is taking point answering them.
We just don't have any current update outside of what we have given already. Trust me, once I have new information, this thread will be the first to know.
If we wanted the thread to die, we would have closed the thread months ago, so please know that we are working on this. No one wants this to go unanswered. I just had a meeting with a new set of engineers yesterday who are now taking lead on this investigation. They are reviewing data that we have gotten from you to see if they need anything else to aid their efforts. As for the questions, will circle back with the team who is taking point answering them.
We just don't have any current update outside of what we have given already. Trust me, once I have new information, this thread will be the first to know.
This is why I keep asking you guys for interim status updates. If you don't want people to get the impression that nothing's being worked on, then more information is needed. It sounds like you guys have a stricter definition of what can/should be shared, and I really don't feel like it's helped the situation.
So let's take a step back. Obviously, the issue has changed hands a few times. Telling us what they've tested or even the basic question of "how big of an issue is it" will go miles. Answering concerns back to us in a formatted way, which I've given you a few times now, will go miles in turning down the heat for you and giving us some comfort. Am I wrong?
Knowing that the first set(s) of engineers were hitting a wall should've been a status update. Can you tell us what happened with the first set(s) of engineers?
I don't know your organization, but I feel like you could just look at JIRA and tell us what it's in sprint, right? You're having conversations with engineers, can't those conversations be sanitized and slotted into the format I've provided?
It sounds like you do though. If you're at the point where the issue is changing hands again, then the background on that reassignment should be a status update. What the teams are testing should be a status update, even if it's not the final solution.
KaironBlackbard wrote: »
One Idea: Temporarily ban the use of Bandits UI for a month and see if anything is fixed.
There might also be others like it causing strain on the hardware due to reaching through it to grab information to display to its user. Also I feel like there should be a setting to deny others addons from doing that.
I had to have a random tank disable his Bandits addon because it was autopinging and causing a strain on my machine.
If that also fixes the consoles having issues... There must be server overlap or something, even though there's no crossplay.
Just a thought.
If it has no effect, unban it so people don't cry bloody murder about it.
smackinhippies wrote: »I don't know why people keep brining up add-on's as a possible source of the issue, it's clearly not and seem like an attempt to muddy the thread. BOTH console platforms are having the same exact issues with lag, rubber-banding, skills misfiring, and disconnects this whole time and they don't have add-ons. Not to mention numerous PC players have the issue with or without them.
Thank you, I had to take a deep breath after Kevins reply because I didn't want to get banned. This is a good explanation of my frustrations.
I totally respect Kevin's position on this, he's a Community Manager and can only post what he's been told and given clearance to post. He's not a technical guy, and therein lies the problem as this is a purely technical thread dealing with a purely technical issue.
I feel that what is needed now is for one of the technical guys dealing with this issue to be authorised to come here and post regular updates on what they've already done, what they're doing currently, what else they are considering doing, and just how critical and common their logs show this issue to be.
Otherwise things are just going to carry on the same, no information and an occasional Community Manager update that contains no real update at all.
smackinhippies wrote: »I don't know why people keep bringing up add-on's as a possible source of the issue, it's clearly not and seem like an attempt to muddy the thread. BOTH console platforms are having the same exact issues with lag, rubber-banding, skills misfiring, and disconnects this whole time and they don't have add-ons. Not to mention numerous PC players have the issue with or without them.